What is a combination peel?

A combination peel is an aesthetic medicine procedure that involves using several types of chemical peel in a single session to treat the different layers of the skin. Combination peels can act on several levels depending on the specific needs of the patient's skin. This versatile approach offers a tailor-made treatment, as it allows several skin imperfections to be treated simultaneously.
This type of peel is often used to exfoliate deep down, stimulate cell renewal, even out skin tone and improve overall skin texture.
It is ideal for people who want to treat a variety of skin problems, such as :
- Pigmentation spots (brown spots, sun spots).
- Fine lines and wrinkles.
- Dilated pores.
- Dull complexion.
- Loose skin.



Combined peeling in Geneva

The combined peel is an innovative technique in aesthetic medicine, ideal for patients who want to rejuvenate their skin, reduce imperfections and regain a radiant complexion. It is a treatment that combines several types of peel, making it possible to act on the different layers of the skin for optimum results.

Combination peels are particularly appreciated for their ability to treat a number of skin problems simultaneously, such as pigmentation spots, fine lines, acne and sagging skin, while stimulating cell renewal.

image mechanism peeling

How does a combination peel work?

The principle of the combined peel is to use several specific exfoliating agents, which work on the different layers of the skin for maximum effectiveness. Each chemical peeling agent has its own characteristics, such as depth of action, speed of penetration and effects on the skin. By combining several acids, it is possible to target several skin problems at once.

What are the benefits of a combined peel?

The combination peel offers many advantages over traditional peels thanks to its ability to treat several layers of skin and target several skin problems in a single session.
- More visible, longer-lasting results: by combining several types of acid, the combined peel acts on different levels of the skin, guaranteeing more visible, longer-lasting results. It promotes complete exfoliation, stimulating cell renewal both on the surface and deep down.
- Personalised treatment: the treatment can be tailored to the specific needs of each patient. Whether you want to treat pigmentation spots, acne scars, fine lines or a dull complexion, the combined peel can be adjusted to meet your exact requirements.
- Overall improvement in skin quality: this type of peel works on several fronts: it improves skin texture, smoothes fine lines, reduces pigmentation spots and gives a radiant complexion. By stimulating collagen production, it also helps to firm the skin, making it look younger and more radiant.
- Reducing imperfections: combination peels are particularly effective in treating skin problems such as acne, scars and enlarged pores. They unclog pores, reduce excess sebum and help prevent future breakouts.

photo of perfect skin after peeling

Who is the combined peel intended for?

Le peeling combiné est adapté à tous les types de peau, mais il est particulièrement recommandé pour les personnes présentant des problèmes cutanés multiples ou celles qui souhaitent une solution complète pour rajeunir leur visage. Il est important de consulter un médecin expérimenté afin de bénéficier d’un peeling personnalisé
avant de procéder à un peeling combiné pour s’assurer que le traitement est adapté à votre type de peau et à vos besoins spécifiques.
Ce traitement est idéal pour :
• Les personnes ayant une peau mature, souhaitant réduire les signes de l’âge.
• Les patients souffrant d’acné.
• Les personnes avec un teint irrégulier ou des taches pigmentaires.

Indications for combined peels

Le peeling combiné est recommandé pour traiter plusieurs problèmes cutanés.
Taches pigmentaires : taches brunes, taches de vieillesse, taches dues à l’exposition solaire.
Cicatrices d’acné : le peeling combiné aide à lisser la peau et à réduire l’apparence des cicatrices laissées par l’acné.
Rides et ridules : es peelings moyens et profonds stimulent la production de collagène, atténuant ainsi les rides superficielles.
Teint terne : en exfoliant les cellules mortes, le peeling combiné donne à la peau un éclat naturel et lumineux.
Relâchement cutané : les acides utilisés dans les peelings combinés stimulent la régénération des tissus cutanés, améliorant la fermeté de la peau.

What types of peel are combined?

Several types of exfoliating agent can be combined in a combination peel, each with specific properties and a different action on the skin.

Salicylic acid peel

Salicylic acid is a beta-hydroxy acid (BHA) that penetrates deeper into the skin, particularly the pores. It is ideal for treating oily and acne-prone skin, as it has anti-inflammatory and exfoliating properties. This acid helps to :
- Dissolve excess sebum.
- Cleanse clogged pores.
- Reduce blemishes and skin eruptions.

Glycolic acid peel

Glycolic acid is an alpha hydroxy acid (AHA) derived from sugar cane. It is commonly used in superficial peels to exfoliate the top layer of skin, accelerating cell renewal. Glycolic acid is particularly effective for :
- Eliminate dead cells.
- Stimulate collagen production.
- Smoother, more radiant skin.

Peeling with trichloroacetic acid (TCA)

Trichloroacetic acid (TCA) is often used in medium to deep peels. It works deep within the skin to treat acne scars, brown spots and wrinkles. It stimulates the production of collagen, which helps to firm the skin and reduce the visible signs of ageing.

Jessner peel

The Jessner peel is a mixture of acids (salicylic acid, lactic acid and resorcinol) used to exfoliate deep down and treat skin imperfections such as acne, pigmentation spots and superficial wrinkles. It is often combined with other peels for a more targeted action.

Mandelic acid peel

Mandelic acid is a gentle AHA, particularly suited to sensitive skin or skin prone to hyperpigmentation, such as black and dark skin. It helps to improve skin tone, reduce pigmentation spots and smooth skin texture. This acid is very irritating to the skin.

photo of peeling session

Course of the peeling session

Before applying the exfoliating agents, the skin is thoroughly cleansed to remove impurities and allow the products to penetrate better.
Applying the superficial peel: a first light peel is applied to exfoliate the upper layer of the epidermis, remove dead cells and stimulate cell renewal.
Application of personalised peels: different peels are applied depending on the imperfections to be treated.
Neutralisation and post-peel care: once the chemical agents have acted, the peel is neutralised and a healing cream is applied to promote healing.

Precautions and post-peeling care

After a combined peel, it is essential to follow certain recommendations to speed up healing and avoid complications.
- Sun protection: the skin is more sensitive to UV rays after a peel. It is therefore essential to use an SPF 50 sunscreen every day and to avoid direct exposure to the sun.
- Moisturising: use appropriate moisturising creams to soothe the skin and prevent dehydration.
- Avoid irritating the skin: avoid products containing strong acids (such as retinol or AHAs) for a few days after the peel.
- Specific instructions: Dr Romano will explain the precautions to be taken depending on the type of peel performed.

The results of the combined peel

The results of a combination peel are visible quickly after treatment. In general, patients can see smoother, brighter skin and an even complexion in the days following the procedure. Depending on the depth of the peel, several sessions may be required to achieve optimal results.
After treatment, the skin continues to improve over the following weeks thanks to the stimulation of cell renewal and collagen production.

Quel est le prix d'un peeling combiné ?

Type of consultation General rates
Combined peeling
À partir de 300 CHF la séance

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