What is lip augmentation by injection of hyaluronic acid?

Lips are an asset to beauty, femininity and charm. Many women want full, full lips.
In aesthetic medicine, hyaluronic acid injections are an effective way of increasing lip volume.
It is also possible to moisturise them, to create the lip gloss effect, or to treat the vertical fine lines that appear over time, known as bar code wrinkles.



Lip injections, lip augmentation with hyaluronic acid in Geneva 

How can I plump up my lips? How can I get a fuller mouth?
There are very few methods for naturally plump up the lips: Glosses and serums temporarily increase hydration, but the benefit on volume is minimal and short-lived.
Hyaluronic acid injections in the lips are the benchmark technique for achieving full lips.  

Dr Romano performs the lip injections in Geneva using several techniques depending on the patient's anatomy and wishes.

The techniques used are :

  • Russian lips.
  • Brazilian lips.
  • Rejuvenation of the oral region.
  • L'gloss effect.
  • Beautifying the oral region.
  • The treatment of lip wrinkles
photo of beautiful full lips

How can I get a plump mouth?

Beautiful lips are lips that are pleasing to the eye, sensual and feminine. Beautiful, full lips would be ideal, but normal-sized lips can be beautiful if they meet certain beauty criteria.

  • The volume of the upper lip is equal to two thirds of the volume of the lower lip.
  • The upper lip projects a few millimetres further than the lower lip.
  • The white lip is concave, the red convex.
  • The Cupid's bow is well defined and the philtral ridges are clearly visible.
  • The angle formed between the nose and the lips is 90°-95° in men and 110°-120° in women.
  • The apex of Cupid's bow passes through the centre of the nostrils.
  • The width of the lips must be equal to the distance between the two pupils.

The different types of lips

Depending on the size and curvature of the lips, the shape of Cupid's bow and the junction between the upper and lower lip, there are five different lip shapes.

photo lips in the shape of a heart
Heart-shaped lips

Both lips are of a similar size, and the Cupid's bow on the upper lip is well defined.

photo lips in the shape of an ellipse
Elliptical lips

The lips are thick and well defined, projecting forward.

photo lips in the shape of a ribbon
Ribbon lips

The lips are narrow and not very voluminous, with a regular contour. The volume of the lower lip is greater than that of the upper lip.

photo bow lips
Bow-shaped lips

Wide and stretched, these lips are thin and elongated, with the volume of the lower lip exceeding that of the upper lip.

photo apple-shaped lips
Apple-shaped lips

The shape is rounded, and the lips are full-bodied without being too thick.

How can I enhance my lips without surgery?

Requests for lip augmentation are very common in aesthetic medicine. According to a European study, one woman in two has had this type of operation at least once in her life.

In fact, some women have a complex about the thickness of their lips, which they consider too thin, and dream of having a fuller mouth. As an asset of beauty and sensuality, lips are an element of charm. In aesthetic medicine, there are a number of non-invasive techniques for lip enhancement. lip augmentation.
For a more attractive result, this procedure is often combined with other treatments that target unsightly areas of the mouth: the treatment of nasolabial foldsand folds of bitterness and fine lines on the lips. 

On a daily basis, it's essential to moisturise the lips to keep the skin supple and protect them from damage (stress, pollution, cold...). In winter, for example, this part of the face can be prone to chapping, which can be painful and unsightly. The skin covering the lips is extremely thin and fragile.

How can I get a fuller mouth with hyaluronic acid?

There are several techniques for lip augmentation using hyaluronic acid injections. After analysis, depending on the patient's anatomy and wishes, Dr Romano will suggest the most suitable technique.

Plumping lips
This treatment aims to give lips a fuller, more voluptuous appearance while preserving their natural texture.

Lip filling
Lip filling is a technique that involves injecting hyaluronic acid to fill in hollow or flat areas of the lips. This method is used not only to add volume, but also to reduce wrinkles around the mouth and improve lip hydration.

