What are forehead wrinkles?

Les rides du front sont des rides horizontales qui se trouvent au niveau du front.
Initialement elle ne sont que dynamiques, rides d’expression, car elles apparaissent qu’à la remontée des sourcils.
Avec le temps la peau se fracture et ces rides deviennent statiques, elles sont présentes même au repos.



Remove forehead wrinkles with Botox injections, Geneva 

Forehead wrinkles are responsible for a tired, worried appearance and age the face, hence the aesthetic and social demands (a tired look can have an impact on professional activity).
How can you reduce forehead wrinkles effectively? For reduce wrinkles from the frontthere are several solutions.

The botulinum toxin injections are the reference treatment for erase forehead wrinkles. A natural, lively result depends on the skill of the doctor, who must maintain the mobility of this area.

The hyaluronic acid injections  to fill in forehead wrinkles are not really effective and are rarely carried out.
The anti-wrinkle creamscontainingacid hyaluronicthe vitamin C and other antioxidantscan help to moisturise the skinboost production from collagen and delay ageing skin.

photo causes forehead wrinkles

Why do forehead wrinkles appear?

Les rides du front apparaissent sous l’action du muscle frontal.
Au niveau du visage les muscles sont collés à la peau. Á force de réaliser des expressions, les muscles (le muscle frontal droit et le gauche) deviennent de plus en plus puissants et entrainent la peau lors de la remontée des sourcils. On parle alors de rides d’expression.
La peau, sollicitée par ces mouvement et fragilisée par la réduction du taux d’acide hyaluronique et de collagène inéluctable avec le temps, s’abime et les rides statiques (rides présentes au repos) apparaissent, on parle de rides de repos.
L’âge d’apparition est variable et dépend du tonus musculaire de base qui est génétiquement déterminé et de l’expressivité de l’individu. Cela explique pourquoi ces rides peuvent être visibles avant 18 ans.

Stages of severity of forehead wrinkles

Forehead wrinkles develop in several stages of severity, ranging from superficial wrinkles to deep folds. A personalised, early approach can help to slow the progression of wrinkles and maintain a more youthful appearance.

Stage 1: fine, superficial wrinkles

At this stage, forehead wrinkles are slight and shallow. They are only visible when the face is in motion, such as when the expression is one of surprise or concentration. They disappear when the face is at rest.

Recommended treatment 
Des soins préventifs comme les crèmes hydratantes, les sérums à base de rétinol, ainsi que des traitements esthétiques légers comme les peels chimiques doux ou la microdermabrasion.

Stage 2: moderate wrinkles

Wrinkles become more visible and begin to appear even when the face is at rest, indicating a loss of skin elasticity. They are deeper than those of stage 1.

Recommended treatment  
Botulinum toxin injections are indicated and effectively treat wrinkles.

Stage 3: pronounced wrinkles

Les rides du front sont désormais profondes et couvrent une plus grande surface du front. La peau peut paraître plissée et ridée de manière permanente.
La peau a perdu une partie significative de son élasticité et de son épaisseur.

Recommended treatment  
Combined treatments, Botox and hyaluronic acid injections, may be necessary to achieve optimum results.

Stage 4: Very deep wrinkles and deep folds

At this advanced stage, the wrinkles are extremely deep and may be accompanied by marked skin folds, giving the forehead a severely wrinkled appearance. The skin has lost its elasticity and collagen content.

Recommended treatment  
Combined procedures, such as Botox and hyaluronic acid injections and laser resurfacing techniques, should be carried out if the aim is to remove wrinkles.

photo facial gymnastics forehead wrinkles

How can I avoid forehead wrinkles? How do you massage the forehead to remove wrinkles?

De plus en plus de femmes ont recours à la gymnastique faciale pour atténuer les rides du front et en ralentir la progression.
L’exercice consiste à poser trois doigts au niveau des sourcils, les tirer vers le bas et remonter les sourcils en même temps.
Cela est à réaliser dix fois par jour pendant cinq secondes.
La gymnastique faciale est donc une méthode naturelle et efficace pour réduire l’apparence des rides du front.

Creams do not erase wrinkles; their sole purpose is to keep the skin hydrated.

photo treatment of forehead wrinkles by botox injection

Comment faire disparaître les rides sur le front avec les injections de toxine botulique ? 

