What is hyperhidrosis?

L'hyperhidrosisor excessive sweatingis the excessive production of sweat by the sweat glands. This condition often has socio-professional repercussions.
Around 5% of the population is affected. Hyperhidosis can be generalised or localised to certain areas of the body, particularly the hands, armpits and feet. In the latter case, it is often bilateral.



Excessive perspiration treatment in Geneva 

In the event of excessive sweatingor hyperhidrosis, the production of sweat is abnormally high. L'underarm hyperhidrosis is common, but various parts of the body can be affected, such as the hands, feet and face.
The symptoms are the clammy handspersistent perspiration on the forehead and sweat stains on clothing, particularly around the neck.

The people suffering from hyperhidrosis can use Botox injections an effective and safe treatment for reduce the symptoms of excessive sweating. The quality of life of those affected is improved.
Dr Romano is a member of theInternational Hyperhidrosis Society and produces the treatment of hypersudation in Geneva.

What are the symptoms of excessive sweating?

photo symptômes transpiration excessive
  • Profuse sweating: production of sweat in excess of the body's needs thermoregulation.
  • Areas affected: the areas most commonly affected are the armpits, the palms of the hands, the soles of the feet and the face. However, any part of the body can be affected. We speak of palmar hyperhidrosis, plantar hyperhidrosis, axillary hyperhidrosis.
  • Constant dampness: a constant feeling of wetness or dampness on the skin, even without physical activity or heat.
  • Sweat stains: frequent appearance of sweat stains on clothing, particularly under the arms.
  • Wet hands and feet: hands and feet may be constantly clammy, making it difficult to handle objects or walk.
  • Body odour: although sweat itself is odourless, excessive perspiration can cause unpleasant odours due to bacteria on the skin.
  • Skin irritations: the skin can become irritated and macerate due to the constant humidity, leading to skin rashes or fungal infections.
  • Impact on daily life: embarrassment, social anxietyIt also has an impact on quality of life, limiting daily and social activities.

These symptoms vary in intensity and can be more or less bothersome depending on the individual.

What causes excessive sweating or hyperhidrosis?

Sweating is a physiological mechanism needed to maintain body temperature, and we have around 3 million sweat glands.
Excessive sweating often begins at puberty and can have several causes.

  • Primary hyperhidrosis: this form of excessive sweating appears without any underlying medical cause and is often hereditary.
    It generally affects specific areas such as the armpits, hands, feet and face.
    It is often triggered by emotional factors or stressful situations.
  • Underlying medical conditions: Hyperhidrosis may be secondary to medical conditions.
    • Endocrine disorders (e.g. hyperthyroidism).
    • Infectious diseases.
    • Neurological disorders.
  • Drug reactions: the side effect of some drugs is excessive sweating.
  • Environmental factors: excessive heat or high humidity can aggravate sweating.

The factors favouring hyperhidrosisThe main causes of the sweating 'crisis' are :

  • Stress.
  • Anxiety.
  • Emotionality.
  • Excitants: tea, coffee, taurine.

How can I stop excessive sweating?

The treatments for hyperhidrosis are :

  • Surgery.
  • Iontophoresis.
  • Medication (psychotropic drugs).
  • Psychotherapy.
  • Botox injections. Botox injections are an effective and rapid solution that does not cause social exclusion.
image traitement transpiration excessive par botox

Botox underarms: treatment of excessive sweating or hyperhidrosis

The principle of botox is to block nerve stimulation to the sweat glands.
Dr Romano is a member of the International Hyperhidrosis Society and follows the guidelines of the Swiss learned societies, a summary of which is available at Swiss Medical Journal.
While this injection can be performed on any part of the body, Dr Romano only performs it for excessive perspiration on the forehead and underarms. She considers that injections into the hands and feet can be dangerous.

What areas of the body can be treated for excessive sweating with Botox injections?

