
How can I look 10 years younger without surgery? What is the most effective treatment for wrinkles? These questions are frequently asked during consultations.
Wrinkles are one of the first signs of ageing. Some people find them charming, others want to get rid of them. 

Les techniques médicales permettent de :

  • Erase wrinkles.
  • Filling in wrinkles.
  • Prevent the appearance of wrinkles.
  • Improve wrinkles.

Folds of bitterness

Bar code

Lion's Ride

Forehead wrinkles

Crow's feet wrinkles

Nasolabial fold

What are wrinkles?

Les rides sont des creux plus au moins profonds apparaissant avec l’âge. Elles creusent initialement la surface de la peau (épiderme et derme superficiel) pour devenir de plus en plus profondes et atteindre le derme moyen et profond.
En fonction de leur profondeur on parle de ridules ou de rides. Si la ride est très profonde et s’associe à une perte de tissu sous-cutané, on parle de sillon.

What are the different types of wrinkle?

Wrinkles are folds, hollows or ridges that appear on the skin as a result of natural ageing, repeated facial expressions, sun exposure and other environmental factors. They can be classified into three main categories.

  • The expression lines or dynamic wrinkles wrinkles: these wrinkles form as a result of repeated movements of the facial muscles. They are often found around the eyes (crow's feet), the mouth (smile lines) and on the forehead (horizontal lines).
  • The static wrinkles or wrinkles at rest wrinkles: these are caused by a break in the skin and are visible at rest.
  • The ageing wrinkles With age, the production of collagen and elastin diminishes, and the skin loses its elasticity and firmness, leading to the appearance of deep, pronounced wrinkles.

How can I prevent the appearance of wrinkles?

photo how to prevent facial wrinkles

To prevent the appearance of wrinkles and prolong the results of beauty treatments, it is essential to follow a suitable skincare routine.

  • Moisturising: use moisturising creams rich in active ingredients such as hyaluronic acid to keep the skin hydrated and supple.
  • Sun protection: apply a broad-spectrum sunscreen with an SPF of at least 30 every day to protect the skin from damage caused by UV rays.
  • Healthy diet: eat a diet rich in antioxidants, vitamins and essential fatty acids to nourish the skin.
  • A healthy lifestyle: avoid smoking, limit alcohol consumption and get enough sleep to allow the skin to regenerate.

What are the results of wrinkle filling?

photo injection of wrinkles in Geneva

 The results of the wrinkle filling by injection are :

  • Visible reduction in wrinkles and fine lines: The results of treatment for expression lines last around six months, while those for static lines last around a year.
  • Restoration of facial volumes.
  • Improved facial contours.
  • Improved skin texture and hydration: Hyaluronic acid improves skin hydration and texture. This gel attracts and retains water, increasing the skin's elasticity and suppleness and providing an overall youthful effect.

What precautions should be taken before a wrinkle-filling session?

photo instructions before face injection

Before a wrinkle-filling session, it is important to take certain precautions to ensure that the treatment is effective and risk-free. 

  • Choosing the right practitioner: choose a qualified and experienced doctor. A preliminary consultation will enable us to assess your skin, discuss your expectations, determine the most appropriate treatment and eliminate any contraindications to treatment. 
  • Medical history: tell your doctor about your medical history, including allergies and any medication you are taking.
  • Avoid certain medicines and food supplements: supplements and natural products such as vitamin E, ginkgo biloba, ginseng and fish oil should be stopped at least one week before treatment, as they may increase the risk of bleeding. Anticoagulants and antiaggregants should only be stopped if authorised by the prescribing doctor and in accordance with the terms and conditions he or she specifies.
  • Prepare the skin: avoid skin-aggressive treatments such as chemical peels, exfoliants or laser treatments in the days leading up to the session, as the skin must not be irritated.

How do wrinkles appear? What causes wrinkles?

photo causes wrinkles

Several factors are responsible for the appearance of wrinkles.

  • Age: with age, the production of collagen and elastin fibres diminishes. The skin becomes thinner and more fragile. The speed at which this happens is genetically determined.
  • Hormones: the fall in trophic hormones for the skin accelerates its ageing, which occurs during the menopause and andropause.
  • Tobacco and alcohol.
  • Lack of hydration.
  • The positions we assume: pillow wrinkles (wrinkles on one side of the face) and wrinkles between the breasts are caused by lying on one side while sleeping.
  • Sun exposure: this is the main extrinsic ageing factor. The sun dehydrates the skin, causes pigmentation and alters the synthesis of collagen and elastin fibres.
  • Stress: stress is responsible for the formation of free radicals and impaired skin circulation.
  • Lack of sleep accelerates the formation of wrinkles.
  • Diet: a diet rich in fibre, fruit and vegetables, good fats (omega 3 and omega 6) and the right amount of protein slows down the ageing process. A diet rich in fast sugars and unhealthy fats speeds it up.
  • Lack of physical activity.

How do you remove wrinkles from the face?

There are several techniques for erase wrinkles.

Les soins anti-âge et les crèmes anti-rides sont inefficaces.
Un examen clinique est réalisé pour identifier le type de ride et proposer la solution la plus adaptée. Les rides ont des causes différentes et leur traitement est donc personnalisé.

Hyaluronic acid injections to fill facial wrinkles

Two techniques are used.

  • Filling the wrinkle: the product is injected all along the wrinkle. The depth of injection and the product used depend on the type of wrinkle.
  • The lift technique: often a crease accompanies a wrinkle, in which case the ptosis tissue needs to be lifted using the hyaluronic acid medical lift technique invented by Dr Mauricio de Maio.

Skinbooster to reduce wrinkles

This hyaluronic acid has been designed to densify the skin. This treatment reduces wrinkles and has a preventive action. The skin is more toned, thicker and hydrated. 

Peels for wrinkles

Medium and deep peels are indicated for the treatment of static wrinkles. The after-effects are considerable, but these treatments considerably rejuvenate the skin. 

Facial wrinkles erased by laser resurfacing

The resurfacing laser removes layers of skin (epidermis and dermis) to stimulate collagen production and promote cell regeneration. 
Although this method causes a recovery period with some redness and slight swelling, the results are spectacular: the skin is smoother, younger-looking and more even.

How do you fill in expression lines?

Expression lines cannot be filled. Their treatment is based on Botox injections.
Dermal fillers can be injected into the skin to make it denser and more resistant to muscular stress, which slightly improves expression lines.

We recommend exfoliating creams containing glycolic acid and dermatologically tested moisturisers.

To do this, you need to act on all the factors responsible for the appearance of wrinkles. You also need to watch your weight: don't put on too much weight, don't vary your weight too much, and don't lose too many kilos too quickly. 

The cost of wrinkle treatment depends on the technique used, the area to be treated, the product used and the quantity of product required.

Once static wrinkles have set in, they can only be treated using medical techniques. To slow the appearance of wrinkles, we need to act on their causes.

We recommend mixing ten or so drops of argan oil and Coenzyme Q10 into your moisturiser.
The best natural anti-ageing treatment is a healthy lifestyle: hydration, a healthy, balanced diet, a good night's sleep, skin cleansing and make-up removal, exfoliation, massage, regular exercise and sun protection.

  • Foods containing fibre, antioxidants and vitamins: fruit and vegetables.
  • Good fats: oily fish, olive oil, eggs, avocados, nuts and seeds.
  • Certain proteins: vegetable proteins, fish and white meat. Red and fatty meats accelerate ageing.
