What is cryolipolysis?

A non-surgical slimming technique, the cryolipolysis makes the cold the fat cells located in certain areas zones of the body, such as the stomach, buttocks or hips. Painless, a session cryolipolysis visibly improves the figure and guarantees rapid results.
This technique of aesthetic medicine can be considered as a kind of liposuction without surgery.
If you wish to slimming with cold, Cryolipolysis is the ideal way to regain a harmonious figure and eliminate stubborn areas of fat. 



Cryolipolysis in Geneva

La cryolipolysis is a procedure non-invasive and painless aesthetic medicine aimed at reducing fatty tissues located on different parts of the bodysuch as thighsthe hipsthe buttocksthe stomach, the handles love, the saddlebagsetc.
In certain indications, this technique replaces cosmetic surgery as the liposuction.
Cryolipolysis can sculpting the body with cold

This treatment reduces unsightly bulges, d'slim your figureof firm the skin and reduce the orange peel linked to cellulite. La cryolipolysis is not a method miracle to lose weight in a global way.
A healthy lifestyle, including a healthy diet and regular exercise, should be adopted as a complement to the treatment.

Cryolipolysis or liposuction: which to choose?

What is the difference between cryolipolysis and liposuction?
Cryolipolysis and liposuction are two techniques for eliminating fatty deposits, but they differ considerably in terms of procedure, recovery and results.
Cryolipolysis is a non-invasive method that uses cold to crystallise and destroy fat cells, which are then eliminated naturally by the body. This treatment is ideal for people wishing to reduce localised fat deposits without undergoing surgery. No recovery time is required.
Liposuction is an invasive surgical procedure involving the direct removal of fat deposits from under the skin. Although it can offer faster results and treat larger volumes of fat, liposuction requires a general anaesthetic, a recovery period and carries all the surgical risks such as infection and scarring.
The choice between cryolipolysis and liposuction depends on the amount of fat to be removed, the patient's aesthetic goals and whether they prefer a non-invasive or surgical approach.
Both techniques eliminate fat cells definitively (except for significant weight regain).

photo cryolipolysis machine

How does cryolipolysis work?

Thiscold slimming is based on a physical principle discovered by American researchers: fat cells exposed to intense cold destroy themselves.
Adipocytes (or fat cells) are more sensitive to cold than other cells.
This exposure causes apoptosis, or the slow, programmed death of the cell. This is why the result is not immediate, but visible three months after the session.

Studies have shown that, for this process to be effective, the session must last one hour and the machine used must be CE marked (compulsory) and ensure a temperature of at least -5°C at 300mb pressure.

Who is cryolipolysis for?

Cryolipolysis is a non-invasive technique ofslimming particularly effective for targeting and reducing localized fat deposits in different parts of the body.

The areas usually treated are :

  • The belly.
  • Love handles".
  • The thighs.
  • Knees.
  • The "saddlebags".
  • The area under the buttocks (buttock banana)
  • The hips.
  • Chin (double chin).
photo of beautiful body after cryolipolysis

What areas are treated by cryolipolysis?

  • Cryolipolysis tummy Cryolipolysis: ideal for eliminating stubborn fat deposits on the abdomen, cryolipolysis helps to sculpt and refine this area. The abdomen is flatter and more toned.
  • Cryolipolysis thighs Thigh fat: used to treat localised fat on the thighs, this method helps to reduce their volume, smooth the skin and improve the overall silhouette.
  • Cryolipolysis of the saddlebags This technique specifically targets fat accumulated on the hips and sides of the thighs, known as saddlebags. The figure becomes more harmonious.
  • Cryolipolysis knees Cryolipolysis can also be used to reduce fat deposits around the knees. This part of the body, which is often difficult to treat despite physical activity, is left slimmer and better defined. 
  • Cryolipolysis under the buttocks Cryolipolysis is effective for treating fatty deposits under the buttocks, often referred to as the "buttock banana". The disappearance of this fat bulge improves the transition between the buttocks and the thighs.
  • Double chin Cryolipolysis This technique is ideal for people looking to eliminate excess fat under the chin. The result is a more defined profile.
  • Cryolipolysis of love handles Cryolipolysis: by destroying the fatty deposits on the flanks, cryolipolysis reduces love handles, improving the waistline and creating a slimmer silhouette.

The cryolipolysis technique for slimming using the cold

An effective slimming method, cryolipolysis is based on a simple physical principle that has been known for many years. Researchers have shown that fat cells and tissues are more sensitive to cold than other tissues. More specifically, intense and prolonged exposure to cold in targeted areas leads to destruction of fat cells. Following scientific studies, a specific device was developed by the famous Wellman Institute in Boston, enabling the phenomenon of lipolysis to be reproduced.