Gloss lips 
Lasting hydration of the lips without increasing volume. This technique is particularly suitable for patients with permanently dry, chapped lips.

photo beauty care after pregnancy

Lip contouring
Lip contouring is a technique used to redefine the lip line for a cleaner, more defined result without significantly increasing the volume of the lips.

Brazilian Hug Lip
Brazilian Hug Lip" is a recent lip augmentation technique that aims to create a fuller, more natural look while providing a subtle "hug" or envelopment of the lips.
The technique aims to achieve naturally fuller lips, with a subtle lifting effect and increased definition of the Cupid's bow,
The term 'hug' evokes the idea of the lips being gently enveloped and enhanced, with a particular focus on improving the texture and definition of the hemline.
The improvement is visible and true to the natural proportions of the face.

Russian lips
The "Russian Lips" technique is a method of lip augmentation that aims to create a lifted effect where the lips are enhanced with a fairly flat appearance, reminiscent of the shape of Russian doll lips.

photo augmentation of the lips by injection of hyaluronic acid

Lip augmentation with hyaluronic acid injections

Lip injections are one of the most complicated facial injections. Not all practitioners achieve a natural result.
The injection ofhyaluronic acid is preceded by a consultation and an analysis of dental support, the tone of the orbicularis muscle in the mouth and the amount of fat present in the lips.

How does a hyaluronic acid injection for the lips work?

The injection can be done with a cannula or a needle. A fairly recent technique is Russian Lips, which lifts the lips without projecting them.
The analysis of the lips, the choice of product, the injection plan, the quantity of product injected and the type of injection carried out make all the difference between one practitioner and another, between a sublime result and a "duck mouth".
Lip injections are made-to-measure.

What's the best hyaluronic acid for lips?

In most cases, the product used is a lip volumising product. In certain cases (very thin lips, almost non-existent muscle, absence of dental support, etc.), different products may be chosen by the doctor.
Specific products have been developed for the lips.

The level at which the product is injected is important for the result: injection at the back of the orbicularis muscle of the lips causes eversion of the lip, while injection at the level of the mucosa and the hem increases the height of the red lip.

How do you prepare your lips before injections?

For thelip augmentation by injection of hyaluronic acidNo specific preparation is required.

One week before the operation, it is advisable to avoid medicines and food supplements that can thin the blood, such as aspirin or ibuprofen. Anti-aggregating or anticoagulant drugs should be stopped only on the advice of the prescribing doctor.

It is best to avoid smoking for a few hours before the injection.
It is also advisable to moisturise the lips and gently exfoliate them to remove dead cells. This slightly reduces pain during the procedure.

The doctor must be informed of any allergies or medical conditions that may affect treatment.

What are the contraindications to lip injections?

image treatments beautiful skin after pregnancy

The contraindications are the same as for hyaluronic acid injections.

  • Injured or infected skin in the area to be injected. In particular, the presence of active herpes labialis.
  • Pregnancy and breastfeeding.
  • Allergy to lidocaine: this is a relative contraindication, as lidocaine-free products are available.
  • Hepatitis C.
  • Autoimmune diseases.
  • Presence of non-absorbable product in the injected area.
  • Taking anti-coagulants.
  • Severe uncontrolled chronic diseases.

What care should be taken after lip injections?

The post-injection lip care are important to guarantee an optimal result and prevent any complications. It is recommended not to massage the lips in the days following the injection to avoid moving the product. Dr Romano has placed the hyaluronic acid and as it is a moderately cross-linked product it will not move.

For two days, apply cold compresses to reduce swelling and bruising, and avoid strenuous physical activity and exposure to heat sources such as saunas or hot baths.
For two days, it is advisable to apply a healing cream and avoid smoking. If it is impossible to stop smoking, rinse the lips with water immediately after smoking.
If you have a history of herpes labialis, Dr Romano will prescribe an anti-herpetic prophylaxis to prevent a herpes outbreak following the injection.

photo augmentation of the lips by Russian lips

Russian lips" injections: a popular technique for plumping the lips

The "Russian Lips" technique has become extremely popular in recent years. Inspired by the "Russian doll" aesthetic, this method of injecting hyaluronic acid into the lips creates a heart-shaped mouth.

