aesthetic doctor Geneva

Medical cosmetic procedures in Geneva


What are dark circles?

The dark circle is a circular or semi-circular area under the lower eyelid. This unsightly appearance is caused by the presence of an indentation or a brown or purple colour. It is a frequent reason for consultation in aesthetic medicine because of the tired look it gives off and the ageing of the eyes it causes.


ey circles are a common aesthetic problem affecting many people. Whether your dark circles are caused by fatigue, stress, genetics or ageing, there are solutions to help you look fresh and rested. On this page, Dr Romano discusses the various causes of dark circles in detail,

the treatments available, such as hyaluronic acid injections, peels or laser treatments, and will give you practical advice on how to prevent them from appearing. Cutting-edge treatments can help you eliminate dark circles and restore radiance and vitality to your eyes.

What causes dark circles?

The factors responsible for the appearance of dark circles are :

  •  La genetics The colour (brown or violet) and the indentation may be present from childhood onwards, proving a hereditary component.
    Some people inherit thinner, less pigmented skin under the eyes, making blood vessels more visible and creating a purplish tint. Others have a predisposition to an accumulation of melanin, which causes brown or black circles.
  • Le ageing Hollow circles: as the years go by, the loss of fatty tissue and bone around the eyes is responsible for the formation of hollow circles. The thinning of the skin, always linked to age, allows the blood vessels to show through, resulting in the appearance of purple circles. Brown circles tend to darken even more with age.
  • The hormonal changes Dark circles: during pregnancy and the menopause, hormonal changes can alter blood circulation and accentuate dark circles.
  • Changes to the blood and lymph circulation Poor lymphatic drainage is aggravated by a poor lifestyle (smoking, lack of sleep, exposure to screens, etc.).
  • Influence of lifestyle on the formation of dark circles a diet rich in antioxidants such as vitamins C and E help combat oxidative stress, while smoking and alcohol aggravate dark circles by dehydrating the skin and causing vasoconstriction.
  • Impact of fatigue and lack of sleep on dark circles a fatigue and the lack of sleep cause poor blood and lymph circulation. This leads to palpable oedema and dark discolouration under the eyes.

What are the different types of dark circles?

There are four types of dark circles:

  • Hollow circles 
  • The vascular ring 
  • Pigmented rings
  • Full or swollen circles

Vascular ring

The vascular ring is a blue-red ring.

What causes dark circles?

Blue circles are due to the transparency of the skin. The skin of the eyelid is the thinnest in the body, and its thinness means that the blood in the vessels of this highly vascular area is visible.
Small arterioles tend to give the ring a red colour, while venous blood tends to be blue or violet.

What remedies are available for blue circles?

The extent of the discolouration varies from one individual to another and depends on the thickness of the skin and blood circulation.
A good health practices helps to fade the violet colour. Respecting your sleep schedule power supply healthy, balanced and rich in antioxidants are essential.

The creams for the eye contour and thepplication of cold are useful.
These " grandmother's remedies "But they are effective. 

Pigmented circles

Pigmented circles are brown, less often yellow or brown.

What causes dark circles?

This type of dark circle is caused by a deposit of melanin. genetically determined.
Melanin is the pigment that gives colour to our skin, and its production increases when we tan, for example.
This type of dark circles is most common in patients with dark skin.
UV exposure is an aggravating factor

What remedies are available for dark circles?

The use oftotal screen prevents dark circles from getting worse.
The application of anti-pigmentation creams does not improve the situation. 

Hollow ring

Hollow circles are characterised by the presence of a hereditary or acquired hollow, linked to ageing.

What causes dark circles?

Hollow circles in young patients are genetic.

After the age of thirty, the melting and sliding of fat and bone changes in the orbit are responsible for the appearance of a hollow ring or the worsening of a pre-existing hollow ring.

What remedies are available for dark circles?

Unfortunately, there is no real cure, but hollow circles are very easy to treat. The injection of a filling product such as hyaluronic acid corrects this unsightly appearance.

