What are dark circles?

The dark circle is a circular or semi-circular area under the lower eyelid. This unsightly appearance is caused by the presence of an indentation or a brown or purple colour. It is a frequent reason for consultation in aesthetic medicine because of the tired look it gives off and the ageing of the eyes it causes.



Treatment of dark circles under the eyes in Geneva. Techniques and fees

Les cernes sous les yeux sont un problème esthétique courant qui touche de nombreuses personnes. Que les cernes soient causés par la fatigue, le stress, la génétique ou le vieillissement, il existe des solutions adaptées pour retrouver un regard frais et reposé.

Le docteur Romano abordera en détail les différentes causes des cernes, les traitements disponibles (les injections d’acide hyaluronique, les peelings, les traitements laser) et vous fournira des conseils pratiques pour prévenir leur apparition. Ces méthodes éliminent les cernes et redonnent éclat et vitalité au regard.

What causes dark circles under the eyes?

The factors responsible for the appearance of dark circles are :

  • La génétique : la couleur (marron ou violette) et le creux peuvent être présents dès l’enfance, preuve de la composante héréditaire.
    Certaines personnes héritent d’une peau plus fine et moins pigmentée sous les yeux, ce qui rend les vaisseaux sanguins plus visibles et crée une teinte violacée. D’autres ont une prédisposition à une accumulation de mélanine, ce qui cause les cernes marron ou noirs.
photo causes dark circles
  • Ageing: as the years go by, the loss of fatty tissue and bone around the eye area is responsible for the formation of a hollow ring. The thinning of the skin, always linked to age, allows the blood vessels to show through, resulting in the appearance of purple circles. Brown circles tend to darken even more with the passage of time.
  • Hormonal changes: during pregnancy and the menopause, hormonal changes can alter blood circulation and accentuate dark circles.
  • Changes to blood and lymph circulation: poor lymph drainage is aggravated by a poor lifestyle (smoking, lack of sleep, exposure to screens, etc.).
  • Lifestyle: a diet rich in antioxidants such as vitamins C and E helps combat oxidative stress, while smoking and alcohol aggravate dark circles by dehydrating the skin and causing vasoconstriction.
  • La fatigue et le manque de sommeil : ils sont responsables d’une mauvaise circulation sanguine et lymphatique. Cela conduit à un œdème palpable et à une coloration foncée sous les yeux.

Quels sont les différents types de cernes ?

There are four types of dark circles:

  • Le hollow ring.
  • Le vascular ring or purple ring.
  • Le pigmented rings or brown ring.
  • Le full or swollen ring.

Vascular ring

photo purple ring

The vascular ring is a blue-red ring.

What causes dark circles?

Les cernes bleus sont dues à la transparence de la peau. La peau de la paupière est la plus fine du corps, sa faible épaisseur permet de voir le sang des vaisseaux de cette zone très vascularisée.
Les petites artérioles donneront plutôt une couleur rouge au cerne, les petites veines plutôt une couleur bleu ou violette.

What remedies are available for blue circles?

L’importance de la coloration varie d’un individu à l’autre et dépend de l’épaisseur de la peau et de la circulation sanguine.
Une bonne hygiène de vie permet d’estomper la couleur violette. Le respect des heures de sommeil, une alimentation saine, équilibrée et riche en anti-oxydants sont essentiels.

Les crèmes pour le contour des yeux et l’application de froid sont utiles.
Ces « remèdes de grand-mère » parfois sont efficaces.

Pigmented circles

photo brown ring

Pigmented circles are brown, less often yellow or brown.

What causes dark circles?

Ce type de cerne est causé par un dépôt de mélanine génétiquement déterminé.
La mélanine est le pigment qui donne la couleur à la peau, sa production augmente quand on bronze par exemple.
Ce type de cernes se retrouve surtout chez des patients à la peau mate.
L’exposition aux UV est un facteur aggravant.

What remedies are available for dark circles?

L’utilisation de l’écran total empêche l’aggravation des cernes marron.
L’application de crèmes anti-pigmentaires malheureusement n’améliore pas leur aspect.

Hollow ring

photo hollow ring

Hollow circles are characterised by the presence of a hereditary or acquired hollow, linked to ageing.

What causes dark circles?

Hollow circles in young patients are genetic.

After the age of thirty, the melting and sliding of fat and bone changes in the orbit are responsible for the appearance of a hollow ring or the worsening of a pre-existing hollow ring.

What remedies are available for dark circles?