The injection of Botox blocks the action of the frontal muscle. The forehead muscle extends from the base of the skull to the eye sockets. For the treatment of forehead wrinkles, we only target the anterior part, which extends from the edge of the scalp to the eyebrows.
The doctor's technique and know-how are crucial for a natural, attractive result. The number of points injected, the units used for each point and the position of each point make all the difference between one practitioner and another. Frozen brows and drooping eyebrows are avoided; the aim is to keep the look lively and open up the eyes.
Of course, if the patient wishes, complete blocking is possible.

Procedure for botulinum toxin injection for forehead wrinkles 

L’injection ne dure pas longtemps, une minute. Une légère sensation d’échauffement est ressentie.
Le docteur Romano conseille toujours d’associer à cette injection celle de la ride du lion et des rides de la patte d’oie afin d’avoir l’ouverture du regard. (Cela est mieux expliquée ci-dessous).
Le résultat est progressif, visible à partir du deuxième jour et définitif à sept jours. Un contrôle une à trois semaines après est fixé pour une retouche gratuite. Le résultat dure cinq à six mois.

photo treatment facial expression lines

The treatment of forehead wrinkles should always be accompanied by treatment of the lion wrinkle and crow's feet wrinkles.

In fact, there is a muscular balance in the eyebrow:

  • Two muscles pull it downwards: the corrugator muscle responsible for frown lines and the orbicularis muscle responsible for crow's feet.
  • A single muscle supports it: the forehead muscle responsible for forehead wrinkles.

Botox blocks or weakens the action of a muscle. If the single lift muscle is blocked, without blocking the two depressors, it is obvious that the eyebrow will fall.

Why inject forehead wrinkles with an experienced doctor?

It is crucial to use the services of an experienced doctor, as this will guarantee safe, natural and lasting results.

  • Expertise and technical skills

Un médecin expérimenté possède une connaissance approfondie de l’anatomie faciale et maîtrise les techniques d’injection. Cela garantit que les injections sont réalisées avec précision dans les bons muscles, maximisant ainsi l’efficacité du traitement et minimisant les risques de complications.

  • Personalised treatment

Every face is unique, and an experienced practitioner knows how to adapt the dose and technique to the specific needs of each patient. This personalised approach means that the results are natural and harmonious, avoiding fixed or artificial expressions.

  • Knowledge of contraindications

An experienced practitioner is able to identify contraindications and decide whether a patient is a good candidate for injection.

  • Safety and risk reduction

Although Botox injections are generally safe, they do carry risks, as do all medical procedures. An experienced doctor is trained to minimise these risks and to manage any complications, such as bruising or asymmetry.

  • Harmonious aesthetics

Experience enables the doctor to carry out injections that preserve and enhance the natural aesthetics of the face. An experienced doctor knows how to improve proportions and create results that are both subtle and effective.

  • Sustainability of results

Thanks to a precise technique and in-depth knowledge of the products used, an experienced doctor can offer results that last longer. This means longer intervals between treatments and greater satisfaction.

Results before / after Botox injection in forehead wrinkles

The result of the botulinum toxin injection is progressive, visible after two days and definitive on the seventh day. The forehead is smooth.

Le patient est revu sept à dix jours après afin de réaliser une retouche gratuite.
Le résultat doit être naturel, sauf demande contraire du patient. La mobilité est à conserver : les sourcils doivent pouvoir remonter.
Il faut absolument éviter la chute des sourcils, a contrario, il faut obtenir une ouverture du regard, ce qui illumine le visage.
Parfois des remontées du sourcil en forme de triangle (le Mephisto) peuvent se produire et sont dues à l’hyperactivité individuelle de la partie externe du muscle frontal. Elles ne sont pas vraiment prévisibles lors de l’injection initiale, donc possibles, mais elles seront corrigées au moment de la retouche.

The result lasts between four and six months.

Side effects and after-effects

The injected area may appear red and swollen for around twenty minutes. Headaches are a frequent side effect, lasting no more than two days.

Do not touch the treated area on the same day. Sport and intense heat should be avoided for two days. Shampooing and eyebrow care are permitted from the following day.

Photofilling of forehead wrinkles with hyaluronic acid

How do you fill in forehead wrinkles? Hyaluronic acid injections

In certain indications, injections ofhyaluronic acid improve forehead wrinkles.
There are two ways to treat this unsightly appearance:

  • Wrinkle injection. Hyaluronic acid, with very fine particles, is used and injected with a cannula. Skinbooster. The product is placed very superficially in small quantities all along the wrinkle. It is not possible to make the wrinkle disappear, as this would lead to the creation of small visible balls of product. The result only lasts a few months because of the persistent contraction of the forehead muscle, which wears out the product. To prolong the result, Dr Romano recommends combining it with botulinum toxin injections.
  • Injection to fill any hollows front-ends or for the rounded forehead . A hyaluronic acid with very firm, volumising particles is used and injected with a cannula. The product is placed between the muscle and the bone. The increase in volume stretches wrinkles. The results last about two years. Dr Romano always recommends botox injections, as the forehead muscle continues to contract, aggravating wrinkles.

