What is a medium peel?

The medium peel is a dermocosmetic treatment that involves applying a chemical solution to the skin to exfoliate the superficial and middle layers of the epidermis. Unlike the light peel, which targets only the superficial layers of the skin, the medium peel penetrates more deeply, making it possible to treat more pronounced skin problems. It is often used to correct the signs of ageing, improve skin texture and even out skin tone. This type of peel is generally performed using a laser or acids such as trichloroacetic acid (TCA) in specific concentrations, adapted to each skin type and each problem.



Average peel in Geneva

The medium peel is an increasingly popular aesthetic medicine treatment for people wishing to improve the quality and texture of their skin. It treats a range of skin problems such as wrinkles, age spots, acne scars and other imperfections, stimulating cell renewal for smoother, more radiant skin.

Although the treatment involves a recovery period, the results are long-lasting and visible. Before carrying out this treatment, it is advisable to consult an experienced doctor to ensure that the average peel is suited to the patient's skin type and expectations.

What is a TCA peel?

Le TCA peel is a medium peel if used in effective concentrations.
A chemical agent, trichloacetic acid, is used to penetrate deep into the middle dermis.
There are different concentrations of TCA: the greater the concentration, the greater the depth of penetration into the skin tissue.
TCA at 15% is equivalent to a superficial peel; we prefer to use fruit acid peels.
TCA at 20-25-30% is a medium peel.
TCA at 40% is a deep peel, we prefer to use phenol.

image mechanism peeling

How does the medium peel work?

The principle of the medium peel is based on the application of a chemical agent (often trichloroacetic acid) that causes controlled desquamation of the skin. This process exfoliates the dead cells on the skin's surface and stimulates the production of collagen and elastin, which are essential for firm, elastic skin. During the procedure, the chemical solution penetrates the middle layers of the skin to eliminate damaged cells and stimulate cell renewal. A few days after the treatment, the skin will begin to peel, revealing a new layer of healthier, smoother and more radiant skin.

Indications for medium peel

The medium peel is recommended for patients who wish to treat several skin problems of moderate severity.
- Moderate wrinkles and fine lines: this peel is perfect for those looking to reduce light to moderate wrinkles, particularly around the eyes and mouth.
- Pigmentation spots: effective in reducing age spots, sun spots and post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation.
- Acne scars: superficial and moderate acne scars can be greatly reduced with this treatment.
- Uneven or dull complexion.
- Improved skin texture: helps refine skin texture, leaving it softer and more even.
- Premature skin ageing: patients looking to slow the visible signs of skin ageing, often caused by prolonged exposure to the sun, will benefit from this treatment.
- Overall rejuvenation: the medium peel stimulates collagen production, leaving the skin looking younger and revitalised.
- Sagging skin.
- Coup d'éclat.
- Keratoses.
- Actinic keratoses: Dr Romano prefers to leave the treatment of these precancerous lesions to fellow dermatologists.
- Dilated pores.

Contraindication of medium peel

photo injection for a beautiful chin

In certain cases, which are contraindications, the medium peel cannot be carried out:
- Pregnancy.
- Wearing a pacemaker or cardiac defibrillator.
- Chronic diseases such as diabetes, severe insufficiency (e.g. kidney failure, heart failure, etc.).
- Isotretinoin treatment stopped less than a year ago.
- Anti-acne treatment in progress.
- Recent cosmetic procedures (surgery, laser, dermabrasion).
- Skin infection or herpes.
- Dark phototypes.
- Contact skin allergies.

photo of perfect skin after peeling

Areas treated by the medium peel

The medium peel can be performed on several areas of the body, although the face is the most commonly treated area. It is important to note that there are several types of medium peel depending on the depth of penetration: medium-superficial, medium and medium-deep peels. On the body, excluding the face, it is possible to carry out a medium-superficial peel.
- Face: to treat wrinkles, fine lines, acne scars and pigmentation spots.
- Neck: to firm and even out the skin on the neck, which is often marked by signs of ageing.
- Décolleté: this area, which is often exposed to the sun, can have pigmentation spots and fine lines that can be corrected with a medium peel.
- Hands: to rejuvenate the skin on the hands and treat age spots.

photo of peeling session

Course of the medium peel session

The average peel takes place in a doctor's surgery and is carried out by an experienced doctor.