Dr Romano limits the use of Botox to the armpits, and does not inject the palms of the hands or soles of the feet.
The use of Botox in these areas can cause sensitivity problems that could be embarrassing or even dangerous.
Reduced sensitivity in the palms of the hands can compromise the ability to grasp objects safely.
Reduced sensitivity in the soles of the feet can lead to falls.
Underarm treatment is safe and comfortable.

Indications for treatment of hypersudation with botox

traitement hypersudation par botox

Treatment of hypersudation with Botox is recommended in several situations.

  • Symptoms of hyperhidrosis: this technique is particularly indicated for patients with marked symptoms of hyperhidrosis: sweaty halos under the arms, clammy hands and excessive sweating around the face and feet.
  • First-line choice: for some people, Botox can be proposed as a first-line treatment because of its proven efficacy and rapid results.
  • Failure of other treatments: Botox is also indicated for patients who have not obtained satisfactory results with other treatments (antiperspirants, medication, behavioural therapies).
  • Quality of life: people whose excessive sweating significantly affects their social and professional quality of life can turn to this solution.
  • Safety and tolerance: Botox is a well-tolerated treatment option, with minimal side effects, making it a safe method for improving quality of life.

How is the Botox injection for excessive perspiration carried out?

Treating hyperhidrosis with Botox injections is a quick and easy procedure carried out in a doctor's surgery. The procedure (the injections) takes approximately one minute.

Initial consultation
During the first visit, Dr Romano analyses the severity of the hyperhidrosis and discusses it with the patient to ensure that there are no contraindications and to assess the benefits of Botox injections.

Preparing the area
The area to be treated, often the armpits, is disinfected. A topical anaesthetic or ice may be applied.

 Dr Romano marks the injection points to ensure even distribution of the Botox. These points are generally 1 to 2 centimetres apart.

Using a fine needle, Dr Romano injects small quantities of Botox just under the skin at each marked point.

Number of vials of botox
Two to three vials of Botox are needed to treat both armpits.

No recovery period is required, and patients can resume their activities immediately after the session.

Are botox injections painful?

Botox injections for perspiration may cause some discomfort, but the pain is generally mild. The procedure involves multiple small superficial injections. To reduce discomfort, a topical anaesthetic or ice pack may be applied before the session. Most patients describe a tingling sensation or slight burning.
There is no pain after the injection.

Are Botox injections effective against perspiration?

Yes, Botox injections are very effective in treating excessive perspiration, particularly in the armpits. Botox works by blocking the nerve signals that stimulate the sweat glands, so sweat production is reduced.

How long does Botox take to work on underarm hyperhidrosis?

The effects generally begin to appear a few days after treatment and last around 6 months.
To maintain the results, maintenance sessions are required once or twice a year.

Why treat excessive sweating?

Treating excessive sweating improves patients' physical, emotional and social well-being.

In fact, excessive perspiration can lead to considerable physical discomfort as a result of constantly wet clothes and frequent skin irritations.
Hyperhidrosis has a significant impact on social and emotional quality of life. Those affected may develop social phobiaThis can lead to a loss of self-confidence, social isolation and a deterioration in mental health. This can lead to reduced self-confidence, social isolation and deteriorating mental health.

How can I stop excessive sweating naturally?

photo arrêter la transpiration excessive naturellement

Unfortunately, there is no natural method for stopping hyperhidrosis. However, certain habits can improve daily comfort.

  • Regular hygiene: take regular showers with an antibacterial soap to eliminate the bacteria responsible for unpleasant odours.
  • Appropriate clothing: prefer clothes made from natural fibres such as cotton, linen or bamboo, which allow the skin to breathe. Avoid synthetic fabrics, which retain heat and moisture.
  • A balanced diet: avoid spicy foods, caffeine and alcohol, which increase perspiration. We recommend eating water-rich foods such as fruit and vegetables.
  • Hydration: drink plenty of water to regulate body temperature and reduce sweating.
  • Herbs and supplements: certain herbs, such as sage, are known for their antiperspirant properties. Sage tea can be drunk regularly.
  • Stress management Practice relaxation techniques such as yoga, meditation or deep breathing to reduce stress, which is one of the triggers for sweating 'attacks'.
  • Natural antiperspirants Use natural antiperspirants based on bicarbonate of soda and essential oils to help reduce perspiration.
  • Weight loss: excess weight can contribute to increased sweat production.

