What are barcode wrinkles?

Les rides code-barre sont des rides verticales et obliques des lèvres, qui partent de l’ourlet de la lèvre et creusent la lèvre blanche.
Ces rides, connues aussi sous le nom de rides du fumeur ou plissé de soleil, vieillissent la zone buccale et le sourire.



Treatment of wrinkles around the mouth and above the lips in Geneva 

The wrinkles above the lips are known as lip wrinkles, smoker's wrinkles, barcode wrinkles.

Ces appellations font référence à des rides qui apparaissent avec le temps au niveau de la partie blanche de la lèvre à cause de différents facteurs dont le vieillissement cutané.

Pour atténuer les rides des lèvres et prévenir leur apparition, il est recommandé d’adopter une routine de soins de la peau adaptée, d’éviter le tabac et l’exposition solaire et éventuellement de pratiquer des exercices de gymnastique faciale.

It is possible to smoothing the lip contour without surgery.

  • Le filling of lip wrinkles by injection of hyaluronic acid is the most commonly used technique. The result is an improvement in wrinkles.
  • Le laser ablatif fractionné est une autre procédure qui, bien que ne puisse pas faire disparaître les rides du fumeur, améliore significativement ces.
  • Le peeling moyen est le traitement le plus efficace pour les rides autour de la bouche, mais les suites sont lourdes et des complications peuvent apparaître.

Lip care: treating the causes of lip wrinkles

Lip wrinkles, often called "bar code wrinkles", are caused by a combination of factors that contribute to skin ageing. 

photo wrinkles bar code
  • Natural ageing: with age, the production of collagen and elastin in the skin decreases, leading to a loss of firmness and elasticity. This natural reduction in the skin's essential proteins causes wrinkles and fine lines to appear, including around the lips.
  • Exposure to the sun: UV rays damage the collagen and elastin fibres in the skin, accelerating the ageing process. Frequent exposure to the sun without adequate protection can lead to thinner skin and more pronounced wrinkles around the mouth.
  • Smoking: smoking is one of the main causes of lip wrinkles. Smoking reduces the blood supply to the skin, which in turn reduces the production of collagen and elastin. In addition, the repetitive movement of puckering the lips to inhale smoke contributes to the formation of vertical wrinkles.
  • Repetitive lip movements: repeated facial expressions, such as smiling, kissing or drinking through a straw, can lead to the appearance of wrinkles, which is why they also appear in non-smokers. These frequent movements create folds in the skin that become permanent over time.
  • Loss of volume: with age, the lips lose their natural volume due to a reduction in subcutaneous fat. This leads to the appearance of folds and wrinkles around the mouth.
  • Genetics: genetics play a significant role in skin ageing.
  • Dehydration: dehydrated skin is more prone to wrinkles. Not drinking enough water or living in a dry environment can accentuate the formation of wrinkles around the lips.
  • Poor eating habits: an unbalanced diet lacking in vitamins, minerals and antioxidants can accelerate skin ageing. Nutrients such as vitamin C, vitamin E and omega-3 are essential for maintaining skin health and elasticity.
  • Stress: chronic stress can affect the skin by increasing levels of cortisol, a hormone that can break down collagen. In addition, stress can lead to frequent, involuntary facial expressions, contributing to the formation of wrinkles.

Stages of severity of smoker's wrinkles

Lip wrinkles, also known as "smoker's lines", can be more or less pronounced.
Each stage of severity requires a specific approach. Dr Romano will suggest a personalised treatment plan during your consultation.

Stage 1: Light wrinkles

Appearance of fine lines around the lips.
Wrinkles are only visible when the lips are in motion, such as when smiling or puckering.
The skin around the lips may begin to lose some of its elasticity.

Recommended treatments 
Skin care with moisturisers and serums containing retinoids or hyaluronic acid.
Peelings légers pour stimuler le renouvellement cellulaire.
Skinbooster-type hyaluronic acid injections to prevent the formation of new wrinkles.

Stage 2: moderate wrinkles

The fine lines become more pronounced and visible even at rest.
Fine lines can begin to merge, forming more visible wrinkles.
Loss of elasticity and firmness around the mouth.

Recommended treatments 
Medium peels pour exfolier les couches de la peau et stimuler la production de collagène.
Hyaluronic acid injections to smooth wrinkles and restore lost volume.