Unfortunately, there is no real cure, but hollow circles are very easy to treat. The injection of a filling product such as hyaluronic acid corrects this unsightly appearance.

Full circle

photo cerne plein

Il ne s’agit pas vraiment d’un cerne mais plutôt d’une poche sous les yeux.

Why are dark circles puffy?

This condition is caused by the descent of fat into the eye ring area. The phenomenon is linked to ageing and genetics.
In fact, over time the tissues relax and no longer support the fat, which gradually sinks.

Puffiness under the eyes in the morning

A bag under the eyes is not necessarily fatty. In the morning, the area under the eyes may be swollen due to poor lymphatic and venous drainage. This situation is temporary and disappears in a few hours.

What is the treatment for puffy dark circles?

Bags under the eyes are treated surgically.

What remedies are available for bags under the eyes?

Les poches subissent des aggravations transitoires liées à la rétention d’eau.
Une bonne hygiène de vie et une alimentation équilibrée favorisent le drainage lymphatique.
L’alcool, le tabac et l’exposition prolongée aux écrans sont à éviter.

Stages of severity of dark circles

There are different stages in the severity of dark circles. Below is a description of the different stages in the severity of dark circles, providing a better understanding of their impact and the appropriate solutions.

  • Cernes légers : les cernes légers sont  caractérisés par une légère ombre sous les yeux, généralement due à la fatigue ou à une légère déshydratation. Ils peuvent être facilement atténués par des soins de la peau appropriés et des cosmétiques. Les injections d’acide hyaluronique et la carboxythérapie peuvent être indiqués.
  • Cernes modérés : à ce stade, les cernes deviennent plus visibles avec une pigmentation plus prononcée et/ou un creux assez présent. Des traitements comme les crèmes éclaircissantes ou les techniques de drainage lymphatique peuvent atténuer leur aspect mais que les actes de médecine esthétique peuvent donner un réel résultat.
  • Cernes sévères : les cernes sévères présentent une coloration foncée marquée et/ou des creux profonds. Ils peuvent être le résultat de facteurs génétiques, du vieillissement ou d’un mode de vie stressant. Les traitements de médecine esthétique tels que les injections d’acide hyaluronique, les séances laser ou les peelings chimiques sont souvent nécessaires pour obtenir des résultats significatifs.

Identifying the severity of dark circles is crucial to choosing the most appropriate treatment. During a consultation, the doctor will carry out a personalised assessment.

How can I get rid of dark circles around my eyes?

Chaque patient est unique et le traitement des cernes doit être adapté à ses besoins spécifiques. En consultation initiale, le docteur Romano évaluera la cause de vos cernes et déterminera le traitement le plus approprié.
Beaucoup de traitements sont proposés pour atténuer les cernes : injections , lasers, peelings, carboxythérapie, mais que les injections d’acide hyaluronique et la carboxythérapie donnent des résultats probants.

What procedures can be combined to rejuvenate the eyes?

For a look When the patient is younger and more rested, the treatment of other unsightly features of the orbital region completes the treatment.

Am I a good candidate for the treatment of dark circles?

Le traitement des cernes par des techniques de médecine esthétique est indiqués pour les patients présentant des cernes visibles et qui souhaitent un résultat naturel sans recourir à la chirurgie.
Les critères d’éligibilité au traitement sont :

  • The discomfort felt: some people are not bothered by dark circles, while others find it hard to tolerate an aged, tired look.
  • The type of dark circles: Hyaluronic acid injections are generally effective for hollow dark circles and sometimes for bags under the eyes. The results of treatments for brown or blue circles are often disappointing.
  • Age: although there is no age limit for this treatment, it is often recommended for people over the age of 18.
  • General state of health: It is essential to be in good general health and not to have any contraindications to the various procedures.
  • Realistic expectations: the doctor will explain the expected outcome before the procedure.
  • Preparation and follow-up: You must be prepared to follow your doctor's recommendations before and after treatment.

To find out whether you are a good candidate for hyaluronic acid injections for dark circles, it is essential to consult a doctor who is qualified and experienced in this field. He or she will be able to assess your request, discuss your aesthetic goals and recommend the treatment best suited to your needs.

photo-filling of dark circles by injection of hyaluronic acid

Injection of hyaluronic acid into hollow circles

L'hyaluronic acid is the first-line treatment for dark circles.
Before the age of thirty, dark circles are filled by injection into the hollow. After the age of thirty, the hollow is often associated with sagging of the malar region. In this case, Dr Romano advises first performing the medical lift to lift the sagging tissues that support the dark circles and then inject the hollow.