Full circle

It's not really a ring, but more of a under-eye pocket.

What causes dark circles?

This condition is caused by the descent of fat into the eye ring area. The phenomenon is linked to ageing and genetics.
In fact, over time the tissues relax and no longer support the fat, which gradually sinks.

Puffiness under the eyes in the morning

A bag under the eyes is not necessarily fatty. In the morning, the area under the eyes may be swollen due to poor lymphatic and venous drainage. This situation is temporary and disappears in a few hours.

What remedies are available for bags under the eyes?

Bags under the eyes are treated surgically.
However, puffiness may worsen temporarily as a result of water retention.
A healthy lifestyle and balanced diet promote lymphatic drainage.
Alcohol, tobacco and prolonged exposure to screens should be avoided.

Stages of severity of dark circles

There are different stages in the severity of dark circles, which affect the appearance of the face to a greater or lesser extent. Here is a description of the different stages of severity of dark circles, to help us better understand their impact and the appropriate solutions:

  • Dark circles light Dark circles: Light dark circles are often characterised by a slight shadow under the eyes, generally due to tiredness or slight dehydration. They can be easily reduced with appropriate skin care and cosmetics. Hyaluronic acid injections and carboxytherapy may be indicated.
  • Dark circles moderate Dark circles: at this stage, dark circles become more visible, with more pronounced pigmentation and/or more pronounced hollowing. Treatments such as lightening creams or lymphatic drainage techniques can reduce their appearance, but cosmetic medicine procedures can give real results.
  • Dark circles severe Dark circles: severe dark circles have a marked dark discolouration and/or deep hollows. They may be the result of genetic factors, ageing or a stressful lifestyle. Aesthetic medicine treatments such as hyaluronic acid injections, laser sessions or chemical peels are often necessary to achieve significant results.

Identifying the severity of your dark circles is crucial to choosing the most effective treatment. During the medical consultation, the doctor will carry out a personalised assessment.

How can I get rid of dark circles around my eyes?

Every patient is unique, and treatment for dark circles must be tailored to their specific needs. During your consultation, Dr Romano will assess the cause of your dark circles and determine the most appropriate, personalised treatment.
Many treatments are available to reduce dark circles: injections, lasers, peels, carboxytherapy... Hyaluronic acid injections and carboxytherapy give convincing results.

→ Find out more about hyaluronic acid injections

Removing dark circles with an injection of hyaluronic acid

Hyaluronic acid is the first-line treatment for dark circles.
Before the age of thirty, dark circles are filled by injection into the hollow. After the age of thirty, the malar area is often associated with sagging. In this case, I recommend first using the medical lift to lift the sagging tissues that support the dark circles and then inject the hollow.

Filling of dark circles by injection of hyaluronic acid

The injection of hyaluronic acid fills the void responsible for hollow circles, giving a natural result.

This filling product is placed deep down, in contact with the bone. Injections that are too superficial cause surface irregularities ("little balls"), permanent oedema and a purple colour (Tyndall effect, the product changes colour).

The hyaluronic acid used is not very cross-linked (because the skin of the eyelid is thin), fairly firm (which prevents migration) and not very hydrophilic (to avoid slight swelling).


Course of the treatment session for dark circles

I inject using a cannula, as using a needle is dangerous and causes more haematomas.

Depending on the patient's anatomy, the inner and/or outer part of the dark circles can be injected. Unfortunately, only certain patients are good candidates for filling the outer part. A detailed analysis of the orbital area is necessary.

The injection takes about five minutes, as long as it is carried out by an experienced doctor. The procedure is not very painful, with the patient experiencing only slight discomfort.
You can return to work immediately afterwards, and this treatment can be carried out during your lunch break!
Any post-injection redness is temporary (about half an hour) and can be concealed by applying make-up.

