What is mesopeel?

Mesopeel is a skin hydration and densification treatment that combines the properties of a mesolift and a superficial peel.
This combination has a synergistic action: the skin is exfoliated and moisturised in the same session.



Mésopeel in Geneva: a radiance booster

L’hydratation et l’exfoliation sont fondamentaux pour une peau saine et éclatante.
L’exfoliation réalisée par le peeling élimine les cellules mortes superficielles favorisant ainsi le renouvellement cellulaire et laissant une peau plus lisse et lumineuse. Elle prépare également la peau pour mieux absorber les produits hydratants.

La mésothérapie hydrate, nourrit et protège la peau, prévenant la sécheresse cutanée et les signes du vieillissement.
En combinant ces deux traitements, il est possible améliorer la texture et la fermeté de la peau qui devient radieuse et lumineuse. Un vrai coup d’éclat pour la peau.

photo of perfect skin after mesopeel

When should a mesopeel be performed?

This treatment can be carried out on all skin types.
The chemical composition of the peel will be chosen according to the needs of each patient; the treatment is made-to-measure.

Mesopeel is often part of a standard skin maintenance protocol. skin restore or skin prevent.

The indications are :

  • Coup d'éclat.
  • Skin hydration.
  • Improvement of very superficial fine lines.
  • Skin care, including the protocol red carpet which helps maintain healthy skin.

Contraindications include pregnancy, breast-feeding and skin lesions or infections in the area to be treated.

Course of the session

The session is painless and combines superficial peeling and mesotherapy. A Mesopeel session is a controlled and effective method for exfoliating the skin, improving its appearance and treating various skin problems under the supervision of a doctor.

Here's how a Mesopeel session generally works:

  • Initial consultation: before the session, a consultation with an experienced doctor is essential. He or she will assess your skin type and specific concerns (wrinkles, pigment spots, acne or scars) and determine the most appropriate type of chemical peel.

  • Preparing the skin: on the day of the session, the skin is first cleansed to remove all traces of make-up, sebum and impurities. This step ensures that the peel penetrates evenly.

hyaluronic acid photo gel

A cocktail of vitamins, minerals, trace elements and hyaluronic acid is injected into the epidermis and dermis using a mesotherapy gun.

Photo mésopeel in Geneva

Le docteur Romano applique ensuite la solution chimique sur la peau. Les types de solutions peuvent varier, incluant des acides comme l’acide glycolique, l’acide salicylique, l’acide trichloroacétique (TCA).
On parlera donc de mésopeel au TCA ou de mésopeel à l’acide glycolique. La solution est appliquée avec soin, souvent en couches, selon la profondeur de penetration désirée et la tolérance de la peau.

Dr Romano will provide specific post-treatment instructions:

  • Use moisturising creams and soothing serums.
  • Apply sunscreen to protect the 'new skin'. It is important to avoid excessive sun exposure.

Mesopeel follow-up

Les suites sont légères, quasi inexistantes.
Immédiatement après la séance, le patient peut ressentir une légère sensation de tiraillement et la peau est un peu rouge. Ces effets sont généralement temporaires et disparaissent en quelques heures.

Results before / after mesopeel

Results are visible fairly quickly. 

  • Improved skin texture: skin texture is refined, imperfections are reduced.
  • Reduction in pigmentation.
  • Reduces fine lines and wrinkles by stimulating collagen production.
  • Treatment of acne.
  • Hydration and radiance: mesopeel revitalises the skin, restoring its natural radiance and providing deep hydration.
  • Even skin tone.

Number of sessions

To maintain the results, a maintenance session is carried out every three to six months. As an initial treatment, two or three sessions at one-month intervals will be offered.
The treatment plan is personalised.
Depending on the desired result and your skin type, your doctor may suggest other treatments from the Skin Prevent and Skin Restore protocols: skinbooster, GWP, botox, hyaluronic acid, PRX-T33 peel.

How much does a mesopenel cost?

The cost of a mesopeel session depends on the indication, the condition of the patient's skin, the size of the area to be treated, the mesotherapy mixture used and the type of peel used.
The overall fee will also depend on the number of sessions to be carried out.

Type of consultation General rates
CHF 350 per session

Mesopeel opinion

Le mésopeel est apprécié pour son efficacité et l’absence de suites lourdes.
Les patients qui ont testé ce traitement décrivent une amélioration notable de la texture et de l’éclat de la peau et une réduction visible des imperfections comme les taches pigmentaires et les ridules.
Pour la plupart des patients la séance est confortable et agréable, sans effets secondaires.
Les médecins recommandent le mésopeel car il s’agit d’un traitement qui peut être adapté aux divers types de peau, y compris les plus sensibles.
Le mésopeel est une méthode fiable et efficace si on souhaite avoir une peau plus lumineuse et rajeunie sans suites.

Is the mesopeel painful?

Mesopeel is well tolerated. Some patients may feel a slight tingling sensation or heat. The application of an anaesthetic cream is not recommended to avoid any interaction with the chemical components of the peel .

The frequency of sessions depends on your specific needs and your doctor's recommendations. In general, a series of 2 to 3 sessions spaced 4 weeks apart is recommended to obtain optimal results. Maintenance sessions may be considered every 3 to 6 months.

Yes, the mesopeel is designed to be used on all skin types, including sensitive skin. However, the treatment must be personalised.

Yes, the mesopeel can be combined with other aesthetic treatments, such as injections of botox , d'hyaluronic acid or Sculptra

Side effects are rare and generally minor. They may include slight redness, fine scaling or a tingling sensation. It is important to follow the post-treatment instructions to avoid any abnormal evolution.

Normal activities can be resumed immediately. There is no recovery period as such.

Mesopeel hydrates the skin, stimulates collagen production, exfoliates dead cells and improves the appearance of fine lines, pigmentation spots and other skin imperfections. The result is smoother, brighter, younger-looking skin.

Other treatments

Hollywood Peel

Laser peeling

Superficial peeling

PRX-T33 Peeling