Stage 3: Deep wrinkles

Wrinkles are deep, well-defined and permanently visible.
The skin around the lips is considerably less elastic and thinner.
Skin folds may appear due to the significant loss of volume and elasticity.

Recommended treatments 
Deep peels to treat deep wrinkles and improve skin texture.
Hyaluronic acid injections to fill in deep wrinkles and restore lost volume.
Laser treatments to stimulate collagen production and improve the overall appearance of the skin.

Stage 4: Very deep wrinkles

Very deep, pronounced wrinkles, often accompanied by deep skin folds.
The skin around the lips is very thin, with a significant loss of firmness and volume.
Wrinkles can extend to the cheeks and chin.

Recommended treatments 
Deep chemical peels for in-depth skin renewal.
Injection of hyaluronic acid to restore volume and fill very deep wrinkles.
Techniques de lifting non chirurgical pour améliorer la fermeté et l’apparence générale de la peau.

How do you remove "barcode" wrinkles above the mouth?

It is possible to treat wrinkles around the lips thanks to techniques from aesthetic medicine.
The proposed protocol will take into account any modifications to the lips also due to ageing.

  • Drying out and discolouration of the red lip.
  • Loss of hemline and lip definition.
  • Reducing the volume of the red lip.
  • Sagging lip corners.
  • Flattening of the philtral ridges and loss of definition of the Cupid's bow.

Il est conseillé de consulter un dermatologue, un chirurgien esthétique ou un médecin esthétique pour bénéficier d’un traitement personnalisé et adapté à chaque type de peau.
Les traitements proposés pour la prise en charge de ces rides peuvent viser leur disparition ou leur amélioration.
Dans le premier cas le docteur Romano proposera un peeling moyen. Cet acte est assez lourd et est souvent déconseillé à cause de la démarcation cutanée post-traitement entre le pourtour de la bouche et le reste du visage.
L’amélioration est obtenue par des injections d’acide hyaluronique et des séances laser.

Photofilling lip wrinkles with hyaluronic acid

How can smokers' wrinkles be removed by injecting hyaluronic acid?

L'hyaluronic acid used in this indication is reticulated and not very volumising because it is a meticulous correction.
Dr Romano chose a hyaluronic acid type Skinbooster.

A botched injection at this level is responsible for the formation of a bead of product visible when the lips are moved and/or at rest.

L’acide hyaluronique, naturellement présent dans notre organisme, a la capacité d’attirer et de retenir l’eau, ce qui permet d’hydrater la peau et de combler les rides.

Two techniques are used.

  • The topping technique: the injection is carried out with a cannula, the hyaluronic acid is deposited in the deep dermis of the entire white lip to restore the skin thickness lost over time, which helps to stretch wrinkles.
  • Wrinkle injection: this technique, also known as the 'bleaching technique', involves injecting micro-droplets of hyaluronic acid all along the wrinkle.
photo laser lip wrinkle treatment

How do you remove wrinkles around the mouth using a fractional laser?

Le principe du traitement par laser fractionné est l’ablation de micro fragments de peau afin de stimuler les cellules de la peau à synthétiser une peau plus épaisse.
L’amélioration est donc obtenue grâce au ‘gommage’ superficiel des rides et à la densification cutanée qui les étire.
Si le traitement est réalisé en modalité fractionné (un certain pourcentage de la zone est traité), le protocole prévoit 4 séances. La rougeur intense, constante en post-traitement, dure entre trois jours et une semaine.
Si le traitement est réalisé en modalité continue, une séance suffit. Il s’agit d’un peeling moyen réalisé au laser. Les suites durent environ deux semaines.

Results before / after lip wrinkle filling

Lip wrinkles are effectively reduced by aesthetic medicine treatments.

The results are :

  • Smoother, younger-looking lips: vertical wrinkles around the lips are visibly reduced.
  • Improved skin texture and firmness.
  • Moisturises and fills in wrinkles.
  • Lip definition: lips appear more defined and better hemmed. The oral area is rejuvenated and the smile more beautiful.

The results last about a year. An annual maintenance session is therefore required.

How much does it cost to get rid of wrinkles on your lips?

Type of consultation General rates
Hyaluronic acid
CHF 600 per syringe
Fractional laser
CHF 500 per session
Continuous resurfacing
CHF 1,800 per session

Lip wrinkles opinion

Les avis des patients sur les traitements des rides des lèvres, par laser ou par injections d’acide hyaluronique, sont assez positifs.
Ces traitements sont largement plébiscités pour leur efficacité, leur sécurité et leur capacité à rajeunir les lèvres.