The results of hyaluronic acid injections are immediate. Slight short-term oedema is common.
If the forehead is curved or a hollow is corrected, the result lasts about two years.
Unfortunately, the results of wrinkle filling only last a few months.

How much does it cost to treat forehead wrinkles?

Type of consultation General rates
Hyaluronic acid
CHF 600 per syringe
one zone: CHF 300
two zones: CHF 450
three zones: CHF 600

one zone: CHF 350
two zones: CHF 500
three zones: CHF 650
At what age do forehead wrinkles start to appear?

Forehead wrinkles can start to appear as early as the late twenties, but they are generally more visible from the thirties onwards. Genetic factors, lifestyle habits and skin care play an important role in determining the age at which they appear.

The application of creams does not replace injections and is of little benefit. It is advisable to use creams containing effective active ingredients. 

Retinol: Retinol stimulates collagen production and accelerates cell renewal.

Hyaluronic acid: creams containing hyaluronic acid intensely moisturise the skin.

Vitamin C: Vitamin C is a powerful antioxidant that brightens the skin and stimulates collagen production.

Peptides: Peptides help to strengthen the skin's structure and improve its elasticity.

Applying sun protection is important to protect the skin from damage caused by UV rays and to prevent wrinkles.

Forehead wrinkles in men are just as common as in women and can be treated in the same way.
Men can benefit from the same treatments as women: Botox, hyaluronic acid and chemical peels.

To prevent forehead wrinkles, it is essential to protect the skin from the sun by using sunscreen, moisturise regularly, eat a healthy diet rich in antioxidants, avoid smoking and manage stress. Facial gymnastics can also help strengthen facial muscles.

How long the results last depends on the treatment carried out. Botox injections generally last six months. Laser treatments and chemical peels can have long-lasting effects, but maintenance sessions are necessary to maintain the results.

Although results vary from person to person, facial gymnastics is a natural method that complements medical treatments.
 These exercises consist of specific movements that tone the muscles and stimulate collagen production.

Some patients prefer to avoid Botox injections. Although there are alternatives, the reference treatment is botulinum toxin.  

  • Hyaluronic acid.
  • Chemical peels.
  • Microdermabrasion.
  • Laser.

The age of onset depends on a number of individual factors. It is advisable to start preventive treatments as soon as the first static wrinkles appear.

The choice between botox and hyaluronic acid depends on the severity of the problem and the patient's wishes. 

Botox: Botulinum toxin injections are the gold standard treatment. Results last around six months.

Hyaluronic acid: hyaluronic acid cannot be used to fill in forehead wrinkles. The only indication is the presence of a hollow in the forehead. Injecting it stretches wrinkles.

Combining the two: for some patients, the combination of Botox and hyaluronic acid offers the best results, treating both dynamic and static wrinkles.

To choose the right doctor, it's important to look for a qualified and experienced professional who specialises in aesthetic treatments. A preliminary consultation allows you to discuss your expectations and ask any questions you may have before starting treatment.

Yes, Botox injections are safe when carried out by an experienced doctor. It is a non-invasive procedure that temporarily relaxes the muscles responsible for wrinkles, and the results are natural. Side effects are generally mild and temporary: bruising or slight sensitivity at the injection site.

The treatments are not very painful. It is not really necessary to apply an anaesthetic cream before the injections.

To prevent forehead wrinkles, we recommend using products containing moisturisers, antioxidants and retinol. Daily application of a broad-spectrum sunscreen is essential to protect the skin from UV rays. 

Forehead wrinkles are a sign of skin ageing. There are several ways to treat and prevent them.

  • Sun protection.
  • Hydration.
  • Skin care.
  • Facial gymnastics.
  • Aesthetic medicine.

Forehead wrinkles can appear even in young people, as they are caused by repetitive movements of the forehead muscles and other factors such as exposure to the sun, stress, insufficient hydration and genetic predisposition.

It's not possible to have a smooth forehead naturally, but certain habits are beneficial.

  • Use an anti-wrinkle serum and an anti-wrinkle cream.
  • Facial gymnastics.
  • Forehead massage.
  • Face taping.

Yes, skin rejuvenation treatments can be effective in reducing forehead wrinkles, if the indication is the right one. 

Other areas to be treated
