aesthetic doctor Geneva

Medical cosmetic procedures in Geneva


What are crow's feet wrinkles?

Crow's feet wrinkles are wrinkles that start at the outer corner of the eye and move towards the temples. Their fan-like shape is reminiscent of a crow's foot, hence the name. They first appear when the eye is being expressed, then persist when the eye is at rest. These wrinkles and those of the lower eyelid age the eyes and give a tired look to the eye contour area.


The leg wrinkles d'goosealso known as fine lines  corner of the eyesare one of the most visible signs of the skin ageing. They generally appear from the age of thirty onwards. For more information, visit fight wrinkles of thegoosetreatments available in aesthetic medicine are the injections from botulinic toxin botox andhyaluronic acid.

Hyaluronic acid fills in wrinkles, while botox blocks the contraction of the muscles responsible for wrinkle formation.
Heavier treatments such as peeling or the laser resurfacing can be considered as an effective way of treating leg wrinkles d'goose more marked

Why do crow's feet wrinkles appear?

The appearance of these wrinkles is inevitable. The age at which they appear depends on several factors:

♦ Muscular Crow's feet wrinkles are caused by the contraction of the orbicularis muscle of the eyelids, a round muscle that surrounds the eye and contracts every time we smile. Over time, this muscle becomes increasingly powerful. Initially, the skin wrinkles only when the muscle contracts, before finally fracturing and the resting wrinkles appear.
♦ Skin The skin of the eyelid and the corner of the eye is the thinnest on the body. Over the years, the skin becomes thinner and less resistant to damage.
♦ Changes to the temples In the temporal area, the fat melts, causing the tail of the eyebrow to droop and additional creases to form.
♦ Extrinsic aggravating factors All the factors that accelerate skin ageing. Smoking, sun, poor hydration, lack of sleep, poor lifestyle...

Stages of severity of crow's feet wrinkles

Crow's feet wrinkles worsen over time and several stages of severity have been described, each requiring specific approaches in aesthetic medicine.
While some people find them charming in the initial stages, when these wrinkles become too pronounced they narrow the eyes and close the gaze, especially when smiling.

A precise assessment by an experienced aesthetic doctor will determine the most appropriate treatment for each stage of severity of crow's feet wrinkles.


Visit early stageThese wrinkles appear in the form of fine, dynamic lines, visible mainly during facial expressions such as smiling. These first wrinkles can be effectively treated with botulinum toxin (Botox) injections, which relax the muscles responsible and prevent the formation of deeper wrinkles.

Visit moderate stageAt this stage, wrinkles become static, visible even at rest, and the skin begins to show signs of loss of elasticity. Treatments for this stage combine botox injections with injections of a filling product such as hyaluronic acid to restore the volume lost through periorbital fat loss and smooth out wrinkles.

Visit advanced stageCrow's feet wrinkles are deep and permanent, often accompanied by irregular skin texture and a significant loss of skin thickness. More extensive treatments, such as laser resurfacing or chemical peels, are recommended to stimulate collagen production and improve skin texture.

How do you remove wrinkles from the corners of the eyes? Facial gymnastics

Facial gymnastics is one of the natural anti-wrinkle techniques used to prevent the appearance of crow's feet wrinkles.
This is an adjunctive method that cannot replace botox injections.

Ten times a day, for one minute, place three fingers on the tail of the eyebrow and the outer corner of the eye. When you are forced to smile, you unfold the area with your fingers.
Daily application of moisturising creams is recommended.

How can crow's feet be corrected?

Treatments for crow's feet wrinkles help to restore a smooth, youthful appearance around the eyes. Aesthetic medicine techniques such as botulinum toxin (Botox) and hyaluronic acid injections, as well as fractional and continuous ablative laser treatments, effectively target wrinkles around the eyes. These treatments block muscle contraction and stimulate collagen production, improving skin elasticity and visibly reducing the signs of ageing. As well as smoothing fine lines and deep wrinkles, these procedures can also even out the skin's texture and restore its natural radiance. Results are generally long-lasting, with a noticeable improvement in skin firmness and suppleness. These treatments are personalised, ensuring optimal results and a more youthful, revitalised appearance.
The first-line treatment is botox injection.