Reduce dark circles with carboxytherapy

This technique improves local vascularisation and stimulates collagen production in the lower eyelid.
Immediately after treatment, a significant and transient swelling (five minutes) is observed.
This treatment is not curative but preventive.
In fact, despite the large number of sessions carried out, the result will be slight. Carboxytherapy is useful for slowing down the ageing process and preventing the worsening of dark circles, which become more pronounced over time.
Rather, it is a global approach to revitalise and rejuvenate the eyes.

→ Find out more about carboxytherapy

How does carboxytherapy work to treat dark circles?

  • Improved blood circulation Blue circles are often caused by poor blood circulation. Carboxytherapy helps to dilate blood vessels, increasing blood flow and reducing the visibility of vessels under the thin skin of the lower eyelids.
  • Stimulation of collagen synthesis Increased collagen production helps to firm and thicken the skin, reducing the appearance of dark circles and hollows under the eyes.
  • Elimination of toxins Improved blood circulation helps drain toxins and accumulated fluids, reducing puffiness and bags under the eyes.

How can vascular dark circles be treated?

There are several options for treating dark circles:

  • Hyaluronic acid injections :This option is possible if a hollow is associated with vascular dark circles. Injections fill the hollows under the eyes, reducing the appearance of blue circles by improving the volume and hydration of the skin.
  • Carboxytherapy This technique stimulates blood and lymph circulation, reducing the visibility of blood vessels.
  • Vascular laser :the vascular laser targets dilated blood vessels, reducing their appearance and improving the colour of the skin under the eyes. Unfortunately, the effectiveness is inconsistent and the results last barely a few months.

How to treat dark circles

The methods used to treat dark circles are :

  • Chemical peels Mild acid-based peels help to exfoliate the skin and reduce hyperpigmentation, brightening the area under the eyes.
  • Fractional laser Fractional laser: the fractional laser targets the dark pigments under the skin, helping to even out skin tone and reduce brown spots.
  • Depigmenting creams Dark circles: regular application of creams containing depigmenting agents, such as kojic acid or hydroquinone, can help lighten dark circles over time.
  • Microneedling with lightening serums This technique uses small needles to stimulate collagen production and the absorption of lightening serums, thereby improving the skin's texture and colour.

Dr Romano does not really believe in the effectiveness of these techniques, whose results are unpredictable and which can cause pigmentary rebound, worsening the pigmentation.

Results of treatment for dark circles

The after-effects of the injections are slight, with the possibility of minimal, temporary oedema. Haematomas are rare if the injection is made with a cannula. Needle injections (which I do not use in this area) are often responsible for the appearance of a large black eye.

When will the results be visible?

The results of hyaluronic acid injections are immediate and optimal one week after the procedure. The face looks rested and the eyes younger.

Duration of results of hyaluronic acid injections for dark circles

Hyaluronic acid is an absorbable product. Results of injections for dark circles fades over time and lasts about a year.
Its durability depends on individual factors (genetics), anatomical factors (the greater the orbital modifications linked to ageing, the less durable the result) and the type of product (cross-linking, firmness, brand).

What should I do after a dark circles injection?

Make-up can be applied after the operation. It is advisable to avoid sport and intense heat and cold for two days. Sustained pressure on the treated area should also be avoided for a week. Professional facial massages should be avoided for seven days.

How much does it cost to remove dark circles?

Type de consultation Tarifs généralement pratiqués
Hyaluronic acid
CHF 750 per syringe
CHF 100 per session


Quelles techniques de massage pour atténuer les cernes ?

Les massages du contour des yeux sont une méthode efficace pour améliorer la circulation sanguine et lymphatique. Pour un drainage optimal, commencez par tapoter doucement avec les doigts autour des yeux, puis effectuez des légers mouvements circulaires. Ces massages doivent être réalisés quotidiennement pour obtenir des résultats durables et visibles.

What's the most effective cream for dark circles?

The creams anti-cernes disponibles sur le marché contiennent des ingrédients actifs tels que la vitamine K, la caféine et l’acide hyaluronique. La vitamine K aide à réduire les cernes violacés, la caféine stimule la microcirculation et diminue les poches sous les yeux. L’acide hyaluronique hydrate et repulpe la peau, réduisant ainsi l’apparence des cernes creux. Utiliser ces crèmes régulièrement peut améliorer le regard.

