How to age well with anti-ageing medicine?

photo traitement vieillissement femme

Keeping your skin smooth and radiant, your body firm and your figure shapely, helps you to look younger than your years. Using morphological and anti-ageing medicine techniques helps to counter the signs of ageing.

Post-pregnancy: how can you get back to your old shape?

After pregnancy, it can be complicated to get back to the body you had before. Accumulated kilos sometimes resist all sporting efforts. With cryolipolysis or radiofrequency, it's possible to lose weight and regain a flat stomach after pregnancy thanks to aesthetic medicine.

The effects of fatigue and stress on the body and skin

photo femme fatiguée et stressée

The direct consequences of stress and lack of sleep on the skin are a dull, tired complexion and premature skin ageing. How do you remove bags under the eyes? Make dark circles disappear? Aesthetic medicine offers solutions.

Aesthetic medicine for men

photo injections visage homme Genève

Men turn to aesthetic medicine to correct a receding chin, masculinise their facial features or erase certain expression lines.

Post-pregnancy: how do you remove stretch marks?

photo traitement vergetures grossesse

Rapid weight gain and the hormonal changes associated with pregnancy often lead to the appearance of stretch marks. How can you make them disappear? Morphological and anti-ageing medicine can help to reduce stretch marks.