Before the average peel session, a consultation is held to assess the patient's specific needs and ensure that the peel is suited to their skin and aesthetic goals.

On the day of the peel, it is preferable to come to the surgery with your make-up removed, without contact lenses and without having applied any cream to your face. Men should shave the evening before.
Before the peel is applied, the skin is carefully cleansed to remove any impurities or residue.
The exfoliating agent, usually trichloroacetic acid (TCA), is applied evenly to the area to be treated. The patient may feel a slight tingling sensation or temporary burning. Depending on the depth of penetration, a local anaesthetic may or may not be applied.
The number of passes and the application time depend on the type of skin and the indication being treated.
The peel has an immediate action, intense redness and whitening of the skin (frost) appear.

At the end of the session, the skin is red and oedema sets in.
Dr Romano will then cover the area with a healing cream and give you precise instructions on how to care for the skin during the healing period.

Course of the medium laser peel session

The procedure for a medium laser peel is similar to a chemical peel, but laser energy is used to exfoliate the superficial and middle layers of the skin.

Dr Romano prefers laser peels for a number of reasons.
- The heat developed during laser treatment tautens the skin. The laser considerably improves skin slackening.
- In terms of results, laser peels cause fewer complications and milder after-effects than chemical peels.

After cleaning the area to be treated, the laser beam is swept over the surface to be treated, controlling the depth of exfoliation according to the patient's needs. The laser stimulates skin regeneration by eliminating dead cells and encouraging collagen production. This treatment is less invasive than a traditional chemical peel and offers faster recovery, while providing visible results in terms of smoothing, brightening and improving skin texture.

Precautions to take before a medium peel

photo age start peeling

Preparing the skin is essential before the procedure, as it improves and evens out the penetration of the peel and prevents any post-peel pigmentation rebound.
In order to guarantee the effectiveness and safety of the treatment, therefore, certain precautions must be observed.
- Avoid the sun: one month before the session, it is essential to avoid any prolonged exposure to the sun and to apply a high protection sunscreen.
- Preparing the skin: apply a glycolic acid-based cream in the evening three weeks before the session and stop using any exfoliating products or procedures (hair removal, scrubs or laser treatments) for three weeks.

Precautions to take after a medium peel

photo peeling man

After a medium peel, the skin is more sensitive and requires special care for rapid and optimal healing.
- Taking the prescribed medication: Dr Romano will prescribe antibiotics, herpes prevention and a healing cream for ten days.
- Strict sun protection: sun exposure should be avoided for a month, during which time it is crucial to wear a broad-spectrum sunscreen every day.
- Hydration: use the recommended healing cream to help maintain hydration and promote healing.
- Do not touch the skin: it is essential not to remove any scabs or dead skin that forms, to prevent scarring.
- Medical follow-up: patients must follow their doctor's recommendations and attend follow-up appointments.

Results before/after a medium peel

The results of a medium peel begin to be visible about a week after the session, once the skin has finished peeling. The skin appears smoother, more radiant and rejuvenated. Spots are diminished, fine lines are reduced and skin texture is improved. Depending on the depth of the peel, the results can last for several years.

The suites

The after-effects are marked by redness and significant swelling for around 48 hours. From the 3rd day, the skin turns brown and peels off within 7 days, giving way to a new, toned, pink epidermis.
This pinkish colour lasts for a month.
For a genuine medium peel, you need to allow a week's social time off.

What are the possible complications of a medium peel?

Complications are rare but possible:
- Oedema, persistent redness, excessive peeling or exfoliation.
- Bacterial (impetigo) or viral (herpes outbreak) superinfection.
- A flare-up of acne that may require specific treatment.
- Hyperpigmentation (darker spot) or depigmentation (white spot), definitive.
- Accentuation of demarcation lines at the edge of treated areas (edge of scalp, mandibles).

How much does an average peel cost?

Type of consultation General rates
Medium peel
CHF 600 to 1200 per session

Opinion on the medium peel

The majority of patients who have opted for a medium peel are satisfied with the results, particularly in terms of improved skin texture and reduced pigmentation. Many appreciate the quality of the skin rejuvenation achieved without invasive techniques.
However, there is a recovery period that can be relatively long (up to two weeks), during which the skin peels and is sensitive. The length of this period is decided with the patient, depending on his or her aesthetic goals, which will determine the depth of the peel performed.

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