How long do the effects of hyaluronic acid injections for dark circles last?

Les effets des injections d’acide hyaluronique pour les cernes durent généralement entre 12 et 18 mois. La durée dépend du métabolisme du patient, de la qualité de l’acide hyaluronique utilisé et des facteurs anatomiques associés aux cernes, notamment la chute de la graisse malaire qui soutient la zone orbitaire.

Will I have bruises after the injection for dark circles?

Il est possible d’avoir des bleus après une injection d’acide hyaluronique pour les cernes, mais cela est rare si l’injection est réalisée par un médecin expérimenté. Pour minimiser ce risque, évitez les anticoagulants et les anti-inflammatoires (après autorisation du médecin prescripteur) et certains compléments alimentaires avant la procédure.

What specific care should be taken after dark circle injections?

Après l’injection des cernes, évitez de toucher ou de masser la zone traitée pendant au moins 24 heures. Appliquez une compresse froide pour réduire les gonflements et les ecchymoses. Évitez les activités physiques intenses et l’exposition à la chaleur intense pendant quelques jours. 

Are injections for dark circles painful?

Les injections d’acide hyaluronique pour les cernes sont généralement peu douloureuses. La crème anesthésiante est rarement appliquée avant la procédure. Les patients ressentent une légère pression ou une piqûre au moment de l’injection.

What type of dark circles can be treated with injections?

Les injections d’acide hyaluronique sont particulièrement efficaces pour traiter les cernes creux causés par la perte de volume au  niveau de la région orbitaire.
Ces injections ne sont pas aussi efficaces pour les cernes colorés dus à l’hyperpigmentation, qui peuvent nécessiter des traitements spécifiques comme les peelings ou le laser.
Le comblement par acide hyaluronique peut, dans certains cas, améliorer les cernes violettes.

What are the side effects of injections for dark circles?

Les effets secondaires des injections d’acide hyaluronique pour les cernes sont des ecchymoses, des gonflements, des rougeurs et des sensations de tension. Ces effets sont généralement légers et disparaissent en quelques jours. Des rares complications, comme des infections ou des irrégularités de la peau, sont liées à une faute technique, d’où l’importance de faire appel à un médecin expérimenté.

What natural treatments are effective in reducing the appearance of dark circles?

Il existe plusieurs traitements naturels qui peuvent aider à réduire l’apparence des cernes. Par exemple, l’application de compresses froides sous les yeux peut aider à décongestionner la zone et à réduire l’apparence des cernes vasculaires. C’est pour cela que beaucoup de femmes posent sur les yeux des sachets de thé ou des tranches de concombre.
Une alimentation riche en vitamines et antioxydants peut contribuer à améliorer l’état de la peau autour des yeux, aidant ainsi à atténuer les cernes.

Are dark circles always a sign of a lack of sleep?

Non, les cernes ne sont pas toujours un signe de manque de sommeil. Bien que la fatigue puisse accentuer l’aspect des cernes, plusieurs autres facteurs peuvent en être la cause. La génétique joue un rôle important, de plus, le vieillissement entraîne une diminution de la production de collagène, ce qui rend la peau plus fine et laisse apparaître les vaisseaux sanguins sous les yeux. D’autres facteurs comme la déshydratation, une mauvaise hygiène de vie et le stress peuvent également contribuer à l’apparition des cernes.

How do I choose the best eye contour care to effectively treat dark circles?

To choose the best eye contour care pour traiter efficacement les cernes, il est important d’opter pour des produits contenant des ingrédients tels que la vitamine C, la caféine ou l’acide hyaluronique. Ces ingrédients stimulent la circulation sanguine,  décongestionnent la zone orbitaire et à hydratent la peau, contribuant ainsi à atténuer les cernes et à revitaliser le contour des yeux.

The concealer creams and correctors containing these assets have a " anti-fatigue effect ".