The "Russian Lips" approach focuses on lifting the lips rather than increasing their volume. To achieve this result, the doctor injects micro-doses of hyaluronic acid vertically, starting from the base of the lip and working outwards.

This method preserves the natural contours of the lip while accentuating the Cupid's bow. The result is a very flat lip, avoiding the "duck mouth" effect.

Who is Russian Lips for?

The "Russian Lips" technique is suitable for virtually all lip morphologies. However, for very thin or poorly defined lips, several sessions (up to three) may be necessary to achieve the desired effect.

What happens during a "Russian Lips" injection session?

The session lasts about five minutes if the doctor is experienced. After cleaning and disinfecting the lips, the practitioner proceeds with the injections. This technique is a little more painful than traditional methods, as it requires a lot of injections.

For sensitive patients, an anaesthetic cream is applied half an hour before the procedure. The treatment is quick and slightly uncomfortable.

Why don't lip injections work?

Lip injections give fuller, more defined lips. However, sometimes the results of these injections don't last as long as expected. There are several reasons why hyaluronic acid injections into the lips may not last.

  • Choice of product
    There are several types of hyaluronic acid of varying quality and firmness. Products of lesser quality or which are poorly adapted degrade more quickly.

  • Injection technique
    The injection technique plays a crucial role in the longevity of the results. A poorly executed injection can lead to uneven distribution of the product or faster resorption.

  • Individual metabolism
    Everyone's metabolism is different. Some people metabolise injectable products more quickly than others. Factors such as age, genetics and lifestyle (diet, physical activity) influence the metabolism of injected substances.

photo injection for lips that won't hold
  • Lip movement
    The lips are an extremely mobile area, used constantly to speak, eat and express emotions. This intense muscular activity accelerates the breakdown of hyaluronic acid.

  • Maintenance and monitoring of injections
    To maintain the results of the injections, maintenance sessions (every 8-12 months) are necessary. An inappropriate or irregular protocol will cause the effect of the injections to diminish more rapidly.

  • Moisturising and skin care
    Hydration and daily skin care can influence how long the results of injections last. If the skin is well hydrated and healthy, the results will last longer.

  • Individual sensitivity

What are the side effects of hyaluronic acid injections in the lips?

The side effects of hyaluronic acid injections are rare and limited. Hyaluronic acid is naturally present in the body and is a biocompatible product. 
The initial swelling that occurs just after the injection generally diminishes within a few days, giving way to an attractive, natural result.
If the patient wishes, medication can be prescribed to speed up the disappearance of the oedema. 
If you have a history of herpes labialis, you should take anti-herpes medication to prevent a herpes outbreak.
Haematomas are rare, but possible and transient.

How long does it take to recover after lip injections?

After lip augmentation, the recovery period generally varies from a few hours to a few days. Although thehyaluronic acid is a natural substance that is well tolerated by the body, bruising and swelling may occur after the procedure.

When do lips deflate after injections?

Significant swelling generally disappears within 48 to 72 hours, with the lips deflating completely in 7 to 14 days, depending on individual response.

Lip injection results

The results of lip injections are visible immediately after treatment, although swelling may mask the final result for a few days.

Depending on the patient's needs and requirements, the possible results are :

  • Lip augmentation for lips more or less full-bodied and defined.
  • Moisturising lips.
  • Correction of a asymmetry of the lips.
  • Contouring and defining the lip line.

Lip injection before/after

This procedure effectively corrects :

  • A lack of volume in the lower and/or upper lip.
  • Lack of hem definition.
  • Eversion of the lower or upper lip.
  • A slight widening of the mouth.
  • Poorly defined philtral ridges.
  • Sagging lip corners due to ageing of the face.

When do you see the effects of hyaluronic acid injections in the lips?

The result is not immediate but is visible seven to ten days after the injection. In fact, immediately after the injection, the lips are swollen and the result is unnatural.
The volume of the lips is increased, the hemline defined and the Cupid's bow well defined.
Hyaluronic acid hydrates and plumps lips, giving them a younger, more attractive appearance.

