What is medical genioplasty?

The chin is an essential part of the face. While in the past its role was neglected, today its shape and projection are recognised as beauty assets. Non-surgical genioplasty is an aesthetic medicine technique designed to modify the chin to make the face more harmonious.



Hyaluronic acid chin: reshaping the chin without surgery in Geneva 

What is medical genioplasty?

Injections ofhyaluronic acid are a very effective way of reshape the chin without surgery. This non-invasive procedure is called medical genioplasty and can be used to treat certain unsightly areas of the chin, in particular the receding chin.

This procedure is often part of a medical profiloplasty protocol.

How can I reshape my chin? How can I get a pronounced chin? How can I get a prominent chin?
It is possible to respond to these requests without resorting to a surgical genioplasty.

The injection ofhyaluronic acid in the chin allows patients to benefit from an aesthetic improvement of the chin without downtime. The results are natural.

photo of chin changes over time

How does the chin change with age?

Over time, certain changes occur to the chin:

  • Bone and fat atrophy: the reabsorption of fat and bone is responsible for a loss of support, the receding chin and the shortening of the face.
  • Sagging cheekbone fat with the appearance of jowls.
  • The appearance of 'orange peel' skin.
photo chin defects

What are chin defects?

  • Retrogyny or receding chin chin with little projection, which can give the impression of a lack of definition in the lower face and a less balanced profile
  • Curved or protruding chin chin: characterised by excessive protrusion of the chin.
  • Asymmetry: asymmetries can manifest themselves in a chin that is deviated or offset from the centre of the face.
  • Chin too prominent The chin dominates the rest of the face.
  • Loss of volume: with age, loss of volume in the chin area can lead to sagging of the skin and reduced definition of the chin, which can contribute to the appearance of wrinkles and submental folds.
  • Contour defects: irregular or ill-defined contours of the chin.

    Chin defects can be caused by genetic factors, ageing or trauma.


How can I get a more beautiful chin?

A beautiful chin is a chin that is harmonious, i.e. that respects certain criteria of shape, proportions of perfect beauty (the golden ratio), projection and angles formed between lines that pass through the chin and the other structures of the face.

The shape of the chin

The female chin is typically rounded and pointed. Seen in profile, a concave curve (just below the lip) is followed by a convex curve that ends at the oval.
However, depending on facial morphology, a slightly square chin can be considered feminine, for example in women with a well-defined oval and a rather angular face.
Feminisation of the chin is a frequently requested procedure. 

The male chin is square. Chin masculinisation is a frequently requested procedure. 

The projection

The correctly projected chin lies 3mm behind a line that passes through the midpoint of the dorsum of the nose and the most projected point of the upper lip.
We speak of progeny (or curved chin) if the chin is forward in relation to this line, retrogenic (or receding chin) if the chin is behind this line.

The proportions of the golden ratio

The distance between the nose and the horizontal line passing through the corner of the mouth should be equal to one third of the distance between the sub-nasal point and the chin. This is one of the proportions of the beautiphication of the face.

The angles

The cervico-chin angle (angle between the neck and chin seen in profile) should be 85-90°.

How can I change the shape of my chin without surgery?

A medical genioplasty is an aesthetic medical procedure designed to improve the appearance of the body.facial harmony by altering the shape, size or position of the chin. This procedure can be performed to correct a receding chin or asymmetries of the chin, feminise or masculinise the chin and define its contours. In the case of excess bone or skin, or a chin that is too far forward or too wide, surgery is often the only option. 

These flaws can have an impact on self-confidence, which is why many people consider injections. hyaluronic acid in the chin to correct them and achieve a more balanced, harmonious chin.

photo injection hyaluronic acid chin

Hyaluronic acid chin

Before any injection ofhyaluronic acidDr Romano carries out a static and dynamic analysis of the chin during a preliminary consultation. 

  • The doctor asks the patient to tilt his or her head and reproduce the 'give a kiss' mimicry in order to analyse the supports in the chin area.
  • The doctor asks for a protrusion of the lower lip to assess the strength of the chin muscles.
  • The doctor assesses the occlusion, shape, projection, angles and proportions of the chin in relation to the other structures of the face, and the presence of any double or triple chin.

Chin injections are part of a facial and profile enhancement (medical profiloplasty). The analysis should always be carried out in relation to the lips and nose.

Course of a session of hyaluronic acid injections for the chin

After the initial consultation, during which Dr Romano assesses the patient's specific needs, analyses the face and determines the right type of filler, the injection is carried out.
After disinfecting the skin, hyaluronic acid is injected precisely into the targeted areas of the chin using a fine needle.
Treatment is rapid, lasting just a few minutes, with immediate visible effects and an immediate return to everyday activities.

Which hyaluronic acid for the chin?

