aesthetic doctor Geneva

Medical cosmetic procedures in Geneva


qu'est ce que c'est les tempes creuses ?

The temples are located on either side of the forehead. Anatomically, they are made up of the skin, superficial and deep temporal fat, the temporal muscle and the temporal bone. This area becomes deeper with age. The face becomes aged and tired. Filler injections performed in aesthetic medicine can correct this unsightly appearance.


The temples are part of the upper third of the face, and their fullness plays an important role in balancing the face and enhancing the liveliness of the eyes.
The ageing of this area is characterised by the melting of fat and the appearance of a hollow that gives a looking sad and tired.
Le filling of the temples by injection of hyaluronic acid restores a youthful appearance to the face.

Why inject the temples?
Quite simply to combat the image of ageing that the hollow temples cause and to treat what is known as the skeletonisation of the face fat melting to reveal bone contours.

Why do temples hollow out?

As the years go by, three changes affect the temporal area, causing the temples to hollow out:

  • The disappearance of temporal fat. This is the main factor in hollowing.
  • Loss of tone and thickness of the temporal muscle.
  • Slimming the skin.


These changes are responsible for four unsightly effects:

  • The appearance of a shadowy area. The temple, which in teenage girls is an area of light, becomes an area of shadow. The face appears sad and tired.
  •  The fall of the tail of the eyebrow, closing the eyes and aggravating crow's feet wrinkles (find out more about crow's feet wrinkles).
  • The visibility of the orbital rim in its outer and upper parts, which ages the face. This is known as skeletonisation.
  • The break in facial curves typical of young women (find out more about the feminisation of the face).

What factors can accentuate the hollowing of the temples?

The hollowing of the temples can be accentuated by :

  • The loss of volume in cheeks The loss of jugal volume can give the impression of hollow temples, because an additional hollow disturbs the harmony of the face.
  • Sagging skin: when the skin loses its elasticity and firmness, the hollow appearance of the temples is aggravated by the appearance of creases and fine lines.
  • Reduced bone density: bone resorption in the temples contributes to hollowing by reducing the underlying support structure.
  • Loss of subcutaneous fat: the reduction in subcutaneous fat due to age or major weight changes can also accentuate the hollowing of the temples.
  • Skin dehydration: skin that lacks moisture can appear thinner, emphasising the temples more.
  • From dark circles Dark circles: deep, dark circles can draw attention to the eye and temple area.
  • Skeletonisation of the face: a general loss of facial volume, known as skeletonisation, due to age or severe dieting, can make the temples hollow and the face more angular.

Treatment of hollow temples without plastic surgery

Filling the temples is an increasingly common practice, aimed at correcting the signs of ageing and restoring youthfulness and harmony to the face.
Hyaluronic acid injections are an effective treatment for increasing the volume of the temples and redefining their contour.
Injections into the temples, like all medical procedures, must be carried out by an experienced practitioner. In fact, knowledge of the anatomy and technical mastery are essential to avoid the noble elements of this area: the superficial and deep temporal arteries, the veins and the temporal nerve.
It is essential to consult a qualified professional experienced in aesthetic medicine to discuss the options best suited to your needs and expectations.

Why inject the temples? Indications

Filling the temples with hyaluronic acid is intended for patients who want to restore the liveliness of their eyes and facial harmony.

The main benefits of the treatment are

  • Adding volume to the faceFill in the temporal hollow and reduce shadows, restoring the face's natural curves.
  • Rebalancing the contours Enhance and redefine facial contours for a more harmonious look.
  • Rejuvenate the look The eyes appear more open in a subtle, natural way.
  • Illuminating the face.
  • Eyebrow lift The tail of the eyebrow rises slightly, giving a lifting effect.

This treatment is particularly indicated for patients who have undergone significant weight loss, which has caused fatty tissue to melt away from the face.

Hyaluronic acid injections for the temples


L’injection d’hyaluronic acid peut se faire en surface ou en profondeur. Les deux techniques peuvent être combinées.

In depth
This injection is only possible in the lower part of the temple and along the temporal ridge.
I inject using a needle and a fairly firm hyaluronic acid. Perfect knowledge of the area's anatomy is essential.

On the surface
The injection is performed with a cannula in the outer part of the temple. I choose a highly volumising or moderately volumising product depending on the quality of the skin, any history of temporal or face lifts, and the amount of volume to be restored.
Once again, technical mastery is essential, especially if you have had a facelift before.
An unsuccessful injection causes visible surface bumps or an excess of product that creates bumps that become more pronounced when you smile.