Hyaluronic acid to fill dark circles in Geneva

L’injection d’acide hyaluronique comble le vide responsable du cerne creux. Le résultat est naturel.
Ce produit de comblement est placé en profondeur, au contact osseux. Une injection trop superficielles cause des irrégularités de surface (“petites boules »), un œdème permanent, une coloration violette (effet Tyndall, le produit change de couleur).

What happens during a dark circle filling session?

Le docteur Romano réalise l’injection à la canule, l’utilisation de l’aiguille est dangereuse et est responsable de plus d’hématomes.
En fonction de l’anatomie du patient, la partie interne et/ou externe des cernes peut être injectée, malheureusement il n’y a que certains patients qui sont des bons candidats au remplissage de la partie externe. Une analyse pointue de la zone orbitaire est nécessaire.

L’injection dure environ cinq minutes du moment où c’est un médecin expérimenté qui la réalise. L’acte est peu douloureux, le patient ressent plutôt un léger inconfort.
La reprise des activités peut se faire immédiatement après, ce soin peut être tout à fait réalisé pendant la pause déjeuner !
L’éventuelle rougeur post injection est transitoire (une demi-heure environ) et peut être camouflée par l’application de maquillage.

Are injections for dark circles painful?

Hyaluronic acid injections for dark circles are generally painless. Anaesthetic cream is rarely applied before the procedure. Patients feel a slight pressure or sting at the time of injection.

When should I have a hyaluronic acid injection to fill dark circles?

Hyaluronic acid injections are recommended for filling in hollow dark circles that give the eyes a tired or aged appearance. Injections can be carried out at any time of the year, but it is best to avoid periods of high heat to avoid significant swelling.
The best time to carry out this procedure depends on a number of factors.

  • Planning ahead: it is advisable to plan the procedure around 2 to 4 weeks before an important event. This will allow any oedema (swelling) or haematoma to subside before the fateful date.
  • Menstrual cycle: some people find that they are less prone to swelling and bleeding outside their period.
  • Compliance with post-treatment instructions: after the injection, it is advisable to avoid prolonged exposure to the sun and intense heat (saunas, hammams) for at least a week. Plan your treatment accordingly, especially if you're planning a holiday in the sun or activities .

What are the contraindications before hyaluronic acid injections for dark circles?

photo injection of wrinkles in Geneva

The contraindications to hyaluronic acid injections for dark circles are :

  • The presence of a non-absorbable product.
  • Taking anticoagulants.
  • Autoimmune diseases.
  • Pregnancy and breastfeeding.
  • Severe local or generalised infection.
  • Hepatitis C.
  • Skin lesions around dark circles: eczema, allergy...

What precautions should be taken before hyaluronic acid injections for dark circles? 

Before under-eye circles are treated with hyaluronic acid injections, certain precautions must be taken to ensure the safety and effectiveness of the treatment.

  • Tell your doctor if you are allergic to lidocaine. Lidocaine-free hyaluronic acid gels are available.
  • Inform the doctor of all current treatments, any pathologies and cosmetic procedures performed on the orbital area.
  • One week before the injection, stop taking anti-inflammatory drugs and certain food supplements which increase the risk of bleeding.
  • Stop applying irritating products (retinol, fruit acids) two weeks before the procedure.
  • It is essential to choose a doctor who is experienced and trained in this type of injection, for which there are many failures.
  • Wait three months after surgery on the orbital region before consulting a dermatologist about filling dark circles.

What are the side effects of injections for dark circles?

The side effects of hyaluronic acid injections for dark circles are bruising, swelling, redness and feelings of tension. These effects are mild and disappear within a few days.

Hyaluronic acid for dark circles: what are the dangers?

Rare complications, such as infections, permanent oedema, the Tyndall effect or skin irregularities are linked to a technical error, which is why it is so important to seek the advice of an experienced doctor.

The most serious complication is blindness, which can occur if the injection is given by needle.

Dr Romano injects dark circles exclusively using a cannula (a needle with a round tip), which makes the injection completely safe.

Filler injections for dark circles: which products to choose?

The hyaluronic acid used for the injection of dark circles must be :

  • Not very reticulated because the skin of the eyelid is thin).
  • Firm enough to avoid product migration.
  • Very low hydrophilicity to avoid water ingress and consequent oedema.

