What is the nasolabial fold?

The nasolabial fold, or "smile line", is a wrinkle on either side of the face that runs from the bridge of the nose to the corner of the mouth. Like any wrinkle that runs downwards, it gives a sad, tired appearance. Medical treatments exist to treat this unsightly appearance.



Hyaluronic acid to fill the nasolabial fold in Geneva

Comment enlever le sillon nasogénien? Il existe des solutions médicales efficaces pour atténuer le sillon naso-génien, rajeunir et rafraîchir le visage.

Les injections d’acide hyaluronique comblent les plis naso-géniens et restaurent le volume perdu, ce traitement hydrate également la peau en améliorant son élasticité. Les résultats sont immédiats et naturels.
Les techniques de lifting non chirurgical, par fils tenseurs ou acide hyaluronique, repositionnent les tissus faciaux ptôsés en améliorant ainsi le sillon naso-génien.

It is advisable to complement these filling methods with skin densification techniques: laser, mesotherapy or skinbooster.
This combination allows the nasolabial fold to be smoothed in a natural, long-lasting way.
It is essential to consult a qualified doctor to determine the most appropriate treatment for your skin type and the severity of the nasolabial folds. A personalised approach guarantees optimal results for a harmonious, revitalised face.

photo causes wrinkles next to the nose

Why do I have nasolabial nasolabial folds?

How are nasolabial folds formed? The nasolabial fold itself is a wrinkle that appears with age, although this line can be present in young people at rest and/or when smiling.

This unsightliness can be :

  • Constitutional: this is a false nasolabial fold. It is simply due to the morphology of the face, and is found in particular in the case of cheekbone protruding and low. It can be reduced, but its disappearance should not be envisaged, which would result in a round face.
  • Linked to ageing and photoaging: the nasolabial fold appears around the age of thirty in both men and women.
    As the years go by, the fat in the cheekbone melts and gradually descends to the oval of the face, the bone resorbs and its supporting role is lost. The skin becomes thinner and less elastic.

Extrinsic factors aggravate the development of the nasolabial fold: smoking, weight changes, sun exposure, lack of sleep and hydration.

Nasolabial fold: symptoms and stages of severity

The nasolabial fold worsens over time. This phenomenon is influenced by factors such as age, genetics and repeated facial expressions.

Au stade précoce, les plis sont visibles uniquement en dynamique, au sourire par exemple. Ils sont fins et peu profonds. Souvent il est facile de les atténuer avec des crèmes contenant des actifs comme le rétinol et l’acide hyaluronique. Les injections d’acide hyaluronique sont fortement conseillées pour éviter leur aggravation.

Au stade modéré, les plis deviennent plus prononcés et sont visibles au repos. À ce stade, les injections d’acide hyaluronique sont nécessaires pour restaurer le volume perdu et lisser la peau.

Au stade avancé, les sillons naso-géniens sont profonds et permanents, accompagnés d’une perte significative de volume et d’élasticité de la peau.

For optimum results, it is necessary to combine filling injections in the hollow and hyaluronic acid injections in a lifting technique.

The stages in detail.

  • Stage 0: no furrow.
  • Stage 1: slight nasolabial folds.
  • Stage 2: moderate nasolabial folds.
  • Stage 3: severe nasolabial folds.
  • Stage 4: very severe nasolabial folds.

How do you get rid of nasolabial folds?
Treatment of the nasolabial fold

Treatment of the nasolabial fold is a frequent reason for consultation. Women seek treatment from their thirties onwards; men consult us from their forties onwards because they are able to hide it under their beard and consider it a charming asset.
Hyaluronic acid-based creams cannot make it disappear, and make-up cannot camouflage it.

It is important to understand that :

  • This wrinkle should be softened rather than erased to avoid rounding out the face.
  • The two sides are not symmetrical and never will be; perfect symmetry is not achievable, nor is it physiological.

Indications for the treatment of nasolabial folds

  • Patients with very deep nasolabial folds.
  • Ageing of the middle third of the face.
  • Stern, tired look.
photo filling of the nasolabial fold by injection of hyaluronic acid

How can hyaluronic acid be used to eliminate nasolabial folds?