Quel type d’acide hyaluronique pour les injections dans les tempes ?

L’ acide hyaluronique utilisé a une densité élevée, ce qui permet de combler la perte de volume et donne des résultats durables.

How do I inject the temples with Sculptra?

Injecting Sculptra into the temples is an increasingly popular technique, very much in vogue in the USA and Brazil.
Used to restore volume to the face, Sculptra, or poly-lactic acid, is a non-permanent, biocompatible and biodegradable injectable that stimulates collagen synthesis.

→ Find out more about Sculptra

A bottle of product is used on the day of the injection, and a second session is sometimes necessary three months later.
After the injections, it is normal to experience slight swelling and redness around the treated areas. These side effects are generally temporary and disappear within a few days.

The result is visible three months after the session, as the product gradually stimulates collagen production, and lasts for two years, which is interesting for those looking for a long-term solution.

Filling very hollow temples is not a good indication, in fact too much product would be needed.
That's why I recommend starting Sculptra injections around the age of thirty, when the first signs of facial ageing appear.
It is important to choose an experienced practitioner for this type of injection.

Results and after-effects of hyaluronic acid injections in the temples

Injections of hyaluronic acid produce immediate results that last for around a year.
Filling the hollow eliminates the shadow around the temple and the bone is no longer visible, so the skeletonisation of the face is treated.
The face is rejuvenated and its curves restored, giving it a softer appearance.
The eyes look less tired and the tail of the eyebrow is lifted.

The after-effects are slight, and the possible side-effects are a small transient haematoma and minimal swelling.
If a deep injection is given, the patient may feel a sensation of pressure in the temple and pain when chewing for two or three days.
If a superficial injection is carried out, barely visible surface irregularities persist for a few days.


Type de consultation Tarifs généralement pratiqués
Hyaluronic acid
CHF 600 per syringe
CHF 800 per bottle


La fréquence de renouvellement dépend du type de produit utilisé et du métabolisme du patient. En général, une séances par an ou tous les deux ans est suffisante pour conserver les résultats.

La perte de volume des tempes est une modification liée à l'âge, où la région des tempes devient creuse ce qui donne un aspect fatigué et vieilli au visage.

Treatments are painless. Patients generally experience slight discomfort rather than real pain.

Results from hyaluronic acid injections generally last between nine and twelve months, while those from Sculptra injections last around two years. The exact duration depends on a number of factors, including individual metabolism and the product used.

Oui, lorsque les traitements sont réalisés par un médecin qualifié et expérimenté, ils sont sûrs. Il est important de choisir un professionnel de santé compétent pour éviter les complications.

Le traitement des tempes creuses restaure le volume perdu, harmonise les contours du visage et donne un aspect plus jeune et reposé.

Treatments can be medical: injections of hyaluronic acid, Sculptra or Radiesse, or surgical: injections of autologous fat (lipofilling).

Les effets secondaires sont : rougeurs, ecchymoses, un léger gonflement. Ces effets sont temporaires et disparaissent en quelques jours.

Les contre-indications sont la grossesse, l'allaitement, certaines maladies auto-immunes et les allergies aux composants des produits injectables. Une consultation préalable est nécessaire pour évaluer l'éligibilité de chaque patient.

After treatment, it is advisable to avoid strenuous physical activity, saunas and steam baths for a few days. It is also advisable to avoid touching or massaging the treated area to prevent any displacement of the product.

Le choix du traitement dépend de plusieurs facteurs : l'étendue de la perte de volume, les attentes du patient, la qualité de la peau et la morphologie du visage. Une consultation avec un médecin permettra de déterminer le traitement le plus adapté.

Les injections d'acide hyaluronique dans les tempes offrent de nombreux avantages esthétiques. Elles permettent de restaurer les courbes du visage, d'ouvrir le regard et de rajeunir le visage.

Pour les traitements non chirurgicaux comme les fillers, les effets sont réversibles. L’acide hyaluronique peut être dissous avec un enzyme spécifique si nécessaire. Après une chirurgie comme le lifting temporal, les résultats sont permanents, bien que le vieillissement naturel continuera.

Oui, le traitement des tempes peut être combiné avec d'autres procédures esthétiques, telles que les injections de comblement pour les joues ou les lèvres, les injections de Botox et d'autres techniques de rajeunissement facial. Cela donne un résultat global harmonieux.

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