What is vaginal dryness?

The mucous membranes of the vagina and cervix contain glands that secrete lubricants. These substances prevent the mucous membranes from drying out and facilitate penetration. A significant drop in this secretion causes vaginal dryness.



Traitement de la secheresse vaginale a Genève

La sécheresse vaginale est un problème fréquent qui affecte la qualité de vie des femmes à tout âge. Elle se caractérise par une insuffisance de lubrification naturelle dans le vagin, ce qui peut entraîner une gêne et des douleurs.
La sècheresse intime peut gêner la femme pendant les rapports, à la ménopause ou être simplement cause des démangeaisons.

Le traitement de la sécheresse vaginale améliore le bien-être intime et la qualité de vie des femmes.
Pour la restauration de l’hydratation et le confort vaginal il existe des solutions, notamment les traitements laser et les injections d’acide hyaluronique.

What are the symptoms of vaginal dryness?

Symptoms of vaginal dryness can vary, but often include :

  • Discomfort and pain: sensation of dryness and tightness in the vagina.
  • Itching and burning in the vagina
  • Painful sexual intercourse.
  • Redness and inflammation of the vaginal mucosa.
  • Discomfort when wearing tight clothing.
  • Small amounts of bleeding at the vaginal entrance.

How do I know if I'm suffering from intimate dryness?

In order to diagnose vaginal dryness, a medical examination is necessary to make a precise diagnosis and to propose an appropriate treatment.

  • Gynaecological examination and interview with the patient to assess symptoms, their context of appearance, frequency and intensity.
  • Vaginal swab for analysis to detect a vaginal infection, which could be contributing to dryness symptoms.
  • Possibly a hormone test to detect early menopause or other hormonal imbalances.
photo intimate dryness in women

What causes vaginal dryness?

Vaginal dryness occurs when the glands in the vagina do not produce enough secretions.

Several factors may be responsible:

  • La chute du taux d’œstrogènes est le facteur principal. Cela se produit à la ménopause et en post-partum.
  • Certain drugs: antidepressants, chemotherapy, etc.
  • Drugs and alcohol.
  • A great deal of stress.
  • An imbalance in the vaginal flora caused by aggressive hygiene products, certain detergents, chemical agents, etc.
  • Medical conditions: conditions such as Sjögren's syndrome or certain infections can lead to vaginal dryness.

How do I moisturise my private parts?
Solutions for intimate dryness

There are several ways to treat vaginal dryness:

  • Lubrifiants et hydratants vaginaux : utilisation de produits spécialement formulés pour hydrater la muqueuse vaginale.
  • Thérapie hormonale : crèmes, anneaux ou comprimés hormonaux pour restaurer les niveaux d’œstrogènes. Ces médicaments seront prescrits par votre gynécologue.
  • Traitements non invasifs : laser et injections d’acide hyaluronique pour stimuler l’hydratation naturelle et améliorer la qualité des tissus vaginaux.

Most of the urogenital symptoms associated with the menopause are due to the reduction in oestrogen production. Genital epithelial tissue gradually thins. The vaginal mucosa becomes thinner and less lubricated. For this reason, hormone therapy has long been the standard treatment for menopausal symptoms. Lubricants and oestrogen pills are often prescribed, but hyaluronic acid injections and lasers are a real revolution in this indication.

photo of intimate dryness treatment with hyaluronic acid

How to treat intimate dryness? Hyaluronic acid injections

L'hyaluronic acid is known for its moisturising properties, making it ideal for restoring moisture and firmness to vaginal tissue.
The hyaluronic acid used is DESIRIAL®.
DESIRIAL® is the first hyaluronic acid specifically formulated for women's intimacy to be CE-marked and validated by the authorities for gynaecological indications (rehydration of the mucosa, plasty of the labia majora and injection of the G-spot).
The injection is carried out in the surgery without a speculum. A local anaesthetic is administered by the doctor. Two syringes are used.
The injections are made at the :
Vaginal mucosa: injections are made into the lateral and posterior walls of the vagina using the multi-point technique. They are superficial and 0.5 - 1 cm deep.
The vestibule (the area where the labia minora meet the entrance to the vagina): injections are performed using the multi-point technique.

photo laser treatment intimate dryness

How can women increase their lubrication naturally? Vaginal laser

Le vaginal laser is a non-invasive treatment that improves the condition of the mucosa by stimulating collagen synthesis and activating microcirculation.
During a laser session, the entire vaginal mucosa is treated.

This treatment is often combined with an injection of hyaluronic acid: the injections target the last two centimetres of the vaginal mucosa, which are often more fragile and require a combined treatment.
The procedure is fast, painless and requires no recovery period.

Recommendations after treatment for vaginal dryness

To avoid side effects, it is important to follow these recommendations:

  • Avoid sexual intercourse and strenuous physical activity for 48 hours.
  • Avoid hot baths, saunas and swimming pools for a few days.
  • Use vaginal lubricants and moisturisers if necessary.
  • Follow any specific instructions provided by the doctor.