→ Find out more about botox injections

Reduce crow's feet wrinkles with botulinum toxin

Injecting botox blocks the action of the external part of the orbicularis muscle.
Three points are injected on each side. A slight warming sensation is felt during the injection.
A static and dynamic muscular analysis and a study of the lower orbital region must precede the treatment.
 The injection must be tailor-made.
This is often combined with the injection of the lion's wrinkle to give you a wider field of vision.

Results of botulinum toxin on crow's feet wrinkles

The treatment of crow's feet wrinkles is part of an overall approach to the look and appearance of the skin. facial rejuvenation.

Botox injections remove wrinkles, open up the eyes and give a more rested, relaxed face. Wrinkles around the lower eyelid will be slightly improved.
The result is visible two days after the injection and is optimal on the seventh day, lasting five to six months. We always make an appointment for a free touch-up seven to fifteen days later.
The result must be natural.

Side effects and after-effects

The after-effects are virtually non-existent: haematomas are rare, slight swelling at the injection points lasts for ten minutes, and normal activities (with the exception of sport, hairdressing and eyebrow grooming) can be resumed immediately afterwards.

An unsuccessful injection at this level can cause the cheekbone to become blocked when smiling, persistent oedema (swelling) of the lower eyelid and drooping of the upper eyelid (ptosis). This is why it is so important to seek the advice of an experienced aesthetic doctor. 

→ Find out more about hyaluronic acid injections

Erase crow's feet wrinkles with hyaluronic acid

Hyaluronic acid injections can complement botox injections in cases of fat loss or skin thinning in the outer corner of the eye.
This technique must be performed by an experienced practitioner. The risks are: the visibility of the product in the form of bumps or balls at rest or when smiling, and the appearance of permanent oedema (swelling).
Injections are often made with a cannula, and the acid can be placed under the skin or under the muscle. The latter is technically more complicated to carry out, but is the preferred method, and is the one I use.
The acid used must have very low hydrophilicity.

If there is a reduction in fat around the temples and the tail of the eyebrow, injections in these areas open up the eyes and reduce the formation of creases.

Effects of hyaluronic acid on crow's feet wrinkles

The results of hyaluronic acid injections are immediate. The hollow in the outer corner of the eye is filled in, wrinkles are smoothed out, and the eye contour is relaxed and rejuvenated.
Unlike botox injections, this treatment does not open up the eyes.
The result lasts about a year.
Resumption of normal activities is immediate, and bruising is rare.

→ Find out more about laser resurfacing

How does laser resurfacing work for crow's feet wrinkles?

The treatment of crow's feet wrinkles using fractional and continuous ablative laser is an aesthetic medicine technique that offers significant results in reducing wrinkles and rejuvenating the skin.

The fractional ablative laser creates micro-perforations in the skin, stimulating collagen production and promoting skin regeneration while leaving the surrounding tissue intact. This method is effective in improving skin texture and firmness and visibly reducing crow's feet wrinkles.

In addition, the continuous ablative laser eliminates the superficial layers of the skin evenly, resulting in an overall improvement in the skin's surface and a reduction in deep wrinkles.

This combined treatment tackles both fine lines and more pronounced wrinkles, offering long-lasting results and a smoother, more youthful appearance.

How much does a Botox injection for crow's feet cost?

Type de consultation Tarifs généralement pratiqués
Hyaluronic acid
CHF 600 per syringe
one zone: CHF 300
two zones: CHF 450
three zones: CHF 600

one zone: CHF 350
two zones: CHF 500
three zones: CHF 650


Quel est le temps de récupération après un traitement au laser pour les rides de la patte d'oie ?

Le temps récupération dépend du type de laser utilisé. Pour le laser ablatif fractionné, le temps de récupération varie entre quelques jours à une semaine, tandis que le laser ablatif continu cause une période de récupération plus longue, une à deux semaines.

