What is the Hollywood Spectra laser?

The Hollywood Spectra™ laser is a Q-Switch laser with multiple indications. This laser delivers a very powerful beam of light in a very short firing time. These characteristics make it possible to burst the pigments present in the skin.



Laser Hollywood Spectra in Geneva

Le laser Hollywood Spectra rend la peau plus saine, plus belle et la rajeunie.
Cette méthode a été conçue pour traiter divers problèmes cutanés, tels que les taches brunes, les rides et l’acné active et améliorer globalement la

texture et la fermeté de la peau.
Le laser a une action anti-âge car il agit également sur le vieillissement cutané en stimulant la production de collagène.

Who is the Hollywood Spectra laser best suited for?

Hollywood Spectra laser photo in Geneva

Skin rejuvenation

  • Reduces wrinkles and fine lines.
  • Improved skin texture and firmness.
  • Reduces age spots and pigmentation irregularities.
  • Stimulation of collagen production.

Treatment of acne

  • Reduces the inflammation and appearance of acne pimples.
  • Reduced pore size.
  • Reduces sebum production, preventing new breakouts.

Hollywood peel

Le Hollywood peel is a laser peel preceded by the application of a charcoal mask. This treatment reduces dilated pores, blackheads and sebum production, and stimulates collagen synthesis.

Improved pigmentation

  • Freckles and sun spots.
  • Melasma and post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation.
  • Areas of irregular skin pigmentation.
  • Unwanted tattoos (tattoo removal treatment).

Brightening the complexion

  • Reduces uneven skin tone.
  • Improves the skin's natural luminosity. A real coup d'éclat
  • Even skin tone for radiant, healthy-looking skin
  • Treatment of skin imperfections.

Mechanism of action

The Hollywood Spectra laser uses cutting-edge technology based on very short light pulses to target and treat various problems. The laser beam penetrates deep into the skin without damaging surrounding tissue. The light energy is absorbed by the pigments and elements responsible for skin imperfections, causing them to fragment and be eliminated naturally by the body.
The laser also stimulates the production of collagen and elastin, which speeds up skin regeneration and improves its texture, tone and elasticity.
These mechanisms of action make it possible to treat a wide range of unsightly skin conditions.

image laser Carbon peel


The main contraindications are 

  • Pregnancy and breastfeeding.
  • Active skin infections or wounds in the area to be treated.
  • History of keloid scars.
  • Use of retinoids: these should be stopped several weeks before treatment.
  • Photosensitising drugs.
  • Recent laser or pulsed light treatments: the skin will be sensitised by these treatments.  
  • Tanned skin or skin recently exposed to the sun.
photo laser session Hollywood Spectra

How does a Hollywood Spectra laser session work?

Before treatment begins, a consultation is held to determine the patient's aesthetic goals, eliminate any contraindications and assess the skin.

On the day of the session, the face is thoroughly cleansed to remove any traces of make-up, oil or dirt. An anaesthetic cream may be applied to the area to be treated.

Le docteur Romano règle les paramètres du laser en fonction du type de peau et des besoins spécifiques du patient. Pendant le traitement, le faisceau laser est balayé sur la zone à traiter.
Tout au long de la séance, le patient peut ressentir une légère chaleur ou une sensation de picotement.

La durée de la séance de laser Hollywood Spectra varie entre 20 et 30 minutes.
Après la séance, une crème cicatrisante est appliquée. Le patient peut immédiatement reprendre ses activités normales.

Recommendations before and after Hollywood Spectra laser treatment

To ensure optimal results and minimise the risk of side effects, it is essential to follow certain recommendations before and after treatment.

Before the treatment, patients are advised to avoid exposure to the sun and not to use self-tanners. Patients should also stop using exfoliating or irritating products, such as retinoids, at least one week before treatment. A prior consultation with the doctor will allow medical history and any current medication to be discussed, to ensure there are no contraindications.

After treatment, it is essential to protect the treated skin by regularly applying a broad-spectrum sunscreen, even on cloudy days, to prevent hyperpigmentation and UV damage. A gentle moisturising cream should be used to soothe and maintain skin hydration. It is also advisable to avoid activities that could cause excessive sweating, such as strenuous exercise, as well as hot baths and saunas for the first few days after treatment.

Side effects of the Hollywood Spectra laser

skin photo after Hollywood Spectra laser

Although this treatment is generally safe and well tolerated, it is important to be aware of the possible side effects, which are transient and resolve spontaneously within a few days.

Common side effects

  • Redness and swelling.
  • Sensation of heat or tingling.
  • Slight desquamation.

Less common side effects

  • Dry skin, in which case additional moisturising is required.
  • Bruising.
  • Croutons.

Rare side effects

  • Hyperpigmentation or hypopigmentation. These side effects should no longer exist and are due to a lack of experience on the part of the laser operator.
  • Infection, which resolves with antibiotics.  
  • Allergic reactions to products used before or after treatment.

Hollywood Spectra before/after laser results

Hollywood Spectra laser treatment addresses a range of skin concerns. Results are rapid and long-lasting.

  • Reduced pigmentation: sun spots, melasma and pigmentary irregularities are visibly reduced, the complexion becomes more even.
  • Improved skin texture.
  • Active acne reduction.
  • Brightening the complexion.
  • Tightens pores.
  • Overall skin rejuvenation: the skin is firmer, more elastic, rejuvenated and revitalised.

Price of a Hollywood Spectra laser session

Type of consultation General rates
Laser Hollywood
CHF 450 per session

Laser Hollywood Spectra opinion

Les patients qui ont bénéficié de ce traitement se disent satisfaits.
Ils décrivent des résultats visibles dès les premières séances, notamment l’amélioration significative de la texture et de la luminosité de la peau, la réduction des pigmentations et des signes de vieillissement, l’uniformisation du teint.
Les patients apprécient également le caractère non invasif de cette méthode, la récupération rapide sans interruption des activités quotidiennes.
Ces avis favorables font du laser Hollywood Spectra une solution fiable et efficace pour divers problèmes cutanés.

How many Hollywood Spectra laser sessions are needed to see results?

Results may be visible from the first session, but several sessions are often necessary for optimal results. The number of sessions required depends on the initial condition of the skin and your aesthetic goals.

This treatment is suitable for all skin types and is recommended for patients who want to improve skin texture, eliminate pigmentation, reduce the signs of ageing or treat active acne.

The treatment is well tolerated by patients and is not painful. During the session, a slight sensation of heat or tingling is felt in the treated area.

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