Le bonheur de devenir mère n’empêche pas les complexes. Après une grossesse, en post-partum, il est parfois compliqué de se reconnaître dans un corps métamorphosé. En fonction du métabolisme de la jeune maman, des kilos pris pendant la grossesse et du poids de départ, certains kilos résistent parfois à tous les efforts sportifs. Culotte de cheval, maternity apronAlthough the fat cells are stored on the thighs, stomach and buttocks, they can be stored on the thighs, stomach and buttocks... cryolipolysis and radiofrequency are aesthetic medicine techniques that help to lose belly and find his flat stomach after pregnancy.


Taking the time to get back into shape

During the 9 months of pregnancy, the female body prepares for the arrival of the baby. Weight gain is part of the natural physiological process. As well as the weight of the baby itself, the placenta, the uterus and the amniotic fluid, the mother's body stores proteins and lipids in anticipation of breast-feeding and in preparation for the ordeal of giving birth. Some of the weight gain is due to increased blood volume, breast enlargement and water retention. Weight gain accelerates during the last trimester.

Doctors recommend an average weight gain during pregnancy of between 10 and 13 kilos. But this range is only a guide. Thinner women can gain more. Women of a heavier build are advised to control their weight gain.

Never losing those pregnancy kilos is a source of anxiety for many pregnant women. In the fight against excess weight, impatience is your worst enemy and time is your best ally. Although a natural weight loss of 6 to 10 kilos is observed at the time of childbirth, it takes time to get back to your original figure. Don't focus on the scales. It takes around 8 weeks for the uterus to return to its original size. If you are breast-feeding, some of the stored fat will be used to produce breast milk. Weight loss takes place gradually, and very unevenly depending on the woman and her morphology. Regaining your previous weight takes time, often between 9 months and a year after the birth of your baby.

Exercise and a healthy diet

After the birth of your baby, adopt a varied and balanced diet. Favour fruit and vegetables, fibre and cereals, which are rich in nutrients and vitamins and low in fat. On the other hand, limit fatty, sugary and processed foods. But don't deprive yourself and banish draconian diets! They contribute to the "yo-yo effect" (rapid weight gain and loss) and the appearance of stretch marks.

Parallèlement à une alimentation saine et équilibrée, reprendre l’exercice physique est primordial pour perdre les kilos emmagasinés et renforcer les muscles de l’abdomen. La rééducation périnéale doit être terminée avant la reprise de l’activité physique. Celle-ci doit être approuvée par le médecin ou la sage-femme. Durant le premier mois postnatal, le ‘corps du post-partum‘ doit se remettre en douceur de l’accouchement. Il est préconisé de recommencer par des exercices simples et des sports doux, limitant les impacts, comme la natation, la marche à pied, la gym douce… Faire un sport qui vous apporte du plaisir est la clé de la régularité. Préférez des séances courtes plusieurs fois par semaine à une unique séance longue hebdomadaire.

Pregnancy apron, saddlebags: opt for cryolipolysis and radiofrequency treatment

Certaines zones du corps conservent des rondeurs malgré un régime alimentaire équilibré et une pratique sportive. L’slimming devient difficile. Les parties du corps les plus sujettes au stockage des graisses sont le ventrethe thighsthe hips and buttocks. Au niveau de l’abdomen, la peau distendue peut créer ce qu’on appelle « un tablier graisseux » ou « tablier de grossesse » disgracieux.

For lose the saddlebags If you want to get rid of that stubborn pregnancy apron without surgery, you can turn to aesthetic medicine. Cryolipolysis involves applying extreme cold to targeted areas (abdomen, buttocks, etc.) to destroy fat cells. The procedure is quick and painless, using a device that sucks up the fatty areas and exposes them to very cold temperatures. This technique makes it possible to lose weight using cold methods without the need for surgery. The fat cells are gradually eliminated by the body following the session. The fatty tissue loses 30 % to 40 % of thickness and the silhouette regains its finesse and harmony.

To have cellulite after pregnancy is very common. The increase in female sex hormones during pregnancy (oestrogen) encourages the development of cellulite. In women, fat cells expand and cause unsightly irregularities on the surface of the skin. This is commonly known as "orange peel skin", and is a source of complexes and discomfort.

To treat this phenomenon and remove the cellulite, différentes solutions existent : radiofrequency, mésothérapie anti-cellulite, carboxytherapy. Efficace sur tous les types de cellulite (fibreuse, œdémateuse, adipeuse) la radiofréquence consiste à faire pénétrer sous la peau un courant générateur de chaleur pour supprimer la cellulite. Les séances de radiofrequency for the stomach are used to eliminate fat cells stored in the abdominal area and reshape the figure, giving you a flat stomach. Less invasive than abdominoplasty, this treatment involves no pain and no side effects.

Photo of doctor Valeria Romano in Geneva

Article written by Dr Romano Valeria


