What is a pearl crown?

Crown beading is an unsightly condition that affects 39% of men, with a predominance in uncircumcised men. These are small excrescences (varying in size from one to three millimetres) that appear in adolescence on the crown of the glans. They are painless and non-contagious; they are not pathological but physiological (they do not correspond to a disease) and do not prevent sexual activity.



Treatment of papules of the glans penis in Geneva

The beaded crown of the glans, commonly referred to by men with the term 'buttons on the glans' is a benign dermatological condition.
Although these growths are innocuousand not sexually transmissible, they can be an aesthetic and psychological concern for some men. Fortunately, there are several options for

treatment are available.
Treatment of the pearly crown of the glans with the electric scalpel is a safe and effective medical procedure.
In this article: explanations of the pearly crown of the glans, its causes, treatments and post-treatment recommendations.

What causes a pearly crown?
Why do I have whiteheads around my glans?

The pearly crown of the glans, also known as pearly papules of the penis, is a benign physiological variation that manifests itself as small, dome-shaped growths around the edge of the glans penis. Although the exact cause of this condition is not fully understood, several factors contribute to its development.

  • Normal anatomical variation: the beaded crown of the glans is considered a normal variation in male anatomy. It is not the result of a sexually transmitted infection or disease.
photo cause crown beaded glans
  • Embryonic blocks: during embryonic development, pearly papules may form due to variations in the formation of genital tissue.
  • Hormonal influence: hormonal changes, particularly during puberty, can contribute to the development of pearly papules. Testosterone levels gradually decrease over time, and it is around the age of 60 that lesions spontaneously reduce.
  • Absence of circumcision: it has been observed that the beaded crown of the glans is more frequent in uncircumcised men. This could be due to the accumulation of secretions under the foreskin, but this link has not been definitively proven.
  • Genetic factors: there may be a genetic component, with some people simply being more predisposed to developing this condition because of their family heritage.
  • No pathology: the beaded crown of the glans is not linked to disease, infection or poor hygiene. It is a totally benign and harmless condition.

How to treat pearly acorns on the glans penis?
Treating pimples on the glans penis

This condition is often a source of anxiety and discomfort during intercourse; it is more of an aesthetic treatment.

photo crown treatment of the glans penis using an electric scalpel

The procedure is preceded by a medical consultation to rule out differential diagnoses.

On the day of the session, the area to be treated is carefully cleaned and disinfected. An anaesthetic cream is applied. The session lasts around ten minutes and is completely painless.

During the first session, the 80% will remove lesions. A free touch-up is planned after 4-5 weeks to spray any remaining lesions.

Several techniques are available: laser, peel, electric scalpel.
Dr Romano now uses only the electric scalpel. This enables the targeted tissues to be burnt with precision, minimising bleeding and the risk of scarring.
The excrescences are destroyed by vaporisation without damaging the surrounding tissues. <In some cases this procedure cannot be performed. The contraindications are the presence of metal plates in the body (dental implants are not a contraindication) and the wearing of a pacemaker or cardiac defibrillator.

Electrosurgery vs. laser for the treatment of glans penis beads

The electric scalpel and the laser are both effective options for the treatment of the pearly crown of the glans penis.

The electric scalpel vaporises the papules with precision, without damaging the surrounding tissue. Compared to laser treatment, this technique is less costly and there is no risk of scarring. The after-effects are painless and the healing phase is very short, lasting around five days.

Laser is a more aggressive method that can cause pigmentation or small residual 'marks'. Healing takes between two and three weeks. The targeting of the papules is less precise and the surrounding tissue is impacted.


After the procedure, it is essential to follow specific recommendations to ensure proper healing and prevent complications.

  • Hygiene.
    Clean the treated area gently with warm water and mild soap.
    Avoid using irritating or scented products on the treated area.
  • Post-treatment care: use the recommended healing cream.
  • Avoid taking anti-inflammatories, swimming pools, saunas and steam rooms for seven days.
  • Make sure you recalibrate for the first two days.
  • Avoid irritation.
    Wear loose-fitting cotton underwear to reduce chafing and allow good ventilation.
    Avoid activities that could cause excessive sweating or irritation of the treated area.
  • Avoid intercourse for a week.
  • Medical monitoring: report any abnormal development immediately.

Natural treatment for pimples on the glans penis

There are no natural treatments that can help reduce the appearance of the beaded crown of the glans.

We bring you what we read on the internet:

  • Regular application of essential oils with anti-inflammatory and antiseptic properties, such as tea tree oil or lavender oil, can help soothe the skin and prevent infection.
  • Aloe vera, known for its healing and moisturising properties, can also be applied topically to encourage skin regeneration.
  • Warm baths with Epsom salt can help reduce inflammation and maintain good hygiene in the affected area.

Unfortunately, these natural methods are not a gentle alternative to medical treatments and are not effective.

Results before / after treatment of pearly papules of the glans penis

The healing phase takes five to seven days. After this period, the patient has a completely smooth crown of the glans. No scars or pigmentation (lighter or darker spots) complicate the procedure.

The suites are light and marked by :

  • Microscopic holes in the crown of the glans that heal spontaneously within seven days.
  • A feeling of discomfort, like a slight heaviness, for the first two days.

Price of glans beaded crown treatment

Type of consultation General rates
Electric scalpel
600 CHF - 800 CHF

Beaded crown of the tassel notice

The opinions of patients who have undergone the glans pearl crown treatment using an electric scalpel are very positive.
The disappearance of papules increases self-confidence and general well-being.
Patients appreciate the speed and effectiveness of the procedure, as well as the absence of pain during the treatment and the healing phase.

Is the treatment painful?

The treatment is completely painless thanks to the local anaesthetic applied before the procedure. Patients may feel a slight sensation of heat or tingling during the treatment.

The treatments for the beaded crown of the glans are :

  • Electric scalpel: uses electricity to remove papules with precision.
  • Laser: uses a beam of light to vaporise the papules.

No, the beaded crown of the glans does not disappear spontaneously. Although it may become less noticeable with age, the papules remain unless medical intervention is carried out.

Yes, the beaded crown of the glans is relatively common and is found in a significant percentage of men. It is considered a normal anatomical variation.

Condylomata and lichen.

The diagnosis is clinical.

No, pearly papules are not contagious.

Pearl papules on the glans do not generally require treatment, as they are neither dangerous nor contagious. However, if they cause aesthetic or psychological discomfort, they can be removed.

Pearl papules of the glans appear in adolescence and remain stable. In some cases, they may become less visible with age.

The best way is to consult a doctor.

Symptoms of glans disease may include:

  • Itching or burning sensations.
  • Redness.
  • Pain.
  • Flow.
  • Ulcers or lesions.
  • Changes in appearance: any change in the appearance of the glans should be analysed by a doctor.

Other areas to be treated

Increase in the G-spot

Vaginal dryness

Augmentation of the labia majora

Vaginal laxity

Stress urinary incontinence
