aesthetic doctor Geneva

Medical cosmetic procedures in Geneva


What are cheekbones?

The cheekbones are located between the cheek and the nose, below the orbital region. A symbol of youth and beauty, they are an essential part of the face. A cheekbone centred on the malar bone, full, high and rounded, catches the light and brings out the eyes. Conversely, a flat or drooping cheekbone ages the face, making it look sad and tired.


The increase in flat cheekbones is an aesthetic medical treatment designed to create a more attractive protruding cheekbonewhich is characteristic of the female face.
Men can also have this treatment, in which case the characteristics of the male cheekbone will be respected.

Cheekbones play a crucial role in the structure and harmony of the face. From well-defined, full cheekbones give a more youthful, dynamic and attractive appearance.
Hyaluronic acid injections are the solution for plump up and enhance your cheekbones. This treatment is safe and widespread.

Why don't I have cheekbones?

There are several reasons why you might not have prominent cheekbones.

The first is genetics: bone structure and distribution of facial fat vary from person to person.

Another reason could be age-related loss of volume: over time, collagen and elastin production decreases, leading to a loss of firmness and volume in the cheekbones. In addition, the distribution of fat in the face changes, which can contribute to a flatter or hollow appearance of the cheekbones.
Finally, environmental and lifestyle factors can also play a role. Excessive exposure to the sun, poor lifestyle habits, smoking and a lack of hydration can accelerate skin ageing and affect the appearance of the cheekbones.

High cheekbones, the beauty ideal.
The different types of cheekbone

The ideal cheekbone is centred on the malar bone, neither too high nor too low, and follows a gentle curve from the nose to the top of the ear. There are five types of cheekbone, often characteristic of a specific face shape.
♦ The high cheekbone is characteristic of elongated, oval faces; it begins at the temple and narrows downwards to curve near the eye socket.
♦ The low cheekbone is characteristic of square, round and triangular faces; it draws a curve from the corners of the lip to the earlobes.
♦ The central cheekbone is characteristic of oval, elongated, round, heart-shaped faces; it is centred on the malar bone.
♦ The wide cheekbone is characteristic of square and round faces; halfway between the high and central cheekbone.
♦ The small cheekbone can be found on any type of face.

High cheekbones

Low cheekbones

Central cheekbones

Wide cheekbones

Small cheekbones

The ageing of the cheekbone

Over the years, the shape and projection of the cheekbone change and the cheekbone sags. There are several stages in the ageing of the cheekbones.

In the early stages, generally from the age of thirty onwards, there is a slight reduction in the volume of the cheekbones due to the reduced production of collagen and elastin. Cheekbones begin to look less full and flatter.

Around the age of forty and fifty, the loss of subcutaneous fat increases, causing pronounced sagging of the cheekbones, the appearance or worsening of dark circles and the tear trough. The face appears empty and tired.

In the advanced stages of ageing, generally from the age of 60 onwards, the skin becomes looser and the cheekbones continue to sag. This loss of facial tissue structure and support exacerbates existing wrinkles and folds, particularly the nasolabial folds and bitterness lines, leaving the face looking older.

Five stages are described:
♦ Stage 0: protruding cheekbone.
♦ Stage 1: slightly sagging cheekbone.
♦ Stage 2: moderately sagging cheekbone.
♦ Stage 3: severely collapsed cheekbone.
♦ Stage 4: very severely collapsed cheekbone.

Hyaluronic acid injections for cheekbones

Cheekbone augmentation is a non-invasive procedure that beautifies the face by adding volume and harmonising contours. Whether you want to correct flat cheekbones or regain the volume lost with age, it's important to consult an experienced doctor to ensure natural, harmonious results.

Why have hyaluronic acid injections in the cheekbones?

Injecting hyaluronic acid into the cheekbones is an increasingly popular aesthetic procedure for its effectiveness in rejuvenating and redefining the contours of the face. It restores the volume lost with age and harmonises the face without the need for surgery.

The advantages of this type of intervention are :

  • Improved facial symmetry Well-proportioned cheekbones balance the face.
  • Rejuvenating effect The added volume reduces wrinkles and hollows and restores youthful volume.
  • Fast and efficient procedure Hyaluronic acid injections: hyaluronic acid injections offer immediately visible results with no side effects and no social exclusion.
  • Natural results This treatment can enhance your face in complete safety, if carried out by an experienced doctor.

Hyaluronic acid for flat cheekbones

L’augmentation et le lift des pommettes se réalisent par injection d’hyaluronic acid.
There are two possible situations:

  • La patiente est une femme jeune qui ne présente pas d’ affaissement de la pommette : les injections sont volumatrices.
  • La patiente présente un affaissement de la pommette : l’augmentation volumétrique est précédée par la technique de medical lift developed by Dr Mauricio di Maio.
    In both cases, a harmonious, natural cheekbone is created by giving it the projection and shape (see the five types of cheekbones above) best suited to the face.


