aesthetic doctor Geneva

Medical cosmetic procedures in Geneva


Qu’est-ce qu'un peeling laser ?

Laser peeling is an aesthetic medicine technique used to improve the appearance and texture of the skin. This non-invasive procedure uses beams of laser light to exfoliate the surface layers of the skin, removing dead cells and promoting cell renewal. Laser peels are particularly effective in treating a variety of skin problems, such as pigmentation spots, fine lines, acne scars and uneven skin tone. By stimulating collagen production, this technique also helps to firm and rejuvenate the skin, resulting in a more even and radiant complexion.

Table des matières


Over time, impurities and toxins settle out of the skin's surface layer.
The skin is suffocated, appears tired, the complexion is dull and certain disorders set in: seborrhoea, pigmentation, acne...
Le laser peel is a light peel designed to improve the quality of the skin and its imperfections, to give a radiant, even complexion and tighten pores.

This skin rejuvenation makes the smoother, more luminous skin,
The aim is to regenerate the skin surface and give it a new lease of life. radiance to the skin.
Thanks to its ability to target specific areas, this technique is an ideal solution for those looking to achieve visible and lasting results.

Indications for laser peeling

Laser peeling is a versatile and effective procedure for treating a variety of skin problems.
Any part of the body can be treated, with the most popular areas being the face, neck, décolleté and hands.
Each indication requires a personalised assessment to determine the type of laser peel and the number of sessions needed to achieve optimum results.
The main indications for which laser peeling is recommended are :

  • Treatment of seborrhoea and acne. Visit laser peel is an effective treatment foracne.
  • Treatment of pigmentation: the complexion becomes even. Visit laser peel is an effective treatment for pigmentations.
  • Improves skin texture and reduces dilated pores.
  • Reduced appearance of fine lines.
  • Improved skin texture The skin becomes softer and firmer thanks to the stimulation of collagen production.
  • Treatment of sun damage : Laser peeling treats the effects of photoageing, including sun spots and rough skin.
  • Improving dullness and hydration: this treatment boosts radiance and luminosity.

Slightly tautens the skin.


There are certain contraindications to be taken into account:

  • Tanning.
  • Pregnancy and breastfeeding.
  • Epilepsy.
  • Wearing a pacemaker.
  • The presence of infections or cancerous lesions in the area to be treated.
  • Phototype superior to III.
  • History of cheloid scarring.
  • Taking photosensitising treatments or oral retinoids in the six months prior to the procedure: these medications can increase the skin's sensitivity to the laser.

Prior consultation with an experienced doctor is necessary to assess any potential contraindications and to determine whether laser peeling is a safe and appropriate option for the patient, as each treatment is personalised.

How a laser peeling session works

A consultation prior to the procedure is necessary to eliminate any contraindications, define the results and explain the instructions to be followed before and after the session.

Before the laser session
Patients are asked to avoid exfoliating the skin for three weeks prior to the session. The skin must not be tanned and self-tanners must be stopped two weeks beforehand.
The anaesthetic cream prescribed by the doctor will be applied one hour beforehand.

The laser session
Laser treatment is painless. The eyes are protected by glasses or hulls. The laser beam is swept over the entire area to be treated. Depending on the desired result and the type of skin, Dr Romano defines the most appropriate parameters: the diameter of the spot, the amount of heat, the energy delivered, the rate at which the beam is superimposed, etc.
The treatment is tailor-made.
At the end of the session, a healing cream is applied.

After the laser session
Dr Romano recommends applying the healing cream continuously for two days and then twice a day for ten days.

Instructions after a laser peel

It is important to avoid :

  • Sun exposure for two months.
  • Taking anti-inflammatory medication for a fortnight.
  • Avoid any type of exfoliation for three weeks.
  • Avoid applying creams and soaps for ten days. Wash the area with water.


Immediately after the procedure, patients experience a sensation of heat similar to sunburn, as well as tightness and itching. Within a few days, everything is back to normal.

How does the skin look after a peel?

The skin is red and slightly swollen. Scaling and a brown colour appear the day after the procedure and last a few days.
Depending on the parameters used, individual sensitivity and the indication being treated, Dr Romano recommends between three and seven days' rest after the treatment.


