What is the G-spot in sexuality?

The G-spot is an area of erectile tissue located at the junction of the lower third and middle third of the anterior vaginal wall. Stimulating it leads to vaginal orgasm. In women, there are two types of orgasm: vaginal and clitoral. The clitoral orgasm is small, about the size of a pea, and is sometimes difficult to reach during intercourse. This explains why vaginal orgasm is not systematic and is only achieved by a third of women.



Increasing the G-spot in Geneva

L’augmentation du point G par injections d’acide hyaluronique est une procédure innovante et efficace pour intensifier le plaisir sexuel féminin.
Cette technique a été introduite en médecine esthétique. afin d’augmenter la sensibilité et le volume du point G et donc le bien-être intime de la femme.
Son but est une amélioration des sensations intimes et de la satisfaction

sexuelle féminine.
Le docteur Romano, réalise les injections du point G à Genève.
L’acte est précédé par une consultation dont le but est d’éliminer les contre-indications médicales et de vérifier que la patiente est une bonne candidate pour ce traitement.

G-spot photo for women

Does everyone have a G-spot?

Le point G est une zone érogène qui a été découverte par le gynécologue Ernest Grafenberg.
Anatomiquement son existence est prouvée. Cependant 16% des femmes ne le possèdent pas. Certaines conditions, comme les grossesses ou le vieillissement, causent l’élargissement du canal vaginal et rendent ce point moins accessible.

Why have a G-spot augmentation?

L’augmentation du point G par injection d’acide hyaluronique vise à intensifier le plaisir sexuel féminin. De nombreuses femmes choisissent cette intervention pour améliorer leur satisfaction intime en augmentant la sensibilité et le volume de cette zone érogène. En repulpant le point G, les patientes peuvent éprouver des orgasmes plus fréquents et plus intenses, ce qui transforme leur vie sexuelle. Cette technique non invasive, réalisée par un médecin expérimenté, donne des résultats immédiats et durables, sans interruption des activités quotidiennes.
L’augmentation du point G est une méthode efficace et sûre.

Injecting the G-spot to wait for orgasm

G-spot augmentation without surgery is performed by injecting hyaluronic acid. This is the benchmark technique because it is painless, quick (the procedure takes just five minutes), has no side effects and you can resume your usual activities immediately.

G-spot amplification is indicated in cases of :

  • Difficulty reaching orgasm due to enlargement of the vaginal canal following vaginal delivery or ageing.
  • Desire to increase pleasure. The patient is already experiencing vaginal orgasm and wants to increase its intensity or frequency.

This technique is not a good indication for women who have never experienced vaginal orgasm.

photo amplification of the G-spot

G-spot amplification by injection of hyaluronic acid

L’injection est précédée d’une consultation et d’un examen gynécologique, nécessaires pour éliminer les contre-indications et les mauvaises indications, c’est à dire les patientes qui ne sont pas des bonnes candidates, comme par exemple les femmes présentant un relâchement vaginal trop important. Dans ce cas l’injection ne donnera pas de résultat. 
Le docteur Romano s’assure également que la patiente ait un frottis cervico-vaginal normal datant de moins d’un an et qu’elle ait eu un examen gynécologique par son gynécologue dans l’année qui précède l’injection.
L’intervention est réalisée au cabinet, aucune anesthésie n’est nécessaire, le traitement est indolore. Un speculum gynécologique est inséré, le docteur repère le point G et deux injections sont réalisées : de part et d’autre de la ligne médiane.
La quantité de produit injecté est adaptée aux besoins spécifiques de la patiente pour obtenir les résultats désirés.
Le point G est ainsi projeté dans le canal vaginal et plus facilement stimulable pendant les rapports.

Which hyaluronic acid for G-spot injections?

Le produit utilisé est DESIRIAL, un acide hyaluronique formulé pour l’intimité des femmes qui a reçu le marquage CE dans cette indication.

How many syringes of hyaluronic acid are needed in the G-spot?

One or two syringes are injected. Some patients ask for a second session to increase the effect. Even if a second appointment is possible, this is not a guarantee of increased results.