What are the benefits of quality sleep for the disappearance of dark circles?

Un sommeil de qualité joue un rôle crucial dans l’amélioration  des cernes. Pendant le sommeil, la peau se régénère et se répare, ce qui peut contribuer à atténuer les cernes et les signes de fatigue. Le sommeil réparateur favorise la circulation sanguine au niveau de la région orbitaire. 

What causes dark circles?

Les cernes peuvent être favorisés par plusieurs facteurs, notamment la génétique, le vieillissement, la fatigue, le stress, une mauvaise alimentation, la déshydratation, une mauvaise hygiène de vie et l’exposition au soleil. 

How can I avoid dark circles?

Pour éviter d’avoir des cernes, il est essentiel d’adopter une bonne hygiène de vie. Dormez suffisamment, hydratez-vous bien, optez pour une alimentation équilibrée riche en vitamines, protégez votre peau du soleil et évitez les habitudes néfastes (tabagisme) . Utilisez des soins spécifiques pour le contour des yeux et envisagez des traitements comme les crèmes éclaircissantes ou les massages drainants.

Can dark circles disappear?

Oui, les cernes peuvent disparaître ou s’atténuer si leur cause est temporaire comme la fatigue ou la déshydratation. Cependant, les cernes d’origine génétique ou liés au vieillissement nécessitent des traitements médicaux tels que les injections d’acide hyaluronique, les peelings, ou les séances laser.

Which oil to use to erase dark circles?

Certaines huiles peuvent aider à réduire l’apparence des cernes. L’huile d’amande douce, riche en vitamine E, et l’huile d’argan sont connues pour leurs propriétés hydratantes et éclaircissantes. L’huile de rose musquée et de calophylle inophyle  sont également efficaces grâce à leurs vertus régénérantes. 

How do you drain dark circles?

To drain dark circles, you can perform a lymphatic massage around the eyes. Use your fingers to gently tap the skin under the eyes, starting from the inner corner and working outwards. Tools such as jade rollers or gua sha can also be used to stimulate circulation and reduce swelling.

How can I tell what type of dark circles I have?

To determine the type of dark circles you have, look at their colour and shape. Bluish circles often indicate poor blood circulation, while brown circles are generally due to hyperpigmentation. Hollow circles are often linked to a loss of volume under the eyes. A consultation with a specialist will provide you with a precise diagnosis.

How important is moisturising to prevent the appearance of dark circles?

Une bonne hydratation est essentielle pour prévenir l’aggravation des cernes. En préservant l’hydratation de la peau, on favorise sa souplesse et son élasticité, ce qui peut aider à estomper les cernes. De plus, une peau bien hydratée est moins sujette aux ridules et aux marques de fatigue, le regard sera donc  plus frais.

Why do I have dark circles that won't go away?

Les cernes persistants peuvent être dus à des causes génétiques, au vieillissement, à des problèmes de circulation sanguine. Une routine de soins inappropriés ou certains facteurs environnementaux tels que l’exposition solaire peuvent également contribuer à la persistance des cernes. 

Why do I get dark circles when I'm asleep?

Même avec un sommeil suffisant, d’autres facteurs sont responsables de l’apparition des cernes. La génétique, une mauvaise hygiène de vie, la déshydratation et le vieillissement jouent un rôle. Il est important de considérer ces facteurs et de consulter un spécialiste si les cernes persistent malgré un sommeil réparateur. 

Do you look tired?

L’apparence fatiguée due aux cernes peut être causée par plusieurs facteurs, notamment le manque de sommeil, le stress, la génétique et l’hygiène de vie. 

How can I get rid of dark circles?

Pour ne plus avoir de cernes, adoptez une routine de soins incluant une bonne hydratation, des crèmes spécifiques pour le contour des yeux et des massages drainants. Les traitements médicaux, tels que les injections d’acide hyaluronique, les peelings ou les séances laser, donnent des résultats plus durables et significatifs.

Other areas to be treated

Hollow eye

Opening Look

Valley of Tears