Since its creation, this astonishing invention has had an impact on fatty depositsby suction and exposure to extreme cold. This method allows slimming with coldwithout surgery. The progressive loss of fat tissue thickness is 30% to 40%.

Eliminate fat to slim your figure

The body tends to store grease in certain areas of the body such as the stomach, thighs, buttocks, the "saddlebags"andlove handles". With age or after a significant weight gain, during pregnancy for example, these fat cells become established over time, and sport is not always enough to remedy this situation.

The localised fat deposits can be visibly reduced thanks to cryolipolysis, with the fat disappearing over a period of weeks after just a few sessions. Aesthetic and not medicalCryolipolysis has demonstrated visible and rapid results in terms of slimming. For patients, the benefits of this method are both physical and psychological. They feel more comfortable in their own bodies and gain in self-confidence.

photo of a cryolipolysis session

Is cryolipolysis really effective?

Cryolipolysis is an effective, non-invasive treatment for eliminating localized fat deposits, to refine its silhouette and fight cellulite. This technique allows remodel the curvesto improve firmness skinof regain your figure harmonious and a flat stomach without surgery.

Cryolipolysis specifically targets fat cells without damaging the surrounding tissue, offering a non-surgical alternative to liposuction. A single session of cryolipolysis can teffectively reduce unsightly rolls of fat and reshape certain areas of the body.   

Am I a good candidate for cryolipolysis?

The best candidates for cryolipolysis are healthy adults who have localised fat deposits, are of normal weight or slightly overweight, have fairly firm skin and wish to reduce these unsightly bulges without surgery.
If the patient is significantly overweight or has very thin or loose skin, cryolipolysis is not the most suitable treatment.

Is cryolipolysis effective for me?

In medicine, it is important to understand that there is no absolute guarantee of results for any treatment, including cryolipolysis. However, if it is the right indication, if the treatment is carried out by a doctor and if the machine used is recognised for its effectiveness, patient satisfaction rates are very high.

Statistics on satisfaction with cryolipolysis :

90% satisfaction rate: the vast majority of patients (90%) said they were satisfied or very satisfied with the results obtained after one or more cryolipolysis sessions.

10% of dissatisfied patients: why is this minority not getting the results they want?

    • Unfulfilled expectations: some patients were hoping for greater volume reduction.
    • No visible change: in some cases, no noticeable results are observed.
    • Individual reactivity varies: each body reacts differently to treatment. Some fatty deposits may be more resistant to cold than others.

How does a cryolipolysis session work?

The aim of the preliminary medical consultation is to select the right candidates, define the number of sessions required and rule out any medical contraindications. 

During the consultation, the doctor checks :

  • The patient must be a good candidate, i.e. the skin must be able to retract.
  • That it is a good indication. Certain areas (the knees and arms, for example) respond less well to treatment. Small bulges, where the skin fold is less than 2 cm, cannot be treated.
photo cryolipolysis tummy

After photographs have been taken, the patient is placed on the examination couch. The area to be treated is protected by a wipe, and a bell-shaped applicator selectively sucks up the fatty bulge, preserving the surrounding tissue.

These applicators will gradually cool the adipose tissue, causing it to crystallise and be destroyed. The fat cells are then eliminated naturally by the lymphatic systemallowing loss of centimetres and improved skin appearance
Both sides, right and left, are treated at the same time. The treatment lasts one hour. During this time, the patient can read, listen to music or even rest. This aesthetic procedure is painless, although you may feel a pulling or pinching sensation. 
At the end of the session, the applicator is removed and the area is massaged to relieve congestion.

How long does a cryolipolysis session last?

A cryolipolysis session generally lasts 1 hour or 45 minutes for the double chin.
The time required varies according to the size of the applicator used and sometimes the characteristics of the patient's skin.
After the session, a massage is given for a few minutes to prevent inflammation of the fatty tissue that has been cooled.

Precautions to take after the cryolipolysis session

After the session, it is advisable to take a few precautions.

  • Keep well hydrated (an average of 8 to 10 glasses of water a day).
  • Adopt a healthy lifestyle: get a full night's sleep, eat a varied, balanced diet and exercise every day (at least 30 minutes a day).
  • Avoid alcohol and coffee during the lymphatic drainage period.
  • Use lymphatic drainage treatments, draining creams or anti-cellulite creams to complement cryolipolysis.

How long between two cryolipolysis sessions?

It is recommended to wait approximately 6 to 8 weeks between two cryolipolysis sessions on the same area. This allows the body to gradually eliminate the fat cells and avoid any side effects. Dr Romano will advise you on the treatment plan best suited to your aesthetic goals.

Can the results of a cryolipolysis session be optimised?

Yes, it is possible to optimise the results of your cryolipolysis session by following a few tips before and after the treatment:

Before treatment: try to maintain a stable weight, avoid alcohol and foods rich in sugar and saturated fats.