Les produits non réticulés ont une durée de vie d’une semaine et hydratent la peau sans combler le creux.
Les produits moyennement ou très réticulés peuvent être utilisés dans certaines indications (chez les patients qui ne présentent pas de relâchement cutané au niveau de la paupière inferieure ni de poches) par un médecin très expérimenté car le risque de visibilité du produit est assez élevé.
Les produits enrichis en vitamines et antioxydants sont à éviter car ils pourraient déclencher des inflammations dans cette zone délicate.

Failed hyaluronic acid injections for dark circles

Injections for dark circles can be missed due to technical errors:

  • Choosing a product that is unsuitable, not firm enough or whose cross-linking is not adapted to the patient's anatomy: this is responsible for the migration or visibility of the hyaluronic acid.
  • Injection too superficial: the consequences are permanent swelling, surface irregularities and a change in the colour of the product which is visible as a blue bead (Tyndall effect).
  • Injection of an excessive quantity of product.

To avoid these failures, it is crucial to choose a qualified, experienced doctor who has a thorough understanding of the anatomy of the eye area and uses appropriate techniques and specific products for dark circles. In the event of unsuccessful injections, corrective solutions exist, such as hyaluronidase injections to dissolve the hyaluronic acid and restore a harmonious result.

What should I do if the results of a treatment for dark circles are unsatisfactory?

If the results of a dark circles treatment are unsatisfactory, the first thing to do is to consult the doctor who carried out the treatment as soon as possible. He or she will be able to assess the situation, identify the causes of the undesired result and suggest corrective solutions. In the case of hyaluronic acid injections, hyaluronidase injections can be considered to partially or completely dissolve the product and correct imperfections such as swelling or irregularities.

Quand envisager la chirurgie des cernes ? L’injection de graisse dans les cernes (lipofilling des cernes) vs acide hyaluronique cernes

photo rejuvenate the eyes with an injection of hyaluronic acid

In theory, the surgery fills in the dark circles permanently. In fact, as the ageing process continues, the result cannot last forever.

The benefits of hyaluronic acid injections last 1 to 2 years, depending on the patient's metabolism. The procedure is fast, does not require general anaesthetic and does not present the potential complications of surgery.

The choice of technique depends on the patient's wishes.

photo-filling of dark circles using carboxytherapy

Reduce dark circles with carboxytherapy

La carboxythérapie améliore la vascularisation locale et stimule la production de collagène au niveau de la paupière inférieure.
Immédiatement après le traitement un gonflement important et transitoire (cinq minutes) est observé.
Ce traitement n’est pas curatif mais plutôt préventif.
En effet malgré le nombre important de séances réalisées, le résultat sera léger. La carboxythérapie est intéressante pour ralentir le vieillissement et éviter l’aggravation de la coloration du cerne qui s’accentue avec le temps.
Il s’agit plutôt d’une approche globale pour revitaliser le regard et le rajeunir.

How does carboxytherapy work to treat dark circles?

  • Amélioration de la circulation sanguine : les cernes bleus sont souvent causés par une mauvaise circulation sanguine. La carboxythérapie dilate les vaisseaux sanguins, augmentant ainsi le flux sanguin et réduisant la visibilité des vaisseaux sous la peau des paupières inférieures.
  • Stimulation de la synthèse de collagène : l’augmentation de la production de collagène raffermit et épaissit la peau, réduisant ainsi l’apparence des cernes et les creux sous les yeux.
  • Élimination des toxines : une meilleure circulation sanguine aide à drainer les toxines et les liquides accumulés, diminuant ainsi le gonflement et les poches sous les yeux.

How can I reduce dark circles? Effective treatment for dark circles in Geneva

Les cernes peuvent altérer l’éclat du visage et donner un air fatigué, il existe plusieurs options thérapeutiques pour les atténuer. En plus des injections d’acide hyaluronique, d’autres procédures, telles que le peeling, le laser et la mésothérapie, sont également pour traiter les cernes.
Ces méthodes sont adaptées au type de cernes et à la peau de chaque patient, mais les résultats sont souvent variables, transitoires et légers.

Dr Romano does not recommend them.

Laser for dark circles

Le traitement des cernes par laser est une option pour atténuer les cernes vasculaires (bleus) ou pigmentaires (marron).
Le laser vasculaire pour les cernes bleus cible les petits vaisseaux sanguins sous la peau qui causent les cernes bleutés, en les chauffant délicatement pour en collaber les parois et ainsi réduire leur visibilité.
Le laser pigmentaire pour les cernes marron cible et éclate les dépôts de mélanine responsables de la coloration.

Although these techniques can offer improvements, they are transient, light and require a recovery period due to swelling and possible bruising.

