
We have killed beauty by forbidding us to give thanks for it. Aspiring to beauty magnifies the world".
Sophie Sherine Hutt

Dr Romano has created his own protocols for beautifying and rejuvenating the face. These treatment plans are personalised and adapted to the anatomy of each face.

  • Classic but technically complicated treatments, such as injections into dark circles and the orbital area. The complexity of these procedures explains why few doctors carry them out and why they are often botched.
  • Quite specific treatments for facial enhancement, such as medical face lifts, facial contouring and profiloplasty. These procedures require perfect technical mastery, an expert eye and knowledge of the treatment protocols that were, in most cases, drawn up by Dr Mauricio di Maio, the inventor of the MD Codes.
  • New treatment protocols.

Dark circles

Hollow eye

Opening your eyes

Beautifying the face

Red carpet

Skin prevent

Skin restore