
La intimate aesthetic medicine for men and women is a new branch of aesthetic medicine created to meet the demand for correction of unsightly features or functional disorders that can affect both sexes.
A source of discomfort or anxiety, these disturbances can undermine the patient's relationship and sexual life.

The Importance of Intimacy
Intimacy is an essential aspect of general well-being. It plays a crucial role in personal relationships, self-confidence and quality of life. However, factors such as age, childbirth, hormonal changes and even genetic predisposition can significantly affect this dimension. This is where medicine comes in, offering non-invasive or minimally invasive solutions to improve comfort and intimate appearance.

Beaded crown of the glans

Increase in the G-spot

Vaginal dryness

Augmentation of the labia majora

Vaginal laxity

Stress urinary incontinence

La prise en charge médicale est importante pour l’amélioration de l’intimité chez la femme, il s’agit de traiter divers problèmes gynécologiques et génitaux qui souvent affectent sa vie sexuelle et son bien-être général.
En fait, de nombreuses femmes sont confrontées à des problèmes intimes.

  • L’ affaissements des petites et grandes lèvres.
  • Les brûlures vaginales.
  • Les irritations.
  • Les démangeaisons.
  • Les malformations génitales.
  • La drought vaginal.
  • Pain during sexual relations.
  • Infections recurring.
  • Menopause-related disorders such asatrophy vaginal.

Pour répondre à ces problèmes, en médecine esthétique il existe une gamme de solutions non chirurgicales, bien que certaines indications restent du domaine de la chirurgie esthétique et de la gynécologie.

Il est donc important de ne pas hésiter à consulter un spécialiste si l’on rencontre des inconforts ou des gênes dans sa vie intime et de ne pas considérer ces problèmes comme des tabous.

What are intimate beauty treatments?

  • Vaginal rejuvenation Laser vaginal rejuvenation is an increasingly popular technique. This non-invasive treatment stimulates collagen production, improving the elasticity and hydration of vaginal tissue. It can also help resolve problems such as vaginal dryness and stress urinary incontinence.
  • Augmentation of the labia majora With age, the labia majora lose volume and firmness. Injections of hyaluronic acid fillers restore this loss and give a more youthful, natural appearance, enhancing comfort and aesthetics.
  • Treatment of a pearled crown The removal of small papules from the crown of the glans is a rapid, non-invasive procedure.

The benefits of intimate aesthetic medicine

image getting back into shape after pregnancy

The benefits of these treatments go beyond the purely aesthetic. They help to improve patients' quality of life by boosting their self-confidence and general well-being. What's more, modern treatments are designed to be safe, with minimal recovery periods, enabling patients to return quickly to their daily activities.

Who is intimate aesthetic medicine intended for?

Intimate aesthetic medicine is aimed at anyone, male or female, wishing to improve the appearance or comfort of their private parts. Motivations can vary considerably from one individual to another.


  • Post-Partum Intimate changes: women who have given birth may experience intimate changes such as vaginal laxity, urinary incontinence and post-episiotomy pain. Intimate aesthetic treatments can help restore pre-pregnancy appearance and functionality.
  • Menopause With age and the hormonal changes associated with the menopause, some women experience vaginal dryness, loss of elasticity or intimate aesthetic changes. Intimate aesthetic medicine offers solutions to improve these conditions.
  • Aesthetic concerns Some women may be concerned about the appearance of their private parts, whether in terms of size, shape or pigmentation. Aesthetic procedures help them to feel more comfortable and satisfied.
  • Physical discomfort Daily activities or sexual relations can be uncomfortable. 


  • Aesthetic improvement Men can also have aesthetic concerns about their private parts.
  • Functional problems Some men may experience functional problems that affect their intimate quality of life. 


  • Improving intimacy Intimate aesthetic treatments: couples can also use intimate aesthetic treatments to improve their sex life and strengthen their intimacy. Joint consultations can help determine the best options to meet the needs of both partners.
Are intimate beauty treatments painful?

Most intimate aesthetic treatments are painless and comfortable. Local anaesthetics or anaesthetic creams may be used. After the procedure, slight discomfort may be experienced, but this usually disappears within a few days.

Choosing a qualified and experienced professional is crucial to obtaining safe and satisfactory results. Look for a doctor with expertise in intimate treatments.

Intimate aesthetic medicine is not just for women. Men can also benefit from intimate treatments. 

Intimate aesthetic medicine covers a range of treatments and procedures designed to improve the appearance and comfort of the private parts of the body. These procedures are minimally invasive and are designed to meet aesthetic or functional needs.

There is no specific age for considering intimate aesthetic treatments. These procedures are adapted to the needs of adults of all ages, whether they are motivated by aesthetic concerns, intimate comfort or functional problems.

How long the results last depends on the treatment carried out and the patient's anatomy. The benefits last about a year. Maintenance sessions are therefore necessary.

Intimate treatments, when carried out by experienced doctors, are designed to preserve or even improve intimate sensitivity. For example, laser vaginal rejuvenation can improve sensations during intercourse by increasing tissue elasticity and hydration.