How can vaginal dryness be prevented?

Certain practices can reduce the risk of vaginal dryness:

  • Appropriate clothing: Avoid wearing clothes that are too tight and prefer cotton underwear to avoid irritation.
  • Gentle hygiene products: for intimate hygiene, choose pH-neutral soaps and gels. These products cleanse gently without disturbing the vaginal flora. Avoid using scented products on the intimate area, as they can cause irritation.
  • Avoid douching, which can unbalance the vaginal flora.
  • Stop smoking.
  • Balanced diet.

Results: before and after vaginal dryness

The results are immediate for injection of hyaluronic acid and felt after one month for the laser treatment. 

The vaginal mucosa is thicker, lubricated and the intimate PH respected.
The benefits obtained are:

  • Improved hydration
  • Increased comfort: reduced pain and improved quality of life.
  • Disappearance of symptoms: relief from itching, burning and irritation.

Duration of results

Results last between 8 and 12 months. Annual maintenance sessions are required to maintain the benefits of the treatment.

Price of intimate dryness treatment

Type of consultation General rates
Hyaluronic acid
CHF 600 per syringe
CHF 600 per session

Vaginal dryness treatment advice

The satisfaction index is high, at around 90%.
Laser treatment is appreciated for its action in stimulating collagen synthesis, which improves the firmness and tone of the vaginal walls in a lasting way.
Hyaluronic acid injections are recognised for their effectiveness in immediately restoring hydration and suppleness to the tissues.
Women describe a significant improvement in their intimate quality of life, which increases their self-confidence and general well-being.

Grandmother's remedy for intimate dryness

Les remèdes de grand-mère pour la sécheresse intime sont des solutions naturelles et accessibles pour améliorer l’hydratation et le confort vaginal.
L’huile de coco est souvent recommandée pour ses propriétés hydratantes et antibactériennes. Appliquée localement, elle peut aider à apaiser et à hydrater les tissus vaginaux.
Le gel d’aloe vera est un autre remède, connu pour ses propriétés apaisantes et hydratantes. Les infusions de plantes telles que le calendula ou la camomille peuvent également être utilisées comme bains de siège pour réduire l’inflammation et l’irritation.
Bien que ces remèdes puissent apporter un certain soulagement, il est toujours recommandé de consulter un médecin pour un diagnostic précis et un traitement adapté.

How can I tell if it's a yeast infection or dryness?

Différencier une mycose vaginale d’une sécheresse vaginale peut parfois être difficile.
Pour déterminer avec précision si vous souffrez d’une mycose ou de sécheresse vaginale, il est essentiel de consulter un médecin pour recevoir le traitement approprié et soulager efficacement les symptômes.
Il existe des signes distinctifs pour chacune de ces conditions :

Symptoms of vaginal mycosis

  • Intense itching of the vaginal and vulvar area.
  • Vaginal secretions: fungal infections are characterised by a thick, white, lumpy vaginal discharge, often compared to cottage cheese.
  • Redness and swelling of the vulva.
  • Burning sensation, especially during sexual intercourse.
  • Odour: fungal infections generally have no odour, unlike certain bacterial infections.

Symptoms of vaginal dryness

  • Feeling of dryness and tightness.
  • Pain during sexual intercourse.
  • Mild itching or irritation: unlike the severe itching of mycosis, this is generally milder.
  • No abnormal secretions: vaginal dryness is not accompanied by abnormal or thick vaginal discharge.
How can lasers treat vaginal dryness?

Laser treatment stimulates collagen production and increases blood flow to the vaginal tissues, improving their hydration, firmness and elasticity. This non-invasive method offers long-lasting results with little or no recovery time.

Hyaluronic acid is injected into the vaginal tissues to restore hydration and suppleness. This treatment helps to improve natural hydration and reduce the symptoms of vaginal dryness, providing immediate relief.

The number of sessions depends on the needs of each patient. In general, 2 to 3 sessions of laser treatment or hyaluronic acid injections are recommended for optimal results. Your doctor will draw up a personalised treatment plan during your initial consultation.

Treatments are generally well tolerated. Most patients feel slight heat or pressure, but no significant pain. A local anaesthetic is often used for hyaluronic acid injections.

Side effects are generally minor and temporary. You may experience slight redness, swelling or a sensation of heat in the treated area. These usually disappear within a few hours to a few days.

Laser treatments and hyaluronic acid injections offer fast, long-lasting results without the risks and recovery times associated with more invasive procedures. They are also non-hormonal, making them suitable for women who cannot or do not wish to undergo hormonal therapies.

The results of laser treatments and hyaluronic acid injections can last between 8 and 12 months. Maintenance sessions are necessary to prolong the effects. Your doctor will discuss a personalised follow-up plan to ensure that your results last.

Other areas to be treated

Increase in the G-spot

Beaded crown of the glans

Augmentation of the labia majora

Vaginal laxity

Stress urinary incontinence
