
The eyes are often considered to be the reflection of the soul. It communicates emotions, creates connections and plays a crucial role in our overall appearance. Over time, the skin around the eyes can show signs of premature ageing, such as wrinkles, puffiness and dark circles. It's so true that any unsightliness in the eye area can make you look sad, tired and aged.
Aesthetic medicine techniques offer many solutions for revitalising and rejuvenating this delicate area. Thanks to advances in aesthetic medicine, it is now possible to effectively treat the signs of ageing around the eyes and restore radiance and freshness to your look.

Dark circles

Hollow eye

Eyebrow lift

Valley of Tears

Crumpled eyelids

Crumpled eyelids

Asian eye

How can the eye contour area be rejuvenated?

photo of differences between men's and women's foreheads

During a preliminary consultation, the aesthetic doctor identifies the problems to be treated in order to offer you a personalised solution.

The most frequent unsightly symptoms are :

  • Wrinkles and fine lines around the eyesCrow's feet are often the first signs of ageing. They are caused by repeated movements of the facial muscles and a reduction in the production of collagen and elastin.
  • Dark circles can make you look tired and aged. They may be due to genetic factors, poor blood circulation or lifestyle habits. Dark circles can be bluish, brown or hollow, each requiring specific treatment.
  • Bags under the eyes are caused by the accumulation of fat or fluid, and can be aggravated by ageing, allergies or lack of sleep.

How can I make my eyes look younger?

image slimming the face with botox

Les traitements de médecine esthétique pour améliorer le regard sont  :

  • The botulinum toxin injections ( or botox ) are effective in reducing expression lines around the eyes. By relaxing the muscles responsible for wrinkles, the eyes look more rested and the skin smoother.
  • Hyaluronic acid est utilisé pour combler les cernes creux et restaurer le volume perdu autour des yeux. Cette substance est naturellement présente dans la peau, qui est hydratée et repulpée. Les résultats sont immédiats et naturels.
  • Les peelings chimiques exfolient les couches supérieures de la peau, réduisant les rides fines et améliorant la texture et l’éclat de la peau. Ils sont particulièrement utiles pour traiter les ridules autour des yeux. A mon avis ils n’ont pas d’intérêt pour le cernes pigmentaires.
  • Treatments laser stimulate collagen production and improve skin texture. They are effective in reducing wrinkles and dark circles and improving the elasticity of the skin around the eyes.