À quel âge devrais-je commencer à traiter les rides de la patte d'oie ?

Il n’y a pas d’âge précis pour commencer le traitement. Certaines personnes commencent dès l’apparition des premières rides dynamiques, généralement à la trentaine, tandis que d’autres attendent que les rides deviennent statiques.

Are treatments for crow's feet painful?

Les traitements peuvent causer une gêne légère à modérée. Des anesthésiques topiques peuvent être utilisés pour minimiser l’inconfort.

Are the results of crow's feet wrinkle treatments permanent?

Les résultats peuvent durer plusieurs mois à quelques années, tout dépend du traitement réalisé et du type de peau. Des séances d’entretien sont nécessaires pour conserver le résultat.  

Quelle importance a l'alimentation dans le vieillissement cutané et l'apparition des rides pattes d'oie ?

L’alimentation joue un rôle important dans le vieillissement cutané et l’apparition des rides de la patte d’oie.
Une alimentation équilibrée, riche en fruits, légumes, acides gras essentiels et antioxydants, contribue à préserver la jeunesse de la peau et l’élasticité cutanée. Certains aliments comme les baies, les noix et les poissons gras sont particulièrement bénéfiques pour la santé cutanée.

Quel rôle joue l'hydratation dans la prévention des pattes d'oie ?

L’hydratation est essentielle dans la prévention des rides de la patte d’oie car une peau bien hydratée est plus souple et moins sujette aux ridules. En utilisant des eye contours  With the right skincare products, you can keep the skin barrier healthy and delay the appearance of the signs of ageing. We recommend opting for products containing moisturising ingredients such as hyaluronic acid or glycerine.

Comment prévenir l'apparition des rides de la patte d'oie ?

Pour prévenir l’apparition des rides de la patte d’oie, il est essentiel de maintenir une bonne hydratation cutanée. Une alimentation équilibrée et riche en antioxydants aide à protéger la peau contre les dommages causés par les radicaux libres. Il est recommandé de limiter l’exposition au soleil, d’adopter des habitudes de vie saines et d’ éviter le tabac et l’alcool.

Les soins cosmétiques et médicaux restent la méthode la plus efficace. 

Quels exercices faciaux peuvent aider à réduire les rides de la patte d'oie ?

La gymnastique faciale peut aider à renforcer les muscles autour des yeux et à réduire l’apparence des rides de la patte d’oie. Par exemple, pratiquer régulièrement des exercices de clignement rapide des yeux ou de contraction des muscles du front peut contribuer à tonifier la zone périoculaire. 

Quelle crème pour les pattes d'oie ?

Pour traiter les rides de la patte d’oie, il est recommandé d’utiliser des crèmes spécifiques qui contiennent des ingrédients actifs connus pour leur efficacité. 

  • Retinol: this vitamin A-derived ingredient is known to stimulate cell renewal and increase collagen production, reducing the appearance of wrinkles.
  • Hyaluronic acid: this powerful moisturiser helps plump skin by retaining water, which can smooth fine lines and give a more youthful appearance.
  • Peptides : les peptides aident à réparer et à renforcer la peau en stimulant la production de collagène et d’élastine.
  • Antioxidants: creams containing antioxidants such as vitamin C, vitamin E and resveratrol protect the skin from free radical damage and promote cell regeneration.
  • Alpha-hydroxy acids (AHAs): AHAs gently exfoliate the skin, promoting cell renewal and improving skin texture.
  • Growth factors: these natural proteins help repair and regenerate skin tissue, improving the appearance of wrinkles.

What are the risks and side effects of treatment for crow's feet wrinkles?

Les risques et les effets secondaires sont des rougeurs, des gonflements, des ecchymoses et une sensibilité temporaire de la peau. Les complications sont rares si les traitements sont réalisés par un médecin expérimenté.

Other areas to be treated

Nasolabial fold

Folds of bitterness

Forehead wrinkles

Lion's Ride

Lip lines