After treatment: keep well hydrated, exercise regularly and follow a balanced diet to help eliminate the fat cells destroyed.

Should I stop doing sport after a cryolipolysis session?

photo cellulite treatment with Sculptra

It is not necessary to stop sport after a session of cryolipolysis. In fact, regular physical activity can help speed up the process of eliminating the fat cells destroyed during treatment. It is advisable to follow your usual exercise routine, unless your doctor advises otherwise for a specific reason. However, avoid extreme physical activity or contact sports for the first 48 hours after the session. 

How many cryolipolysis sessions are needed to achieve visible results?

photo flat buttocks

The number of sessions required depends on the patient's aesthetic objectives and the amount of fat to be treated. For certain areas of the body, several sessions may be recommended to obtain optimum results.

Contraindications of cryolipolysis

Some contraindications exist, and medical advice is required before the session.

  • Pregnancy and breastfeeding.
  • Cryoglobilinaemia.
  • Cold urticaria.
  • Certain neurological disorders.
  • The presence of a wound or infection in the area to be treated.
  • Raynaud's syndrome.
  • Paroxysmal haemoglobinaemia in the cold.

What are the side effects of cryolipolysis?

Some minor side effects may be observed in certain cases. These include erythema, bruising, transient hypoesthesia (reduced sensitivity) or slight hyperesthesia (increased sensitivity). They are short-lived and disappear after 3 to 5 days.

Cryolipolysis is a painless and non-invasive method of slimming. 
The treatment leaves no scars and no general anaesthetic is required.
La cryolipolysis is safe for the body, this technique is simple, fast and effective.

What are the advantages of cryolipolysis compared with other slimming methods?

photo sculptra butt lift

Cryolipolysis has the advantage of being a non-surgical and non-invasive method of eliminating localised fat deposits. Unlike liposuction, cryolipolysis does not require any recovery time and allows fatty deposits to be reduced gradually and naturally.

What are the results of cryolipolysis?
Cryolipolysis before / after

One or two sessions are enough to achieve lasting results.
The results are not immediately visible, as the body gradually eliminates the destroyed fat cells by natural means. A few weeks after the session, fat stored on the stomach, buttocks, thighs, back and hips is reduced by 30%. Three to four months after the session, the results are optimal, with a noticeable reduction in fat rolls.
Depending on the size of the fatty mass, one to three sessions will be required.

Is cryolipolysis dangerous to health?

photo slimming by cryolipolysis

Apart from rare and limited side effects, cryolipolysis is not dangerous to health if the procedure is carried out by a doctor.

Only doctors can buy reliable machines for medical use. Cold can cause burns and necrosis, and this is unfortunately common with machines of dubious origin used by non-doctors.
The doctor is aware of the contraindications and carries out a medical examination to ensure that the patient can receive the treatment.

Does fat return after cryolipolysis?

Cryolipolysis reduces localised fat deposits. The fat cells are crystallised and then naturally eliminated by the body over the weeks following the treatment. Once eliminated, these fat cells do not return, which means that the treated fat does not reform in the treated area.

However, cryolipolysis does not prevent the formation of new fat cells in other parts of the body or even in the treated area if a healthy lifestyle is not maintained. To optimise and maintain the results of cryolipolysis, we recommend adopting a balanced diet and regular exercise.

In short, the fat eliminated by cryolipolysis does not return, but it is essential to maintain a healthy lifestyle to avoid weight gain and the storage of new fat cells.

Does cryolipolysis treat the skin?

No, cryolipolysis does not treat the skin. There is therefore no direct action on cellulite and sagging skin. However, with the reduction in fat cells, cellulite is reduced and the skin appears firmer and smoother.

Does cryolipolysis treat cellulite?

Cryolipolysis was designed to reduce localised fatty deposits, not to treat cellulite.
Cellulite is caused by a combination of factors, including genetics, water retention and the structure of the subcutaneous connective tissue. Reducing a fatty mass obviously improves cellulite, but specific treatments are required, Onda Coolwaves and radiofrequency, exist for this unsightliness.

Is it possible to carry out cryolipolysis at a beautician's?

Cryolipolysis is a medical technique that must be carried out by a doctor and not by a beautician.
Only trained doctors can assess whether you are a good candidate for treatment and ensure your safety throughout the procedure.
This procedure can cause skin burns, skin necrosis, intestinal loop necrosis (aspiration of intestinal loops into the applicator through a hernia) and sensory disorders (nerve damage).

Can I lose weight with cryolipolysis?

How many kilos can you lose with cryolipolysis?
Cryolipolysis is an effective technique for reducing localised fat deposits and refining the figure, but it is not a weight loss method.
The fat cells exposed to the cold are crystallised and gradually eliminated by the body. This process reduces the volume of the treated fatty bulge, but the total number of fat cells lost is generally insufficient to achieve weight loss.