Do the lip injections go away? 
Hyaluronic acid injections in the lips: how long does it last?

How long do the results of lip injections last? Results last between six and twelve months, after which maintenance sessions can be envisaged to maintain the result.
Generally speaking, for the very first injection the results last six months, for the second eight to ten months and then a year.
This non-invasive procedure enhances the lips while respecting the harmony of the face. It is a safe and effective aesthetic solution for patients who want to enhance their lips and smile.

How much does a lip injection cost?

How much does a lip injection cost? Dr Valeria Romano will be happy to welcome you to her practice in Geneva to help you better understand your expectations and establish an aesthetic diagnosis. During this consultation, the doctor will define the type of operation best suited to correcting the defects identified, and will give you an estimate for the cost of the operation. the price of increased lips. 

Type de consultation Tarifs généralement pratiqués
Hyaluronic acid
650 CHF per syringe

Lip injections opinion

Patient opinions on lip injections for augmentation and contouring are varied, but a positive trend is emerging. Many appreciate the ability to redefine the lip line and achieve better definition with hyaluronic acid, which is praised for its ability to add volume naturally and reversibly. Patients report that the procedure is quick and that the results are quickly visible, with a subtle or more pronounced effect depending on their preferences.

Overall, lip injections have been retained as an effective method of beautifying the lips while preserving their suppleness and natural appearance.

Duck mouth after injection

The " duck mouth This "exaggerated effect" is a frequent concern for patients considering lip injection. This exaggerated effect can occur if the injection is poorly carried out: unsuitable product, too large a quantity injected, incorrect injection plan (injection too deep which wipes out the lip), incorrect indication.

To avoid this result, it is essential to consult an experienced doctor who listens to your expectations and is familiar with the anatomy of the area and the technique.

Increase the size of your lips naturally

Natural lip augmentation is possible, but it is temporary and the results are not comparable to the effects of hyaluronic acid injections.
Cinnamon or menthol are known to temporarily improve lip volume.

Should I massage my lips after hyaluronic acid injections?

After hyaluronic acid injections in the lips, it is generally advisable not to massage the area, unless otherwise instructed by your doctor. Massaging could displace the product and compromise the result.

  • Redraw the lip contour.
  • A fuller mouth.
  • Correcting asymmetry.

There is no real way of making the result last longer. In fact, the lifespan of the product depends on the patient's metabolism. It is advisable to keep the lips well moisturised and to avoid repeated contractions of the orbicularis muscle of the lips (avoid smoking, for example).

From the age of 18, but it is from the age of 25 that this procedure is often carried out.

It is recommended that you wait eight months between your first and second injections. For the third and subsequent injections, the period between two injections is twelve months.
If a significant increase in volume is required, two syringes are often injected, with a two-month delay between the two syringes.

The application of certain hyaluronic acid-based moisturisers increases lip volume. The result lasts a few hours.

It is best to wait 24 to 48 hours after the injection.

Hyaluronic acid and botox are two substances used in aesthetic medicine to improve the appearance of the lips, but they act in different ways. Hyaluronic acid is used to treat lip wrinkles and add volume to the lips. Botox works by relaxing the muscles responsible for wrinkles around the mouth.

Lip injection is an aesthetic medicine procedure in which a filling agent, hyaluronic acid, is used to increase volume, define contours and improve the shape of the lips.

Anyone wishing to improve the shape, volume or definition of their lips may be a good candidate. Patients should have no contraindications to hyaluronic acid injections.

Yes, it gradually wears off over 6 to 12 months.

The most popular brands are Juvederm and Restylane. Each brand has specific products for the lips.

Lips become thinner with age as collagen and elastin production decreases over time and fat is reabsorbed. 

The main techniques are the "Russian Lips", the volumizing technique (overall increase in lip volume) and the contouring technique (definition of the lip contour).

The injections are slightly painful, but the procedure is very quick, lasting just a few minutes. Dr Romano prefers not to apply an anaesthetic cream for this injection.