PRP and microneedling to revitalise the skin under the eyes

Le PRP (Plasma Riche en Plaquettes) combiné au microneedling est une approche innovante pour revitaliser la peau sous les yeux et atténuer les cernes. Le PRP, obtenu à partir du propre sang du patient, est riche en facteurs de croissance qui stimulent la régénération cellulaire et la production de collagène. Le  microneedling crée des micro-perforations dans la peau pour favoriser l’absorption du PRP. Le principe de ce traitement est d’améliorer l’élasticité et l’éclat de la peau, réduire la pigmentation et donner un aspect plus frais et reposé au regard.

Mesotherapy to reduce dark circles: is it effective?

Les bienfaits de la mésothérapie dérivent de petites quantités de vitamines, de minéraux, d’acides aminés et d’acide hyaluronique directement dans la peau sous les yeux. Le principe est d’améliorer la microcirculation, hydrater la peau en profondeur et stimuler la production de collagène et d’élastine. Bien que les résultats puissent varier d’une personne à l’autre, la mésothérapie est particulièrement efficace pour les cernes liés à la déshydratation ou à la mauvaise circulation.

Peeling for dark circles

Le peeling superficiel est réalisé pour atténuer les cernes pigmentaires. Le principe est d’exfolier la peau en douceur pour stimuler le renouvellement cellulaire, éclaircir la zone et obtenir un teint plus uniforme et un regard reposé.
Bien qu’il soit adapté à tout type de peau, il dit être personnalisé.

Dr Romano advises against this technique as it is often responsible for pigment rebound, which worsens the colouration.

How can vascular dark circles be treated?

fractional ablative laser imaging in Geneva

There are several options for treating dark circles:

  • Hyaluronic acid injections: this option is available if a hollow is associated with vascular dark circles. The injections fill the hollows under the eyes, reducing the blue colour and improving the volume and hydration of the skin.
  • Carboxytherapy: this technique stimulates blood and lymph circulation, reducing the visibility of blood vessels.
  • Vascular laser: the vascular laser targets dilated blood vessels, which improves the colour of the skin under the eyes. Unfortunately the effectiveness is inconsistent and the results last barely a few months.

How can dark circles be treated?

The methods used to treat dark circles are :

  • Chemical peels Mild acid peels help to exfoliate the skin and reduce hyperpigmentation. Dark circles are lightened.
  • Fractional laser The fractional laser targets the dark pigments in the skin. The complexion becomes more even and dark spots are reduced.
  • Depigmenting creams: regular application of creams containing depigmenting agents, such as kojic acid or hydroquinone, can help lighten dark circles.
  • Microneedling with lightening serums: this technique uses small needles to stimulate collagen production and the absorption of lightening serums, improving skin texture and colour.

Dr Romano does not really believe in the effectiveness of these techniques, whose results are unpredictable and which can cause pigmentary rebound, worsening the pigmentation.

What should I do after a dark circles injection?

Make-up can be applied after the operation. Dr Romano advises avoiding sport, heat and intense cold for two days. Sustained pressure on the treated area should also be avoided for a week. Professional facial massages should be avoided for seven days.

Result: injection of dark circles before/after

The after-effects of injections are minimal, although slight transient oedema may occur. Haematomas are rare if the injection is carried out with a cannula. Needle injections (Dr Romano only uses the cannula to inject dark circles) are often responsible for the appearance of a large black eye.

When will the results be visible?

The results of hyaluronic acid injections are immediate and optimal one week after the procedure. The face looks rested and the eyes younger.

Duration of hyaluronic acid injections for dark circles

L’acide hyaluronique est un produit résorbable. Le résultat des injections des cernes s’estompe avec le temps et dure environ un an.
Sa durabilité dépend de facteurs individuels (génétiques), anatomiques (plus les modifications orbitaires liées au vieillissement sont importantes et moins le résultat durera) et du type de produit (réticulation, fermeté, marque).

Result: laser dark circles before/after

Bien que le laser vasculaire pour le cerne violet et le laser pigmentaire pour le cerne marron puissent apporter une légère amélioration en réduisant la pigmentation ou en resserrant les petits vaisseaux sous la peau, ces résultats sont souvent légers.
L’efficacité de ces techniques reste souvent limitée et les résultats ne sont généralement pas aussi spectaculaires qu’espérés.
Les améliorations peuvent varier d’une personne à l’autre en fonction de la gravité des cernes, de la peau et de la réponse individuelle au traitement. De plus, plusieurs séances peuvent être nécessaires pour obtenir des résultats optimaux, et une période de récupération avec des ecchymoses et un gonflement temporaires est à prévoir.