The hyaluronic acid used must be very firm and not very hydrophilic. This is necessary to avoid displacement in this area of high mechanical stimulation.
The product is placed in contact with the bone. More superficial, dermal injections may supplement the deep injection.

Are chin injections painful?

The pain associated with chin injections is minimal. It is not necessary to apply an anaesthetic cream.

Hyaluronic acid contains lidocaine, which acts directly on the injection to reduce pain. The sensation perceived can vary according to each patient's individual sensitivity, but most patients describe a slight pressure or tingling rather than pain.

photo injection for a beautiful chin

When should a chin injection of hyaluronic acid be performed?

Who is the ideal candidate for chin injections? Chin injections are an effective solution for correcting various aesthetic problems of the chin and improving facial harmony. The benefits are :

  • Volume correction: correction of a receding or underdeveloped chin. The chin obtained is more projected and more balanced in relation to the rest of the face.
  • Redefinition of the mandibular line.
  • Correcting asymmetries: by injecting at strategic points, Dr Romano rebalances the proportions of the chin.
  • Treating the ageing of the chin: the orange peel appearance, loss of volume and wrinkles between the lip and chin.
  • Increase in length
  • Thickening: for a more virile chin, for example.
  • Facial rejuvenation: restoration of the volume lost with age in the chin area. The face is rejuvenated by restoring the fullness and firmness characteristic of youth.
  • Treatment of wrinkles and folds.

Chin injections to correct a double chin: are they effective?

In certain indications, chin injections are an effective option for improving the appearance of the skin. double chin.
Hyaluronic acid is used to define the jawline and chin. By increasing the projection of the chin, these injections lift the double chin.
However, for patients with significant submental fat, combined treatment with cryoplipolysisis necessary to obtain optimum results.

Granular skin on the chin

Grainy skin on the chin can have two causes.

  • Inhomogeneous reabsorption of subcutaneous fat with age.
  • Overproduction of sebum, dilated pores or small imperfections such as blackheads and microcysts.

If the unsightly appearance is caused by ageing (the first case), the treatment is carried out by injecting hyaluronic acid with very fine particles, Skinboosterwhich is injected very superficially into the dermis.

Chin injections for men

Chin injections for men are becoming increasingly popular because they allow the masculinisation of the face by creating a more defined chin and a more pronounced jawline. Unlike women, men often look for results that accentuate the structure of the chin to achieve a more angular and virile profile.
The injections are strategically placed to sculpt the chin and mandibular line, without altering natural expressions, while ensuring immediate and lasting correction.

How to improve chin profile without surgery

It is now possible to improve the profile of the chin without resorting to surgery.
This profiloplasty is carried out using hyaluronic acid injections.
In just a few minutes, it is possible to reshape and project the chin for a natural, harmonious result.
The mandibular line is often defined by injections at the same time, for optimum enhancement of the lower third of the face.

How do I remove a chin dimple?

image of a woman with protruding cheekbones

For patients wishing to reduce or eliminate a chin dimple, the solution is an injection of hyaluronic acid to fill the depression.
During an initial consultation, Dr Romano assesses the depth and shape of the dimple and the extent of the muscular component.
In fact, the muscles exert traction on the skin at this level, so the dimple can be reduced but not completely erased by hyaluronic acid injections.

Chin injection before/after: results

Chin injections are important for beautifying the face and profile. The result is immediate.

On the face, this technique allows you to :

  • Improve facial symmetry: medical genioplasty can correct chin asymmetries, making the face more symmetrical and balanced.
  • Rejuvenate the face: the face is more harmonious and proportionate.
  • Boosting self-confidence.

What results can I expect after a medical genioplasty without surgery?

Injecting hyaluronic acid into the chin helps to :

  • Feminise or masculinise the chin.
  • Soften a dimple.
  • Project the chin.
  • To slim the chin, however, a wide chin is often treated surgically.
  • Improve the appearance of orange peel skin on the chin.
  • Improve the profile of the face.
  • Better define the oval of the face.
  • Redefining the chin: the chin reshaping makes it look more harmonious with the rest of the face.

How long does hyaluronic acid last on the chin?

Hyaluronic acid lasts for one year. However, as the product used is quite firm, the result is visible for years.
After the first injection, a maintenance injection is scheduled one year later. Thereafter, the procedure will be repeated every two or three years, depending on the patient's anatomy and genetics and the type of defect corrected.

How long does hyaluronic acid last on the chin?

Hyaluronic acid lasts for one year. However, as the product used is quite firm, the result is visible for years.
After the first injection, a maintenance injection is scheduled one year later. Thereafter, the procedure will be repeated every two or three years, depending on the patient's anatomy and genetics and the type of defect corrected.