L'hyaluronic acid is a biocompatible gel used to treat wrinkles. Dr Romano's approach to the face is natural and physiological, and any treatment must aim to correct the causes of age-related changes and bring the face closer to the proportions of perfect beauty (technique of beautiphication).
Treatment of the nasolabial fold is personalised and varies according to the patient's anatomy and wishes.

There are several techniques.

  • The lift technique: the nasolabial fold is almost always due to the loss of superficial malar fat. The lift 8 pointsone of the MD Codes invented by Brazilian plastic surgeon Mauricio di Maio, lifts the tissues by injecting them at strategic points to be adapted to each face. The hyaluronic acid used is firm and has lifting properties.
nasolabial fold photo filling by skinbooster injection
  • Wrinkle injection: wrinkle filling is often combined with the lift technique for optimum results. In the treatment hierarchy, tissue lift must precede wrinkle injection, so as not to round out the face. The only exception is the constitutional furrow found in young people, in which case it is preferable to inject only the furrow.
    The injection is carried out with a cannula (a needle with a round tip) for reasons of vascular safety, and the product is placed in the skin at different depths.
  • Bolus injection in the canine fossa: sometimes hyaluronic acid is injected into the perineal triangle. The product is dense and placed against the bone.

These techniques can be combined. Nasolabial fold injections, like all facial injections, are complex and require an experienced eye, medical know-how and a perfectly mastered technique.

Procedure for hyaluronic acid injections to reduce nasolabial folds

Les injections d’acide hyaluronique sont une procédure rapide, simple et efficace, réalisée en cabinet médical.
Une consultation initiale précède l’acte. Le médecin analyse le visage pour définir la technique et le produit le plus adapté et discute avec le patient des attentes concernant les résultats.
Avant l’injection, la peau est soigneusement désinfectée.
En fonction de la technique choisie, les approches seront différents : utilisation de la canule ou de l’aiguille, injection de la ride ou technique de lift.
L’injection dure entre 5 et 10 minutes. Le patient peut reprendre ses activités habituelles immédiatement après.

Are nasolabial fold injections painful?

Nasolabial fold injections are generally well tolerated and not very painful. Most patients describe the sensation experienced during the injection as a slight stinging or temporary discomfort. To minimise pain, injectable products such as hyaluronic acid often contain a local anaesthetic such as lidocaine, which reduces the sensation of pain during treatment.

Is it safe to inject the nasolabial fold?

The treatment is safe when carried out by a qualified and experienced doctor. Hyaluronic acid is a substance that is naturally present in the skin and is absorbable, which is a guarantee of safety.
Injections carried out by non-doctors are dangerous: the risk is skin necrosis. Knowledge of anatomy and certain precautions, such as the use of a cannula, are fundamental.

Which hyaluronic acid for nasolabial folds?

The acid used for the lift technique and the injection into the canine fossa must be very firm, moderately volumising and have significant lifting power.
For the injection of hyaluronic acid into wrinkles, if the wrinkle is very superficial, the acid used will be injected very superficially and its particles will be very small. Dr Romano uses a hyaluronic acid such as Restylane or Skinbooster. If there is a reduction in fat at this level, the acid used will be volumising and injected deeper.
The two techniques can be combined if necessary, in what is known as a sandwich technique.

How can nasolabial folds be reduced in men?

Both men and women may want to correct nasolabial folds.
The techniques used to reduce these folds are slightly different because of the characteristics of male skin, which is thicker and richer in collagen.

The hyaluronic acid used, for example, is often thicker and more cross-linked.
It is important for the procedure to be carried out by an experienced doctor to prevent the face from becoming puffy and feminised.

photo treatment of nasolabial fold with sculptra injection

How can nasolabial folds be removed? Sculptra injections

Le Sculptra stimulates collagen synthesis.
This product is indicated for improving the nasolabial fold if the patient has a significant reduction in skin thickness and a reduction in cheek fat (very hollow cheeks).
As a preventive measure, Dr Romano offers this treatment to all patients over the age of thirty, which works in synergy with hyaluronic acid injections to slow down the ageing of the face.
The number of sessions and the areas to be injected should be adapted to the patient's anatomy.