At what age should I start treatment for dark circles?

photo injection mesotherapy hair

There is no precise age at which to start dark circle treatments, as the appearance of dark circles depends on a number of factors. In fact, this unsightly appearance can be present in minors and children.

It all depends on the patient's wishes, but it is best to intervene from the age of twenty onwards.

How to remove dark circles naturally

Il n’existe pas de traitement naturel des cernes, mais plusieurs astuces peuvent être intégrés dans la routine quotidienne. Tout d’abord, un sommeil de qualité est essentiel pour réduire les cernes sous les yeux, car le manque de repos aggrave la coloration sombre et les poches. L’application de compresses froides, telles que des sachets de thé vert ou de camomille refroidis, peut aider à réduire le gonflement et la pigmentation grâce à leurs propriétés anti-inflammatoires et antioxydantes. Les massages doux avec de l’huile d’amande douce ou de l’huile de coco, riches en vitamine E, peuvent également améliorer la circulation sanguine sous les yeux et éclaircir les cernes. Par ailleurs, une hydratation adéquate et une alimentation équilibrée, riche en vitamines et en antioxydants, contribuent à maintenir une peau saine et lumineuse. En combinant ces astuces naturelles pour enlever les cernes, vous pourrez progressivement améliorer l’apparence de votre regard de manière douce et sans intervention invasive.

Dark circles under the eyes of teenagers: what to do and when to seek help?

Dark circles in teenagers are a common concern that can be caused by a variety of factors, such as fatigue, stress, allergies or a genetic predisposition.

Dark circles can make you look tired or worn out, even after a night's sleep. To reduce the appearance of dark circles, it's essential to start by adopting a healthy lifestyle: getting enough sleep, staying properly hydrated, eating a balanced diet and managing stress.

Si les cernes persistent malgré les mesures préventives et les changements de mode de vie ou si elles sont accompagnées d’autres symptômes (douleur ou gonflement autour des yeux, fatigue extrême ou somnolence diurne persistante ou problèmes de vision), il est conseillé de consulter un médecin.
Les cernes peuvent être le signe de problèmes de santé sous-jacents tels qu’une allergie, une anémie, des troubles thyroïdiens ou des problèmes de sinus.

Dark circles and allergies: how do you manage dark circles caused by allergic reactions?

Dark circles can often be exacerbated by allergic reactions, such as allergic rhinitis or eczema, which cause inflammation and congestion of the blood vessels under the eyes. To reduce dark circles caused by allergies, it is essential to manage both the allergic symptoms and apply specific eye contour care.

  • Treat the underlying allergy.
  • Use cold compresses.
  • Moisturise the skin around the eyes.
  • Avoid rubbing your eyes.
  • Adopt a healthy lifestyle.
  • Utiliser des crèmes spécifiques : opter pour des crèmes anti-cernes contenant de la caféine, de la vitamine K ou de la vitamine C, ces actifs stimulent la circulation sanguine et éclaircissent la peau sous les yeux.
  • Injections of hyaluronic acid into dark circles outside the inflammatory phase.

How much does it cost to remove dark circles?

Vous cherchez des informations sur le prix du traitement des cernes à Genève ? Vous vous demandez combien coûte un traitement des cernes adapté à vos besoins ?

Le coût du traitement des cernes peut varier en fonction de plusieurs éléments, tels que la méthode choisie, les éventuels traitements associés, le nombre de seringues utilisées et le savoir-faire du médecin (critère essentiel) .

Price of hyaluronic acid injections for dark circles

Le prix des injections d’acide hyaluronique pour traiter les cernes peut varier considérablement d’un médecin à l’autre. Cette différence s’explique principalement par deux facteurs : la qualité du produit utilisé et l’expertise du praticien.
Les gels d’acide hyaluronique diffèrent en termes de composition, de fermeté, de durabilité et de hydrophilie (capacité d’appel d’eau), ce qui influence le coût du produit.
L’expertise du médecin joue un rôle crucial dans le succès du traitement : un praticien expérimenté, avec une connaissance approfondie de l’anatomie du visage et des techniques d’injection, est capable d’obtenir un résultat optimal, naturel et sécurisé.
C’est pourquoi il est important de ne pas se baser uniquement sur le prix, mais de considérer également l’expérience et la réputation du médecin si on souhaite des résultats sublimes.