Recommendations after G-spot injection with hyaluronic acid

To prevent complications, it is advisable to :

  • Avoid sexual intercourse for at least 48 hours after the procedure to allow the hyaluronic acid to integrate properly.
  • Avoid strenuous physical activity for 24 to 48 hours to avoid the risk of displacement of the injected product.
  • Maintain good hygiene: avoid hot baths, saunas and swimming pools for a few days to reduce the risk of infection.
  • Avoid irritating products and intravaginal products (particularly ova) for one week.

Side effects

G-spot injection is a procedure that is generally well tolerated, and the after-effects are slight, with minor bleeding on the day of the injection and local inflammation being common, with no impact on daily activities. As with any medical procedure, there may be some side effects, which resolve within a few days.

  • Slight pain may be felt at the injection site.
  • Swelling of the area, felt like a kind of gravity.
  • Bruising.
  • Increased sensitivity: some patients may experience increased sensitivity in the G-spot area, perceived as a transient discomfort.

Results before/after the G-spot increase

Le résultat est immédiat : la fréquence et l’intensité de l’orgasme vaginal augmentent.
Il ne faut pas oublier que l’orgasme est multifactoriel : le feeling avec le partenaire, les facteurs psychologiques, la fatigue et bien d’autres entrent en jeu.
Cela explique le résultat léger et inconstant chez certaines femmes.

The main results are :

  • Increased sensitivity: patients report a significant increase in G-spot sensitivity, making intercourse more enjoyable.
  • Improved orgasm: many women find it easier to reach orgasm and the sensations they experience during orgasm are intensified.
  • Improved sexual pleasure: injections improve overall sexual pleasure, increasing personal satisfaction and self-confidence.

Ces résultats font de l’augmentation du point G par injection d’acide hyaluronique une option attrayante pour les femmes cherchant à améliorer leur vie sexuelle de manière sûre et efficace.

Duration of results

The results are long-lasting, but not permanent.
The average duration depends on the patient's metabolism and the quantity of product injected. In general, they last between six and twelve months.

After this period, the hyaluronic acid is gradually absorbed by the body and the effects begin to diminish. Annual maintenance injections are therefore required.

G-spot injection Geneva price

Type of consultation General rates
Hyaluronic acid
CHF 600 per syringe

Increase in G point

G-spot augmentation is an increasingly popular procedure.
Opinions are divided.
Some patients report a significant improvement in sexual satisfaction and intensification of sensations during intercourse, and appreciate the fact that the procedure is quick and minimally invasive.
Half the patients said they were moderately satisfied, and a small percentage saw no difference. In fact, orgasm is multi-factorial and several components are involved.

Is increasing the G-spot painful?

The procedure is completely painless.

Yes, injections can be given on the same day for the vaginal dryness. It will be necessary to wait a month before carrying out a session of vaginal laser for the vaginal laxity or thestress urinary incontinence.

To find out whether G-spot augmentation is a good option, it is advisable to consult an experienced doctor. He or she will assess your needs and expectations and inform you of the potential results and associated risks.

Most patients are able to resume their usual activities immediately after the session, subject to certain recommendations.

No, it's better to wait until after your period.

Any woman in good health who wants to intensify her sensations and improve her sexual satisfaction can benefit from this procedure.

G-spot augmentation improves sensitivity and sexual pleasure, leading to more intense orgasms. The procedure is fast and non-invasive, with immediate results.

The G-spot takes its name from Ernst Gräfenberg, a German gynaecologist who was one of the first to describe this particular erogenous zone in women. The term "G-spot" was introduced in reference to his surname.

The G-spot is not a clearly defined anatomical structure that can be measured like an organ, but rather an erogenous zone located around 2 to 3 centimetres inside the vagina. Its size and sensitivity can vary considerably from one person to another. For some women, the area may be small and very sensitive, while for others it may be larger.

No, the hyaluronic acid used is specific to this indication. 

Other areas to be treated

Beaded crown of the glans

Vaginal dryness

Augmentation of the labia majora

Vaginal laxity

Stress urinary incontinence