Results before / after botox injections for excessive sweating

The results of Botox injections for excessive sweating, or hyperhidrosis, are rapid.

  • Significant reduction in sweat production.
  • Improved quality of life and everyday comfort.
  • Reduces skin irritation and fungal infections caused by dampness.
  • Increased self-confidence in social and professional interactions.
  • Visible reduction in sweat stains on clothing.

Duration of results

The effects of Botox injections are noticeable a few days after treatment, and are optimal a week later. Results generally last between 4 and 6 months.

How much do Botox injections for excessive sweating cost?

Type de consultation Tarifs généralement pratiqués
Botox perspiration
CHF 500 for the 1st bottle
CHF 350 for each additional bottle
One to three vials are needed

Opinion on the treatment of excessive perspiration with botox

Botox treatment for excessive perspiration is renowned for its effectiveness and rapid results.

  • Effectiveness: many patients experience a significant reduction in sweating in the days following the injection.
  • Safety: Botox is a well-tolerated and safe treatment when administered by qualified professionals. Side effects are rare and generally temporary.
  • Comfort: patients report a significant improvement in their quality of life. They can wear the clothes they want without worrying about sweat stains or unpleasant odours.
  • Simplicity: treatment is rapid, often taking less than 30 minutes and requiring no recovery time, enabling patients to resume their normal activities immediately afterwards.
What hormone makes you sweat?

Perspiration is mainly regulated by the hormone called adrenaline (or epinephrine). Adrenaline is released in response to stress, excitement or "fight or flight" situations. This hormone stimulates the sweat glands, increasing perspiration.

Sweating profusely for no reason can be due to a number of factors.

  • Primary hyperhidrosis: caused by overactivity of the sweat glands for no apparent medical reason.
  • Secondary hyperhidrosis: resulting from medical conditions such as hyperthyroidism, diabetes, infections, or as a side effect of certain medications.
  • Emotional factors: stress, anxiety or intense emotions can increase sweat production.

In the event of hyperhidrosis, it is advisable to consult :

  • A dermatologist or general practitioner.
  • An endocrinologist: if underlying hormonal disorders are suspected.

L’hyperhidrose peut parfois diminuer ou disparaître avec le temps, surtout si elle est liée à des facteurs temporaires comme le stress ou les changements hormonaux. Cependant, pour beaucoup de personnes, l’hyperhidrose est une condition chronique.

Les carences en certains nutriments peuvent affecter la transpiration.

  • Carence en magnésium : le magnésium joue un rôle dans la régulation de la température corporelle et une carence peut provoquer une transpiration excessive.
  • Carence en vitamines du groupe B : ces vitamines sont importantes pour la gestion du stress et le métabolisme énergétique. Une carence peut augmenter la transpiration.

Le diagnostic de l’hyperhidrose se fait par :

  • L’historique médical : le médecin posera des questions sur les antécédents médicaux et les symptômes.
  • L’examen physique : pour vérifier les zones affectées par la transpiration excessive.
  • Les tests spécifiques : comme le test iode- amidon (qui colore les zones de transpiration excessive) ou le test du papier buvard (pour mesurer la quantité de sueur produite).
  • Parfois un bilan sanguin : pour écarter des conditions sous-jacentes comme les troubles thyroïdiens ou les déséquilibres hormonaux.

Certaines pathologies peuvent causer une transpiration excessive : hyperthyroïdie, diabète, infections, cancers, pathologies endocriniennes.

Si vous transpirez abondamment sans raison apparente vous pourriez souffrir d’hyperhidrose. Un avis médical est à prendre.

Homeopathic remedies such as Silicea, Calcarea carbonica and Natrum muriaticum can be beneficial.

Sage is a plant commonly used to reduce excessive perspiration.

Other areas to be treated



