aesthetic doctor Geneva

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What is urinary incontinence? incontinence?

Urinary incontinence is defined as the involuntary loss of urine. It is a common condition. A source of embarrassment and shame, women don't dare talk about it. Feelings of guilt, anxiety and depression can set in. Contrary to popular belief, this condition does not only affect older women. Urinary stress incontinence is common in women aged between forty and fifty.

What causes urinary incontinence in women?

Urinary incontinence is caused by an increase in intra-vesical pressure that overcomes the bladder sphincter, which allows urine to pass. This increase may be caused by an overactive bladder or by an increase in abdominal pressure.

The main causes of urinary stress incontinence are :

  • Childbirth: trauma to the pelvic floor muscles and supporting tissues during childbirth can weaken these structures, leading to urine leakage.
  • Ageing: with age, the muscles and supporting tissues of the pelvic floor can lose their tone and elasticity.
  • Intense physical activity: certain physical activities, particularly those involving sudden movements or intense effort, can exacerbate the symptoms of stress urinary incontinence.

There are a number of factors that increase abdominal pressure or weaken the pelvic floor muscles: constipation, being overweight, pregnancy, a sedentary lifestyle and a history of pelvic and gynaecological surgery.

Urinary incontinence: what are the solutions?

Symptoms of stress urinary incontinence include:

  • Bladder weakness during physical effort urine leakage during activities such as running, jumping or heavy lifting.
  • Leaks when coughing, laughing or sneezing urine leakage triggered by actions that suddenly increase abdominal pressure.
  • Impact on daily life and quality of life Stress urinary incontinence: stress urinary incontinence can cause social embarrassment and affect self-confidence, limiting participation in certain activities.

What are the three types of urinary incontinence?

There are three types of urinary incontinence:

  • Stress urinary incontinence: when you exert yourself physically, you suddenly leak urine without feeling the need to do so beforehand. Even minor exertion (e.g. coughing) can cause it.
  • Urge urinary incontinence: the patient feels an irrepressible need to urinate and cannot hold it.
  • Mixed urinary incontinence: the patient is affected by both types of incontinence.

    Stress urinary incontinence is the most common, affecting half of all women. In second place, in terms of frequency, is mixed incontinence and in third place is urge incontinence.

Urinary incontinence: what are the solutions?

There are several ways of treating or preventing stress urinary incontinence from worsening:

  • Kegel exercises Strengthening the pelvic floor muscles to improve bladder support.
  • Pelvic support devices Use of pessaries or other devices to support the bladder and reduce leakage.
  • Non-invasive treatments Laser treatment is a modern method of strengthening vaginal tissue and improving urinary control.
  • Surgical procedures for the most severe cases.

How can I stop bladder weakness?

Simple advice can improve this condition. The key is to eliminate the factors that contribute to the problem: constipation, being overweight, smoking, a sedentary lifestyle and factors that put excess pressure on the abdomen (carrying heavy loads, strenuous exercise, etc.).
Perineal re-education plays a fundamental role in the management of this condition. The aim is to strengthen the pelvis and control the muscles of the perineum.

How is urinary incontinence treated in women? Laser treatment for urinary incontinence

Laser treatment is a non-invasive and effective method of treating stress urinary incontinence. This treatment uses laser technology to gently heat pelvic floor tissue, stimulating collagen production and strengthening support structures.
This option is only effective for mild to moderate stress urinary incontinence.
In women suffering from stress incontinence, the metabolism of the connective tissue of the vaginal mucosa is altered, leading to a reduction in the production of collagen necessary for the support function.
Le vaginal laser stimulates collagen synthesis, improving the trophicity (thickness and quality) of the vaginal mucosa, its vascularisation and elasticity.

Course of the laser session

The session comprises several stages:

  • Preliminary consultation and assessment: an initial assessment to understand the patient's specific needs and determine the appropriate treatment plan. A clinical examination and dynamic assessment by a urologist should complete this consultation .
  • Preparation: the patient is made comfortable and her eyes are protected by glasses.
  • Laser treatment: a laser speculum is inserted into the vagina and the pelvic floor tissues are heated for approximately 20 to 30 minutes.
  • Post-treatment: the patient may feel a slight warmth, but there is generally no significant pain.
    The patient is asked to avoid sexual intercourse and strenuous physical activity for 48 hours. Avoid hot baths, saunas and swimming pools for a few days.