Laser peeling gives remarkable results in improving skin quality.
A single laser peel gives the same results as four chemical peels or light dermabrasions.
As an initial treatment, it is advisable to carry out two or three sessions spaced two months apart. An annual maintenance session is recommended to maintain the results.

The results are :

  • Reduction in pigmentation spots: the laser peel effectively targets the pigment responsible for brown spots, melasma and pigmentation irregularities, evening out skin tone.
  • Improved skin texture: by stimulating collagen production, skin becomes smoother and firmer, reducing the appearance of fine lines and superficial scars.
  • Reduction in dilated pores: the treatment refines the skin's texture, giving it a more even appearance.
  • Overall skin rejuvenation: by improving the skin's radiance and luminosity and stimulating collagen synthesis, laser peels contribute to overall rejuvenation.

Long-lasting results
With the right care and maintenance sessions, the results of laser peeling last over time, helping to maintain radiant, healthy skin all year round.

How much does a laser peel cost?

Le cost of a peeling session laser depends on the practitioner's experience, the indication, the expected results, the area to be treated and the type of laser used. In GenevaThe cost of a laser peel is generally between CHF 600 and CHF 1,200 per session.
More complex treatments or treatments covering large areas may require several sessions, which will influence the total cost.
During your consultation, a personalised estimate will be drawn up based on your specific needs and aesthetic goals.

Type de consultation Tarifs généralement pratiqués
Laser peel
CHF 600 per session

Laser peeling advice

Reviews of laser peels are mostly very positive, reflecting patients' satisfaction with the results obtained.
Patients often report a significant improvement in skin texture and firmness, as well as a more even, radiant complexion. Laser peels are also appreciated for their rapid results (as soon as the healing process is complete) and relatively short recovery time compared with other more invasive treatments. The few temporary side effects, such as redness and swelling, are generally well tolerated and disappear quickly.
In short, laser peels are widely recommended by those who have tried them, particularly for their effectiveness in treating various skin problems, such as pigmentation spots, fine lines and superficial scars, and for their ability to rejuvenate and revitalise the skin in a lasting way.

What are the benefits of laser peeling?

The main benefits of laser peeling are a reduction in pigmentation spots, improved skin texture and firmness, a reduction in dilated pores, a brighter complexion and overall rejuvenation.

Les effets secondaires fréquents du peeling laser sont les rougeurs, les gonflements et une sensibilité de la peau accrue dans les jours suivant le traitement. Ils sont généralement temporaires et disparaissent rapidement.

Les résultats commencent à apparaître après quelques jours et continuent à s’améliorer au fil des semaines. Les résultats optimaux sont souvent visibles après quelques mois, ce délai est nécessaire pour la synthèse de collagène.

Le peeling laser provoque une sensation de chaleur ou de picotement, mais il est généralement bien toléré. Une crème anesthésiante  est souvent appliquée pour le confort du patient.

Après un peeling laser, il est important d’appliquer des crèmes hydratantes et réparatrices, d’éviter l’exposition solaire et d’utiliser une protection solaire à haute SPF pour protéger la peau en phase de cicatrisation.

Le peeling laser est idéal pour les patients qui veulent améliorer l’aspect de la peau, estomper les taches pigmentaires, les ridules et les cicatrices d’acné et traiter les irrégularités du teint. Il peut être réalisé que sur les phototypes du 1 au 3. 

Recovery time varies according to the depth of the peel. Superficial laser peels generally require a few days to recover, while deeper peels may require one to two weeks.

Le nombre de séances nécessaires dépend de l’état de la peau et des objectifs du traitement. En général, 1 à 3 séances sont recommandées pour obtenir des résultats satisfaisants. Une séance d’entretien par an est à prévoir. 

Avant un peeling laser, il est conseillé d’éviter l’exposition au soleil, d’arrêter d’utiliser des produits exfoliants et de suivre les recommandations de votre médecin, telles que l’application de crèmes pour préparer la peau ou l’arrêt de certains médicaments.

Other treatments

Hollywood Peel


Superficial peeling

PRX-T33 Peeling