Type of consultation General rates
Hyaluronic acid
CHF 750 per syringe
CHF 100 per session

Dark circles treatment, opinions

For patients who have opted for dermal fillers, the reviews are often positive. Patients highlight the immediate and natural improvement in the appearance of dark circles and the absence of side effects. They also appreciate the possibility of customising the treatment to obtain the desired result.

When it comes to laser treatments, opinions are more mixed. Some patients report a significant reduction in vascular or pigmented dark circles after several sessions. However, others complain of a longer recovery period with bruising and swelling, as well as less impressive results than expected.

More natural treatments, such as anti-dark circle creams or treatments based on active ingredients such as retinol or caffeine, also receive mixed reviews. Some patients find that these light, inexpensive options provide a visible improvement in the appearance of dark circles, especially when combined with good sleep and hydration habits. Others feel that these treatments have a limited effect and fail to solve their persistent dark circle problems.

It is important to note that the results of dark circle treatments can vary considerably from person to person, depending on factors such as the underlying cause of the dark circles, the quality of the skin and the patient's realistic expectations.

What massage techniques can help reduce dark circles?

Massaging the area around the eyes is an effective way of improving blood and lymph circulation. For optimum drainage, start by gently tapping your fingers around the eyes, then using gentle circular movements. These massages should be performed daily to achieve lasting, visible results.

The effects of hyaluronic acid injections for dark circles generally last between 12 and 18 months. The length of time depends on the patient's metabolism, the quality of the hyaluronic acid used and the anatomical factors associated with dark circles, in particular the loss of malar fat that supports the orbital area.

After the injection, avoid touching or massaging the treated area for at least 24 hours. Apply a cold compress to reduce swelling and bruising. Avoid strenuous physical activity and exposure to intense heat for a few days. 

Hyaluronic acid injections are particularly effective for treating hollow circles caused by loss of volume in the orbital region.
These injections are not effective for dark circles.
In some cases, filling with hyaluronic acid can improve dark circles.

There are several natural treatments that can help reduce the appearance of dark circles. For example, applying cold compresses under the eyes can help decongest the area and reduce the appearance of dark circles. This is why many women put tea bags or cucumber slices on their eyes.
A diet rich in vitamins and antioxidants can help improve the condition of the skin around the eyes.

Le best eye contour care, to effectively treat dark circles, should contain ingredients such as vitamin C, caffeine or hyaluronic acid. These ingredients stimulate blood circulation, decongest the eye area and moisturise the skin, which can reduce dark circles and revitalise the eye area.

The concealer creams and correctors containing these assets have a " anti-fatigue effect ".

Dark circles can be caused by a number of factors, including genetics, ageing, fatigue, stress, poor diet, dehydration, poor lifestyle habits and sun exposure. 

Yes, dark circles can disappear or diminish if their cause is temporary, such as fatigue or dehydration. However, dark circles that are genetic in origin or linked to ageing require medical treatments such as hyaluronic acid injections, peels and laser sessions.

To drain dark circles, you can perform a lymphatic massage around the eyes. Use your fingers to gently tap the skin under the eyes, starting from the inner corner and working outwards. Tools such as jade rollers or gua sha can also be used to stimulate circulation and reduce swelling.

Good hydration is essential to prevent dark circles getting worse. Keeping the skin hydrated promotes suppleness and elasticity, which can help to reduce the appearance of dark circles. What's more, well-moisturised skin is less prone to fine lines and signs of fatigue, so your eyes will look fresher.

Even with restful sleep, other factors are responsible for the appearance of dark circles. 

We recommend adopting a skincare routine that includes good moisturising, specific creams for the eye area and draining massages. Medical treatments such as hyaluronic acid injections, peels or laser sessions produce significant, lasting results.

The creams concealer available on the market contain active ingredients such as vitamin K, caffeine and hyaluronic acid. Vitamin K helps reduce dark circles, while caffeine stimulates microcirculation and reduces puffiness under the eyes. Hyaluronic acid hydrates and plumps the skin, reducing the appearance of dark circles. 

It is possible to have bruising after a hyaluronic acid injection for dark circles, but this is rare if the injection is carried out by an experienced doctor.

Hyaluronic acid injections are not effective in correcting pigmented dark circles. Pigmented dark circles require specific treatments to reduce pigmentation, such as chemical peels, pigment lasers or depigmenting creams, which give slight results.

The appearance of dark circles is influenced by a number of factors, including genetics, lifestyle and age. The importance of these factors is responsible for more or less pronounced dark circles.

