What is jawline contouring?

Un ovale bien défini est un atout de beauté et de jeunesse.
Le « Jawline contouring » ou « Texas lift » est une technique de médecine esthétique née aux USA utilisée pour créer une ligne mandibulaire plus carrée et tracée.
À cause de l’influence des réseaux sociaux, ce traitement est de plus en plus plébiscité par les femmes et les hommes âgés de 20 à 40 ans.


image drawing the jawline

How do you make a jawline?

Aesthetic analysis is an essential part of the treatment.
It is important to :

  • Respect the shape of the face so that the mandibular line is in harmony with the other features.
  • Respect the differences between men and women and the rules of masculinisation or feminisation the face: men's mandibular line is broad and square, while women's is more rounded and narrow.
  • Respect the rules of beautiPHIcation The distance between the labial commissure and the most protruding point of the chin is twice the distance between the labial commissure and the base of the nose.
  • Establish the amplitude of the mandibular angle.
image mandibular line woman

Narrow angle

Less than 120

image jawline femme

Neutral angle

Between 120° and 130°.

image contour oval woman

Wide angle

Greater than 130°.

photo injection hyaluronic acid jawline Geneva

How can I get a jawline without surgery?

The jawline is defined by injectinghyaluronic acid. This act is often part of the technique 7/9 point Shape.

The injection is carried out using a needle and cannula. The product used is very firm and has volumising and/or lifting properties, depending on the patient's anatomy and the desired result.
The area treated extends from the mandibular angle to the chin. The latter is a key element in the treatment: its projection and shape help to define the jawline.
The amount of product used is often significant, ranging from three to six syringes for women and three to fifteen for men.
Injections are not recommended if the bone structure of the mandible is underdeveloped. In this case, surgery is preferable, as the quantity of product to be used would be too large.

Results and follow-up

Results are immediate, improving within three weeks of treatment. A fine-tuning session is often scheduled three weeks after the first session.
The result lasts about a year.
The after-effects are minimal, and you can resume your usual activities as soon as the session is over.


Type of consultation General rates
Hyaluronic acid
CHF 600 per syringe

Other areas to be treated

Lip gloss effect


Refining the face

Masculinisation of the face

Feminisation of the face

The 7/9 points shape

Liquid face lift

MD codes


Bee lift