How much does a cryolipolysis session cost?

Dr Valéria Romano welcomes you to her practice in Geneva. After an initial appointment, during which the doctor will listen to your wishes and examine the areas to be treated, an estimate will be drawn up. Visit price of cryolipolysis depends on the type of applicator used and the number of sessions required to obtain the desired results.

Type de consultation Tarifs généralement pratiqués
CHF 600 per session

Cryolipolysis advice

Reviews of cryolipolysis are generally very positive. Many patients say they are satisfied with the reduction in fat rolls. Users particularly appreciate the non-invasive nature of this technique, which makes it possible to treat problem areas without recourse to surgery and without a recovery period. Most patients see a visible reduction in fat deposits after a few weeks, with optimal results after three months. However, the effects may vary depending on the area treated and individual sensitivity. Some patients have reported temporary side effects such as redness, bruising or increased sensitivity. All in all, cryolipolysis is acclaimed for its effectiveness and simplicity, although results can depend on individual factors and sometimes several sessions are needed to achieve the desired aesthetic objectives.

Does cryolipolysis hurt?

Cryolipolysis is not painful. 

Cryolipolysis is indicated for healthy adults aged 18 and over. There is no age limit as long as the patient has no medical contraindications. Prior consultation with an experienced doctor is necessary to adapt the treatment to the patient's age and state of health.

Cryolipolysis leaves no scars or permanent marks on the skin. Side effects such as redness, swelling or bruising are temporary and disappear within a few days to a few weeks.

After a cryolipolysis session, it is recommended that you eat a balanced diet and exercise regularly to optimise and maintain the results.
There is no specific diet to follow, simply a balanced diet rich in fruit, vegetables, lean proteins and good fats, and limiting sugars and saturated fats.

Cryolipolysis may be less effective for people with very large fat deposits or for those with diffuse fat. This technique is not a weight loss solution and only works on localised fat deposits. A consultation with a doctor will determine whether you are a good candidate for this treatment.

The results of cryolipolysis begin to be visible 3 to 4 weeks after the session and are optimal 2 to 3 months later. Every patient is different, and the speed at which results appear varies.

After a session of Cryolipolysis, it is advisable to resume light to moderate physical activity, such as walking or yoga. It is best to avoid intensive exercise for a few days to allow the body to recover. However, intense physical activity is not contraindicated.

Yes, cryolipolysis is an effective method for reducing localised fat deposits. Results depend on individual sensitivity, but most patients see a reduction in the treated fat deposits of around 20 to 25%.

The choice between LPG (Endermologie) and Cryolipolysis depends on your objectives. Cryolipolysis is more effective for reducing localised fat, while LPG is ideal for improving skin texture, reducing cellulite and stimulating circulation.

A single session of cryolipolysis may be sufficient. The number of sessions depends on the thickness of the fat pad.

Cryolipolysis is ideal for people with a BMI (Body Mass Index) of between 18.5 and 30 who want to target specific areas of fat. It is not a weight loss solution.

Cryolipolysis is not suitable for general weight loss, cellulite treatment or skin tightening.
There are some contraindications.
A healthy lifestyle is fundamental to maintaining results.

There are three machines on the market for medical use: CoolSculpting®Cristal and Zimmer cryolipolysis.

  • These machines are CE marked.
  • These machines are reliable: in the event of a problem, the appliance stops, preventing burns.
  • These machines meet the efficiency criteria: they ensure a temperature of at least -5°C at 300mb pressure.
  • These machines maintain a constant temperature of at least -5°C.

The effectiveness of cryolipolysis can be assessed by body measurements and before-and-after photos. Results start to become visible after a few weeks, with continuous improvements for up to three months after the session.

After cryolipolysis, it is advisable to gently massage the treated area to avoid any inflammation. Use light circular movements for a few minutes every day for five days. This massage is not compulsory, as it is carried out by your doctor at the end of the session.

Cryolipolysis must be carried out by a doctor. This procedure can have serious consequences: burns, skin necrosis, necrosis of the intestinal tract in the event of an undetected abdominal hernia, paralysis due to nerve damage.

After cryolipolysis, the crystallised fat cells are gradually eliminated by the lymphatic system, a natural process of metabolisation.

CoolSculpting® is a cryolipolysis machine.

No, cryolipolysis of the abdomen is generally well tolerated. During the session, patients can read, work on their laptop or watch a film.

No, cryolipolysis cannot replace a tummy tuck (or liposuction). Cryolipolysis reduces small fat deposits.
Abdominoplasty is a surgical procedure designed to remove excess skin and often fat from the abdomen.

Cryolipolysis appointment Geneva - Consultation Cryolipolysis Geneva

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