No, dark circles are not always a sign of lack of sleep. Although tiredness can accentuate the appearance of dark circles, there are several other factors that can cause them. Genetics play an important role: ageing leads to a reduction in collagen production, which makes the skin thinner and leaves the blood vessels under the eyes visible. Other factors such as dehydration, a poor lifestyle and stress can also contribute to the appearance of dark circles.

Quality sleep plays a crucial role in improving dark circles. During sleep, the skin regenerates and repairs itself, and blood circulation in the orbital region is activated.  

To avoid dark circles, it is essential to adopt a healthy lifestyle, get enough sleep, stay hydrated, eat a balanced diet rich in vitamins, protect the skin from the sun, banish harmful habits (smoking), use specific eye contour care products and carry out draining massages.

Certain oils can help reduce the appearance of dark circles. Sweet almond oil, rich in vitamin E, and argan oil are known for their moisturising and brightening properties. Rosehip oil and calophylla inophylus oil are also effective, as they have regenerating properties. 

To determine the type of dark circles you have, look at their colour and shape. Bluish circles often indicate poor blood circulation, while brown circles are generally due to hyperpigmentation. Hollow circles are often linked to a loss of volume under the eyes. A consultation with a specialist will provide you with a precise diagnosis.

Persistent dark circles can be due to genetic causes, ageing or blood circulation problems. An inappropriate skincare routine or certain environmental factors such as sun exposure can also contribute to the persistence of dark circles. 

A tired look is often caused by dark circles. 

Results vary depending on the type of treatment and the cause of the dark circles. Treatments such as dermal fillers show immediate results, with a visible reduction in the hollow of the dark circles. Treatments using lasers or peels require several sessions for improvements that remain slight.

It is not possible to prevent dark circles, but it is a good idea to avoid aggravating factors: try to get enough sleep, maintain adequate hydration, avoid smoking, protect your eyes from the sun with sunglasses, and manage stress.

Coffee can temporarily reduce the appearance of dark circles by constricting blood vessels and reducing inflammation through the action of caffeine.

Vaseline can help moisturise the skin around the eyes, which can slightly improve the appearance of dark circles by reducing dryness and giving the skin a temporary glow. However, it does not treat dark circles and its effectiveness is limited.

Yes, prolonged exposure to screens can worsen dark circles by causing dry eyes, eye fatigue and disrupting sleep. It's best to reduce the amount of time spent in front of screens and follow the 20-20-20 rule: every 20 minutes, at a distance of 20 feet for 20 seconds.

Certain foods can contribute to the appearance of dark circles because of their impact on general health and blood circulation. High salt intake can cause swelling, including around the eyes. A diet low in antioxidants, iron, vitamin K and omega-3 fatty acids can also aggravate dark circles.

Yes, applying ice or cold compresses can temporarily reduce dark circles by constricting blood vessels and reducing swelling. This can be particularly effective for dark circles caused by water retention or fatigue.

Yes, dark circles can be a sign of various factors, such as fatigue, lack of sleep, dehydration, allergy, genetics, ageing, or even underlying health problems such as anaemia or thyroid disorders.

The choice of dark circle treatment depends on the type of dark circles and their causes. A consultation with an experienced doctor is essential to determine the most suitable treatment for your situation. The practitioner will assess the colour, depth and cause of your dark circles and suggest a personalised treatment.

Under-eye bags and dark circles are two common but distinct aesthetic problems affecting the periocular area.
Here's how to tell them apart.
Under-eye bags are visible swellings under the eyes. They can give the impression that you've been sleep-deprived, even though this is not the case.
Dark circles are darkened or hollowed areas under the eyes. They can vary in colour from blue to dark grey or brown.

It's not always possible to get rid of dark circles for good, as their appearance can be linked to genetic factors or chronic causes such as allergies or ageing. However, a number of aesthetic treatments can significantly reduce their appearance and improve the radiance of the eyes over the long term.

The most appropriate treatment depends on the type of dark circles (hollow, pigmented, vascular) and their cause. A consultation with an experienced doctor will enable us to assess your specific situation and suggest the most effective options.

Choosing the right practitioner for the treatment of dark circles is essential to achieving optimal, natural and safe results. It is important to check that the doctor is qualified and has expertise in the injection of dark circles.

A good practitioner will take the time to listen to you, assess your specific needs and discuss the different treatment options available, while clearly explaining the benefits, risks and possible side effects.

Dark circles are not just an aesthetic concern for women. Many men are also looking for solutions to alleviate this unsightly appearance, which makes them look tired or aged.
Treatment is the same as for women.

Rendez-vous Cernes Geneva - Consultation Dark circles Geneva

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