The injection is carried out with a cannula or needle, depending on the anatomical requirements. I like the sandwich technique:

Une injection très profonde : le produit est posé contre l’os. L’acide hyaluronique utilisé est très ferme et a des propriétés liftantes.
Une injection profonde : le produit est injecté dans la graisse malaire profonde. L’acide hyaluronique utilisé est ferme et volumateur.
Depending on the anatomy and needs, these two techniques may or may not be combined.

Protocol for injecting hyaluronic acid into the cheekbones

Injecting hyaluronic acid into the cheekbones is a common aesthetic procedure aimed at restoring volume and improving cheekbone definition. Typical protocol:

Initial consultation

Assessment and discussion: a preliminary consultation is carried out to assess the patient's needs, discuss expectations and examine their morphology.

Personalised treatment plan: Dr Romano draws up a treatment plan tailored to the patient's aesthetic goals.


Skin cleansing: the area to be treated is carefully disinfected to prevent infection.

Marking: markers are drawn on the skin to indicate specific injection points.

Local anaesthesia

Anaesthetic cream: an anaesthetic cream can be applied to the cheekbone area to minimise pain and discomfort.

Lidocaine: filling products already contain lidocaine, a local anaesthetic, to make the injection more comfortable.


Injection technique: Dr Romano uses fine needles or cannulas to inject hyaluronic acid into the cheekbones. The precise technique will depend on the patient's facial anatomy and the desired results.

Adjusted volume: the volume given is gradually adjusted to obtain a symmetrical, natural result.

Massage and modelling

Even distribution: Dr Romano massages and shapes the injected area to ensure that the product is evenly distributed and that the contours are harmonious.


Discussion with the patient: Dr Romano discusses the results with the patient.

Post-treatment instructions: specific instructions are provided for post-treatment care, such as :

  • Avoid touching or massaging the injected area for at least 24 hours.
  • Avoid excessive sun exposure, saunas and strenuous physical activity for a few days.

Results of cheekbone filling

The results are immediate and last about a year.
The after-effects are characterised by very slight pain in the injected area, and haematomas and swelling are rare and minimal.
The cheekbone is defined and prominent, the face appears more rested and relaxed. female or male. The lifting effect of this injection refines the lower third of the face and reduces nasolabial folds.
The volume created respects the patient's wishes. Even if some patients ask for large quantities, I always advise a natural look, the aim is not to inflate the faces but to embellish and soften them.

Female cheekbone injection before after

Les injections des pommettes chez les femmes donnent des résultats significatifs. Avant les injections, les pommettes sont souvent plates ou creuses. Après les injections, les pommettes apparaissent plus volumineuses, définies et rajeunies, le visage devient plus harmonieux et équilibré. 

Cheekbone injections: prices

Type de consultation Tarifs généralement pratiqués
Hyaluronic acid
CHF 600 per syringe


Le traitement des pommettes en médecine esthétique est une amélioration ou restauration du volume et de la forme des pommettes pour créer un visage plus jeune et harmonieux.

Le traitement des pommettes redéfinit les contours du visage, donne un aspect plus jeune, corrige la perte de volume due au vieillissement et améliore l'équilibre et la symétrie du visage.

Le produits le plus couramment utilisé est l’acide hyaluronique, reconnu pour sa sécurité et efficacité. Les autres options sont les stimulateurs de collagène comme le Sculptra ou le Radiesse.

The cost varies according to the amount of product used and the practitioner's experience. During your initial consultation, you will be given a personalised quote.

To lift the cheekbones, injections of filling products, such as hyaluronic acid, are performed using a lift technique rather than a filling technique.

Toute personne souhaitant améliorer l’aspect des pommettes, pour des raisons esthétiques ou pour corriger des asymétries faciales, peut bénéficier de ce traitement. Une consultation préalable avec un médecin est nécessaire pour évaluer les besoins de chaque patient.

Results are visible immediately after treatment and last around twelve months, depending on the product used and the patient's genetics.

Les effets secondaires sont mineurs et temporaires : rougeurs, gonflements et ecchymoses. Les complications graves sont rares lorsqu'un professionnel qualifié réalise le traitement.

Il est important de choisir un médecin qualifié et expérimenté car le résultat dépendra du savoir-faire du médecin.

Yes, it is common to combine cheekbone augmentation with other procedures such as a medical facelift or Botox injections.

Les patients reprennent leurs activités normales immédiatement après le traitement. Il n'y a pas de période de récupération.

Les injections de pommettes sont généralement bien tolérées. Une crème anesthésiante peut être appliquée pour éliminer la douleur. Les produits de comblement contiennent également de la lidocaïne, un anesthésique local, qui réduit l'inconfort pendant la procédure. Après l'injection, il est possible de ressentir des légères douleurs qui disparaissent en quelques jours.

Une injection de pommette est ratée si elle cause une asymétrie ou des bosses, si le produit injecté se déplace et si le résultat n’est pas naturel.

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