Advantages of laser treatment

The advantages of laser treatment are

  • Fast, painless procedure with no recovery period.
  • Safety and effectiveness: laser treatment is safe and effective, offering long-lasting results for many patients.

Results of laser treatment for urinary incontinence

Results are fairly rapid. One month after the first session, leakage is reduced. But the maximum result is felt four to six months after the session.

The results are as follows:

  • Reduced bladder weakness: significant improvement in urinary control.
  • Improved quality of life: reduced social embarrassment and increased self-confidence.

Depending on the extent of the problem, one session may be enough to stop the leaks. However, Dr Romano recommends carrying out the three sessions provided for in the protocol to stabilise the result.
A maintenance session should be carried out every one or two years.

What kind of sport can you do if you suffer from urinary incontinence?

Urinary incontinence should not prevent you from taking part in sporting activities. However, it is important to choose exercises that minimise pressure on the pelvic floor to avoid aggravating symptoms.

Recommended sports and activities

  • Swimming: swimming is excellent because the water supports the body, reducing pressure on the pelvic floor.
  • Walking: walking is a gentle activity that can be done regularly without causing additional stress on the pelvic floor.
  • Yoga: yoga, especially gentle postures, can help strengthen the pelvic floor muscles and improve urinary control.
  • Pilates: like yoga, Pilates focuses on strengthening the core muscles, including the pelvic floor, which can be beneficial in controlling bladder weakness.
  • Cycling: cycling, particularly on a stationary bike, is a low-impact activity that does not put excessive pressure on the pelvic floor.
  • Aqua gym: aquatic exercises are ideal because the water reduces gravity, thus reducing pressure on the pelvic floor while providing a good workout.

Sports to avoid

  • Running: running causes repeated shocks that aggravate urinary incontinence symptoms.
  • Jumping: sports involving jumping (such as trampolining or high-impact aerobics) can increase pressure on the pelvic floor.
  • Weightlifting: lifting heavy weights increases intra-abdominal pressure and puts a strain on the pelvic floor.
  • High-intensity sports involving sudden movements or sustained effort.

Price of laser treatment for urinary incontinence in women

Type de consultation Tarifs généralement pratiqués
CHF 600 per session

Opinion on laser treatment of urinary incontinence

The opinions of patients who have opted for laser treatment of stress urinary incontinence are positive, testifying to the effectiveness of this non-invasive method.
Many women report a significant reduction in bladder weakness after just a few sessions.
The procedure is also appreciated for being simple, quick and painless, requiring no anaesthetic and no prolonged recovery time.


Comment fonctionne le traitement laser pour l'incontinence urinaire ?

Le laser stimule la production de collagène en chauffant doucement les tissus du plancher pelvien, améliorant ainsi leur fermeté et leur fonction de soutien.

Est-ce que le traitement laser pour l'incontinence urinaire est douloureux ?

Most patients feel a slight warmth during the procedure, but there is generally no pain.

How many sessions are needed?

The number of sessions required depends on the severity of the incontinence. In general, 2 to 3 sessions are recommended for optimum results.

Quels sont les effets secondaires possibles du traitement laser de l'incontinence urinaire ?

Side-effects are minor and transitory: sensation of heat, slight loss of blood.

Quels sont les avantages du traitement laser pour l'incontinence urinaire par rapport aux méthodes traditionnelles ?

Laser treatment offers fast, long-lasting results without the risks and recovery times associated with more invasive procedures.

Qui est un bon candidat pour le traitement laser de l'incontinence urinaire ?

Les femmes en bonne santé, présentant des symptômes d’incontinence urinaire d’effort légère ou modérée et souhaitant une solution non invasive, sont de bonnes candidates pour ce traitement. Une consultation initiale avec un médecin confirmera l’éligibilité des patientes.

What are the expected results of laser treatment?

Patients can expect a significant reduction in bladder weakness, improved quality of life and increased self-confidence.

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