Nasolabial fold before/after

Les photos avant/après de la correction des sillons nasogéniens montrent de manière convaincante l’efficacité des injections d’acide hyaluronique dans cette indication.
Avant l’injection, les sillons nasogéniens peuvent donner un aspect fatigué et sévère au visage, une impression de volume perdu autour des joues et de la bouche et vieillissent le visage.
Après le traitement, on observe le comblement des sillons, la réduction significative de leur profondeur et un rajeunissement global.
Les photos avant/après témoignent de l’efficacité rapide de ce traitement non invasif pour redonner au visage une apparence jeune et harmonieuse tout en respectant ses caractéristiques.

Results of hyaluronic acid on nasolabial folds

Les injections pour atténuer les sillons nasogéniens offrent des résultats naturels : le visage apparaît reposé, plus doux et plus harmonieux, les sillons seront atténués de façon physiologique ou complètement effacés en fonction de la demande de la patiente (qui sera respectée).
La technique de lift restaure le triangle de jeunesse et affine l’ovale.
Ces résultats sont très appréciés pour leur discrétion et leur capacité à rajeunir le visage sans altérer ses traits naturels.

How long does it take to see results after an injection?

Les résultats sont visibles immédiatement après le traitement. Cependant, un léger œdème ou des rougeurs peuvent survenir au niveau des zones traitées, mais ces effets disparaissent généralement en quelques heures à quelques jours.
Les résultats définitifs sont souvent pleinement visibles après quelques jours, une fois que le produit s’est bien intégré aux tissus cutanés et que tout éventuel gonflement s’est résorbé.

How long does a nasolabial fold injection last?

The duration of a nasolabial fold injection depends on the product used, but is generally between 9 and 18 months. Hyaluronic acid resorbs naturally over time. This resorption can be influenced by individual factors such as skin type, the patient's metabolism and lifestyle (sun exposure, smoking, etc.). Maintenance injections are required to maintain results.

The suites

The immediate after-effects are marked by slight swelling. Small haematomas are rare and do not last more than a few days. Normal activities can be resumed immediately after the injections.

Price of a nasolabial fold injection

How much does an injection to reduce nasolabial folds cost in Geneva? The price varies according to several factors: the type of product used (particularly firmness and cross-linking), the quantity needed to effectively fill the furrows and the technique used. In general, the injection of hyaluronic acid into the nasolabial folds, which is the most commonly used method, costs between 600 and 1,200 francs per session.

Type of consultation General rates
Hyaluronic acid
CHF 600 per syringe
CHF 900 per bottle

Can nasolabial folds be prevented?

The formation of nasolabial folds is largely due to the natural ageing process, the loss of skin volume and elasticity, and the sagging of subcutaneous tissue. Although the appearance of these folds is inevitable with age, certain measures can help to slow their formation and preserve the youthful appearance of the face for longer. Adopting the right skincare routine, including the use of moisturisers, hyaluronic acid serums and products containing antioxidants such as vitamin C and retinol, can help keep skin supple and elastic. Daily sun protection is also essential to prevent damage caused by UV rays, which accelerate skin ageing and encourage the formation of wrinkles and furrows.

A balanced diet rich in vitamins, minerals and essential fatty acids, as well as good hydration, are also crucial to skin health. In addition, avoiding skin stress factors such as smoking, alcohol and prolonged exposure to pollution can help prevent premature ageing. Finally, adopting a healthy lifestyle, including regular physical activity, can help delay the appearance of nasolabial folds.

How can nasolabial folds be reduced naturally? Facial gymnastics

Facial gymnastics is a natural method whose effectiveness in reducing nasolabial folds has not been proven.
By strengthening the muscles of the face and improving blood circulation to the skin, these exercises, when practised regularly, promise to firm the skin.
One of the simplest exercises is to smile exaggeratedly for a few seconds, then let go. This movement should be repeated about ten times.
Another exercise is the "imaginary balloon", which consists of inflating the cheeks by filling the mouth with air, then slowly moving the air from one cheek to the other.
The 'V of Youth' is a targeted exercise that involves placing the two fingers of each hand at the corners of the lips, then gently pulling outwards as you try to smile.

How do you detect the appearance of nasolabial folds?

A simple way to spot the appearance of nasolabial folds is to look in the mirror while smiling. Look at the line between the corner of your nose and the corner of your mouth. After you stop smiling, note how long this line remains visible. If the nasolabial folds persist for more than 3 seconds after you let go of the smile, these wrinkles are beginning to form and it's time to consider preventive or corrective measures.