Yes, lip injections can be combined with other aesthetic treatments such as Botox and fillers.

It's not possible to plump up lips naturally, but here are a few tips to improve their tone and surface hydration.

  • Regular hydration : use moisturising balms rich in hyaluronic acid or collagen.
  • Gentle exfoliation : Exfoliate lips regularly to remove dead cells and stimulate blood circulation.
  • Lip masks : Apply moisturising masks specially designed for the lips.
  • Facial exercises.

Before a session of hyaluronic acid injections in the lips, it is advisable to avoid taking aspirin or anti-inflammatory drugs, or certain food supplements that increase bleeding. After the session, it is advisable not to massage the treated area, to avoid exposure to the sun and to avoid smoking for two days.

Thin lips can be genetic or linked to ageing.

If the injection is carried out by an experienced doctor, the procedure is risk-free. Injections carried out by a non-physician or a doctor who is not trained in this procedure can cause necrosis of the lips and infections.

It is crucial to choose a qualified, experienced and certified doctor to carry out lip injections. It is important to find out about the reputation, seniority, experience and number of aesthetic procedures carried out.
You need to have a good rapport and feel confident with the doctor you choose.

The contour of the lips can be redefined using hyaluronic acid injections. This technique offers a rapid, non-invasive solution for obtaining defined, more symmetrical lips.

The main difference between hyaluronic acid injections and implants lies in the nature and durability of the treatment. Injections are temporary, reversible and it is possible to adjust the volume and shape of the lips according to the patient's preferences. Implants are a permanent solution requiring surgery, with potentially higher risks and complications. The final result is determined by the shape of the implant, so it cannot be adjusted according to the patient's wishes.

Yes, lip injections using hyaluronic acid are reversible. The product is resorbable and can also be dissolved.

Smoking is not recommended for the first two days after lip injection, as it can increase the risk of infection. Smoking can also cause blood vessels to contract, which can alter the result and lead to complications.

If the injections have been carried out correctly, they have not altered the lips, so once the product has been absorbed, the lips will regain their original shape and volume.

The use of non-absorbable products is prohibited because of the side-effects they can cause.

Labial implants, such as Permalip implants, are the preferred method of lip augmentation which lasts the longest, as they are permanent. These implants are fitted by a surgeon. Lip hyaluronic acid injections last from 6 to 12 months, but are less invasive.

To give the lips greater volume, two syringes of hyaluronic acid can be injected, but not in the same session. There should be an interval of two months between injections.

The Permalip implant is a soft, permanent silicone implant inserted surgically to augment the lips.

The injections of hyaluronic acid in lips are safe when carried out by an experienced doctor.

The only product authorised for lips is hyaluronic acid.

To avoid an artificial result with lip injections, it is essential to choose an experienced practitioner.

Yes, that's possible.

It is generally not advisable to massage the lips after hyaluronic acid injections unless advised by your doctor.

After the lip injection, it is recommended to use a soothing and moisturising cream, often hyaluronic acid-based, to help reduce inflammation and maintain hydration.

Yes, but it is advisable to wait at least 24 hours to avoid any risk of irritation.

It is advisable to wait at least 24 to 48 hours before wearing lipstick.

It is normal for the lips to be more swollen in the morning because lying down while sleeping encourages water retention.

It is possible to eat immediately afterwards, but for your comfort it is advisable to wait about an hour until the numbness caused by the anaesthetic has worn off.

You can assume any position you like, the product will not move.

No, pregnancy and breast-feeding are contraindications to hyaluronic acid injections.

The lips generally begin to deflate 48 to 72 hours after the injection. The swelling disappears completely within one to two weeks, depending on individual reactivity.

To reduce swelling after a lip-filling injection, it is advisable to apply cold compresses to the treated area and to take the medication prescribed by your doctor.

The lip injections are generally reserved for adults. However, with parental consent and medical advice, they can be performed at the age of 17.

Appointment Lip injections Geneva - Consultation Lip injections Geneva

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