Genioplasty: how much does it cost? Price of hyaluronic acid injections for the chin

Le price of a chin injection will depend essentially on the type of product used (in particular its firmness and cross-linking) and the quantity required to obtain the desired result. In general, the cost of a chin injection in Geneva is 600 CHF per syringe, with an average of 1 to 4 syringes used depending on the level of correction and definition required and the patient's anatomy.

Type de consultation Tarifs généralement pratiqués
Hyaluronic acid
CHF 600 per syringe

Chin injections or surgery: which option should you choose?

The choice between chin injections and the chin surgery depends on the patient's aesthetic objectives and whether or not there is a period of social withdrawal after the operation.
Injections of hyaluronic acid into the chin are ideal for those looking for a non-invasive, reversible solution with immediate visible results and minimal side effects. This procedure does not reduce the chin. A curved chin, for example, can only be treated surgically.
La chin surgerythe surgical genioplastyis a permanent solution and is recommended for major structural modifications or where long-lasting results are desired.
Any type of unsightliness can be treated, but for chin augmentations, the result is less customisable than with hyaluronic acid injections because the shape is given by the prosthesis.

Injection chin opinion

The chin injections win popular with patients who want to match their profile without the need for surgery. Many patients report a high level of satisfaction with this type of treatment, mainly due to its non-invasive nature and the immediate results it provides. Opinions highlight the injections' ability to correct a receding chin, define the mandibular line and restore facial symmetry in a subtle and natural way. Most patients also appreciate the speed of the treatment - around five minutes - which is carried out in the surgery and does not involve any social exclusion. However, it is important to stress that the success of this procedure depends above all on the expertise of the doctor and the judicious choice of products used. Patients testify to the importance of a personalised consultation and a precise analysis if an optimal and harmonious aesthetic result is to be achieved.

What is aesthetic chin medicine?

Aesthetic medicine for the chin covers a range of non-surgical, minimally invasive procedures designed to improve the appearance of the chin. These procedures include the injection of hyaluronic acid, the application of tensor threads and other techniques to redefine the shape, size and projection of the chin.

How long the results last depends on the type of treatment carried out and the individual characteristics of the patient. In general, the results of hyaluronic acid injections last one or two years.

Although aesthetic chin procedures are generally safe, they may cause temporary side effects such as redness, swelling, bruising or discomfort. It is essential to consult an experienced doctor to avoid more serious complications.

Medical genioplasty uses non-surgical, minimally invasive techniques to change the appearance of the chin, while chin plastic surgery involves more invasive surgical procedures such as prostheses or bone reduction.

  • Facial exercises to tone chin muscles.
  • Aesthetic medicine treatments.
  • Expert advice on choosing the right shape for your beard or hairstyle.
  • A healthy lifestyle.
  • Make-up techniques to enhance your chin.

In aesthetic medicine, a variety of aesthetic problems of the chin can be corrected: the receding chin, the asymmetric chin, the projection and rotation of the chin and the definition of the mandibular line.

The advantages of medical techniques over surgical ones are :

  • Short or no recovery time.
  • Natural results.
  • No post-operative effects.
  • Performed in the surgery without a general anaesthetic.

Good candidates are patients who are unhappy with the appearance of their chin and wish to improve its appearance without resorting to surgery. Some flaws, such as chins that are too prominent or chins that are too curved, cannot be treated medically.

  • Use aesthetic medicine treatments to reduce wrinkles and fine lines on the chin.
  • Use aesthetic medicine techniques to treat loss of volume or firmness of the chin.
  • Assess the need for non-surgical facelift techniques for chin reshaping and rejuvenation.
  • Adopt skin care products.

From the age of 18, subject to medical assessment and appropriate aesthetic indication.

To harmonise the profile of the face, correct a receding chin, redefine the mandibular line and balance the proportions of the face.

With injections of hyaluronic acid or Radiesse, radiofrequency or ultrasound to improve the contour and firmness of the oval.

It is not possible to reduce the chin using medical techniques. In this indication, surgery is the only option.

Results generally last between 9 and 14 months, depending on the product used and the patient's metabolism.

No, once injected, hyaluronic acid becomes part of the tissue and cannot be moved manually.

Hyaluronic acid injections, radiofrequency, ultrasound and cryolipolysis for double chins.

A highly cross-linked, very firm hyaluronic acid, such as Juvederm Voluma or Restylane Lyft, is ideal for the chin because of its volumising properties, its ability to sculpt the contour and stay in place without migrating despite the multiple stresses on this area.

Side effects are minimal if the injection is carried out by an experienced doctor: redness, swelling, bruising, infections.

Yes, with hyaluronic acid injections to balance and harmonise the shape of the chin.

Injections of fillers, radiofrequency, ultrasound and skin rejuvenation treatments.

This depends on the type of correction desired, personal preferences, the recovery time available and your doctor's advice.

Hyaluronic Acid Appointment Menton Geneva - Consultation Hyaluronic Acid Menton Geneva

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