Most treatments, including hyaluronic acid injections, are well tolerated and not very painful. 

Potential side effects include redness, swelling, bruising and temporary sensitivity in the injected area. These effects are generally mild and disappear within a few days.

The choice of treatment depends on several factors: the severity of the furrow, the type of skin and the patient's expectations. A consultation with a qualified doctor will enable the different options to be discussed and the treatment best suited to the patient's needs to be determined.

Sun protection is important in preventing the appearance of nasolabial folds, as excessive exposure to UV rays accelerates the skin ageing process.
By using a sunscreen with an appropriate protection factor, you can protect your skin from sun damage and prevent collagen breakdown.

Certain targeted facial exercises can help tone the nasolabial fold area by strengthening the facial muscles.
These exercises include forced smiling, circular movements with the cheeks and stretching the facial muscles. 

To make up the nasolabial fold and make it less visible, start by applying a smoothing base to even out the skin's texture. Then use a concealer or liquid foundation slightly lighter than your natural skin tone to brighten up the crease area. Avoid applying too much product, as this can accentuate wrinkles.

Many habits are beneficial, but there really is no natural treatment for reducing nasolabial folds. The application of argan oil, aloe vera, facial massage and a diet rich in antioxidants are good resolutions. These methods hydrate the skin, stimulate collagen production and improve skin elasticity. These techniques do not replace medical treatment. 

How long the results last depends on the treatment chosen. The benefits of hyaluronic acid injections can last between ten and twelve months, while the results of laser treatment can last up to two years.

There is no specific age at which to start treating the nasolabial fold. Some people start treating these folds as early as their thirties, while others wait until they become more pronounced. A consultation with a doctor can help determine the most appropriate time to start treatment.

To reduce the appearance of nasolabial folds, we recommend using creams containing 'anti-ageing' ingredients: retinol, hyaluronic acid, peptides and antioxidants. These ingredients stimulate collagen production, moisturise the skin and improve its elasticity.

Hyaluronic acid is a highly effective product for filling nasolabial folds, as it has the ability to retain water and deeply moisturise the skin. Injections of hyaluronic acid into the nasolabial fold restore lost volume, smooth the skin and reduce wrinkles.

Reviews of nasolabial fold treatments are generally positive, particularly for hyaluronic acid injections, which give immediate, natural results. Patients describe a significant improvement in the appearance of the folds. It is important to consult a qualified professional to discuss possible options and achieve optimal results.

It is possible to reduce the appearance of nasolabial folds without resorting to injections thanks to medical devices: radiofrequency and focused ultrasound (HIFU), which stimulate collagen production and improve the skin's elasticity, thereby reducing wrinkles.

Injecting directly into the nasolabial folds can sometimes lead to an unnatural result. Excessive correction can make the median part of the face look heavier. Often the lift technique precedes the injection of the furrow.

The nasolabial fold is a line or crease that extends from each side of the nose to the corners of the mouth.

After a filling injection in the nasolabial folds, it is not necessary to massage the area as this has already been done by the injecting doctor. If massage is recommended by the doctor, it is advisable to perform a gentle massage using circular movements for a few minutes.

The leading treatment is the injection of hyaluronic acid.

Nasolabial folds are more likely to appear in people who are over forty, have thin skin, a very expressive face or a loss of volume in the cheeks.

Weight loss does not reduce nasolabial folds; on the contrary, it can accentuate them.

Stress can indirectly contribute to the appearance of nasolabial folds. Chronic stress accelerates skin ageing because it increases cortisol production, which is responsible for a drop in collagen synthesis and elasticity. This can exacerbate nasolabial folds.

Excessive alcohol consumption can worsen nasolabial folds because alcohol dehydrates the skin. Alcohol can also promote the breakdown of collagen.

Yes, hyaluronic acid is the most effective treatment for reducing nasolabial folds.

Nasolabial folds can add character and personality, and are a sign of repeated smiles and a happy life.

However, when they become too pronounced, they can give a tired or aged appearance.

To avoid the formation or worsening of nasolabial folds during sleep, we recommend following these tips:

  • Sleep on your back.
  • Use a silk or satin pillowcase.
  • Raise your head slightly.
  • Keep skin well moisturised before bedtime.

Rendez-vous Sillon Nasogénien Geneva - Consultation Nasogenian furrow


Other areas to be treated
