
Medical rhinoplasty, or rhinoplasty without surgery, is an innovative technique that corrects imperfections of the nose without invasive surgery. Thanks to injections of hyaluronic acid, it is possible to reshape the nose, reduce a hump, straighten a tip or improve symmetry quickly and painlessly. This non-permanent, adjustable treatment is an ideal option for patients who want to change their nose without going through surgical rhinoplasty.
One session of medical rhinoplasty in Geneva can transform your profile with natural, immediate results and no social eviction.

Classic rhinoplasty

Asian nose

Ethnic nose

Thread rhinoplasty

Rhinoplasty on a previously operated nose

The different types of nose: which nose for which face?

photo of nose types

The ideal nose combines the following characteristics:

  • The nose is in harmony with the face and adapted to the shape of the face. A simplistic classification suggests eight face shapes: oval, square, elongated, round, hexagonal, triangular, rectangular.
  • The nose is proportional to the other elements of the face. It represents one fifth of the total width and one third of the total length of the face. The width of the base of the nose is equal to the width of the eye.
  • The elements of the nose respect certain proportions. The base of the nose is shaped like a triangle with the base equal to the height.
    The projection of the tip is equal to two thirds of the length of the nose and twice the distance between the nasion (furthest point from the root of the nose) and the medial canthus (inner corner of the eye).
  • The angles that the nose forms with the other parts of the face are well established. The dorsum of the nose is straight in men and concave in women. The nasolabial angle (the angle formed between the upper lip and the columella) is 90°-100° in men and 95°-110° in women. The nasofrontal angle is 115°-135° in men and 120°-125° in women. The naso-chin angle (angle formed between a line passing through the dorsum of the nose and a line passing through the tip of the nose and chin) is 120°-130°.
  • The nose is harmonious in profile. The Ricketts line is used to assess the harmonious relationship between the nose, chin and lips. This line passes through the tip of the nose and chin, with the upper lip set back 4mm from this line and the lower lip set back 2mm. The nose is an important element when creating a medical profiloplasty.

How do you know what type of nose you have?

photo nose shape

There are twelve main types of nose.

  • The straight or Greek nose: the dorsum is straight from the root to the tip. The tip is pointed and the nostrils narrow.
  • The concave nose: there is a slight indentation in the middle of the dorsum, with the tip projecting slightly forward.
  • The bird nose: a thin, slightly hooked nose with a slight curve in the middle.
  • The convex or Roman nose: the dorsum forms a convex line from the root to the tip.
  • The Nubian nose: the nose is fairly long and broad at the base, with round, flared nostrils.
  • The flat nose: the dorsum is short and not very prominent, and the tip is often rounded.
  • Snub nose: the nose is turned upwards, the dorsum is fairly short and the tip is neither round nor flat.
  • The crooked nose: the name describes it.
  • Blunt nose: the tip of the nose is blunt, practically non-existent, and the nostrils are wide.
  • Bumpy nose: characterised by the presence of a hump or curve exclusively at the bridge of the nose.
  • The drooping nose: the tip of the nose is drooping.
  • Aquiline nose: the nose points downwards and is hooked.

Which is the most beautiful nose?

The duchess nose is considered one of the most beautiful noses because of its straight shape. It has been depicted in many works of art, giving it the status of an ideal of beauty over time.