Les patients sont satisfaits de l’amélioration immédiate des rides et décrivent une augmentation de la confiance en eux.
Les procédures sont considérées simples et rapides et les résultats durables.

Are there any side effects to aesthetic treatments for lip wrinkles?

As with any medical treatment, there may be side effects. The most common are redness, swelling, bruising and temporary sensitivity. It is important to consult a qualified professional to minimise these effects.

No, although smoker's lines are more common in smokers, other factors such as sun exposure, natural ageing and repeated facial expressions can contribute to their appearance in non-smokers.

Yes, combining several treatments can be useful for optimum results. For example, hyaluronic acid and botox injections can be combined to treat both static and dynamic wrinkles. Your doctor will be able to advise you on the best treatment plan for your needs.

The duration of the effects varies according to the treatment chosen.

Hyaluronic acid injections: results last 12 months.
Botox: results last 6 months.
Laser resurfacing and chemical peels: results can last for years, depending on the type of treatment and the extent of the wrinkles.

A few tips to prevent smoker's wrinkles.

  • Stop smoking: the best way to prevent smoker's wrinkles is to stop smoking.
  • Sun protection: use a sun cream daily to protect the skin from UV damage.
  • Hydration: keep your skin well hydrated by drinking plenty of water and using moisturisers.
  • Skin care: adopt a skin care routine that includes antioxidant products, such as vitamin C, and retinol-based creams to stimulate cell renewal.

Yes, nicotine contributes to the appearance of wrinkles. 

  • Reduced blood circulation: nicotine causes vasoconstriction, reducing blood flow to the skin. This limits the supply of oxygen and nutrients to the skin, accelerating its ageing process.
  • Destruction of collagen and elastin: nicotine and other toxins present in cigarette smoke break down collagen and elastin fibres, which are essential for maintaining the skin's firmness and elasticity.
  • Oxidative stress: nicotine generates free radicals that damage skin cells, encouraging the appearance of wrinkles.

Smoker's wrinkles, also known as perioral wrinkles or "barcode wrinkles", are vertical lines that appear around the mouth. They are particularly common in smokers due to repetitive lip movements and exposure to harmful chemicals.

Most aesthetic treatments for lip wrinkles are well tolerated. An anaesthetic cream may be used for the patient's comfort. It is normal to feel a slight temporary sensitivity after treatment.

To treat wrinkles around the mouth, it's essential to choose a cream specifically formulated to target the signs of ageing in this delicate area. Here are some key ingredients to look for in a effective anti-wrinkle cream :

  • Retinol: this vitamin A-derived ingredient is known to stimulate collagen production and accelerate cell renewal, helping to reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles.
  • Hyaluronic acid: known for its exceptional moisturising properties, hyaluronic acid helps to plump the skin and fill in wrinkles by drawing in water.
  • Peptides: these chains of amino acids help to reinforce the skin's structure by stimulating the production of collagen and elastin, thereby improving firmness and elasticity.
  • Antioxidants: vitamins C and E, as well as other antioxidants, protect the skin against free radical damage and promote the repair of skin tissue.
  • Ceramides: these lipids help restore the skin barrier, retaining water and protecting the skin from external aggression.

Yes, quitting smoking considerably improves skin health. 

  • Improved blood circulation: when you stop smoking, blood flow to the skin increases.
  • Reduced oxidative damage: without the constant exposure to free radicals from cigarette smoke, the skin suffers less oxidative stress, which slows down the ageing process.
  • Collagen and elastin synthesis: over time, the skin begins to rebuild its collagen and elastin reserves, improving its firmness and elasticity.
  • Improved hydration: skin becomes less dry, more hydrated, smoother and wrinkles are reduced.

The appearance of wrinkles around the mouth can be reduced by maintaining good hydration, eating a diet rich in antioxidants, and practising facial exercises. Applying natural oils, such as argan oil or sweet almond oil, can also help improve skin elasticity.

Smoking accelerates skin ageing by reducing the production of collagen and elastin. What's more, the repetitive sucking motion during inhalation contributes to the formation of wrinkles around the mouth.

The best treatment depends on the type and depth of the wrinkles. Hyaluronic acid injections are very effective for deep wrinkles. Laser treatments or chemical peels can also improve skin texture and reduce more superficial wrinkles.

Other areas to be treated
