Qu'est-ce que les bajoues ?

La bajoue est un petit amas graisseux localisé de part et d’autre du menton qui dépasse la ligne mandibulaire, cela cause une perte de définition de l’ovale.

This unsightly appearance is the final stage in the loosening of the oval and is often associated with the appearance of the double chin. The oval loses its definition and the face looks sad and tired.



Make jowls disappear in Geneva 

Qu’est-ce que le relâchement de l’ovale du visage ?
La perte de définition de l’ovale du visage fait référence à la perte de fermeté et de définition de la mâchoire et des contours du visage, souvent accompagnée de l’apparition des bajoues qui sont des amas graisseux localisés qui alourdissent l’ovale.

Dès la trentaine, les premières rides apparaissent et à partir de la quarantaine l’affaissement commence. Le visage devient carré et fatigué.

Le traitement des bajoues qui tombent est une demande fréquente en médecine esthétique.

Comment remonter un visage qui tombe ?  Comment remonter les bajoues sans chirurgie ?  Plusieurs techniques non invasives existent : les injections d’acide hyaluronique pour dessiner l’ovale du visage, les fils tenseurs et les traitements par radiofréquence. Ces méthodes visent à redéfinir l’ovale du visage et à améliorer l’élasticité de la peau.

image causes oval loosening

Why do I have jowls? Why is the oval of my face sagging?

L’apparition des bajoues est essentiellement liée au vieillissement du visage. Avec l’âge, la production de collagène et d’élastine diminue, ce qui cause une perte de fermeté et d’élasticité de la peau. D’autres modifications s’y associent.

  • Loss of malar fat: the fat in the cheekbone gradually sinks and, in its final stage, extends beyond the mandibular line.
  • Loss of bone support: the mandibular bone thins, reducing in length and height.
  • Structural changes: the lower edge of the oval loses definition as the angle of the jaw increases with age and the skin becomes less firm, less toned and less elastic.

Other factors are responsible for the loss of oval definition and the appearance of jowls.

  • Gravity, which gradually pulls the skin downwards.
  • Weight fluctuations.
  • Certain environmental factors, such as exposure to the sun, smoking and a poor lifestyle, accelerate skin ageing.

What are jowls made of?

The jowls are mainly made up of :

  • Adipose tissue (fat): the jowls contain a significant amount of adipose tissue, which accumulates and causes the area to sag.
  • Cutaneous tissue (skin): the skin covering the jowls loses its elasticity and firmness over time, contributing to the appearance of falling jowls.
  • Connective tissue: this tissue, made up of collagen and elastin, gives the skin its firmness and elasticity. With age, collagen production declines, leading to sagging skin.

What exercise for the jowls?

Some facial exercises can help strengthen facial muscles and improve blood circulation, but the benefits on skin tone in the jowls are minimal.

  • The exaggerated smile: smile as hard as you can without showing your teeth.
  • Kissing the ceiling: tilt your head back slightly as you look up at the ceiling. Push your lips upwards as if you were trying to kiss the ceiling.
  • Tongue resistance: press your tongue against the roof of your mouth as firmly as possible.
  • The fish: pull your cheeks inwards to create a fish face.
  •  Blow up your cheeks by taking a deep breath. Slowly move the air from one cheek to the other.

Stages of severity of jowls and sagging of the oval of the face

photo oval release

Sagging facial contours and jowls worsen with age.

In the initial stage, there is a slight loss of skin firmness and elasticity, due to a gradual reduction in collagen. At this stage, facial contours begin to sag subtly, but still remain relatively well defined.

The intermediate stage is characterised by more pronounced sagging, the jowls become visible and the mandibular line begins to lose its sharpness.

In the advanced stage, the sagging is significant, the jowls fall markedly and the oval of the face appears badly altered, giving the face a tired, aged look.

Five stages in the phenomenon are described.

  • Stage 0: no collapse of the mandibular line.
  • Stage 1: slight subsidence of the mandibular line.
  • Stage 2: moderate subsidence of the mandibular line.
  • Stage 3: deep subsidence of the mandibular line.
  • Stage 4: Very deep subsidence of the mandibular line.

How can the oval of the face be reshaped without surgery?

Les progrès faits en médecine esthétique rendent possible le traitement des bajoues (disparition ou amélioration).
Un lifting cervico-facial sans chirurgie est désormais possible.
Dans le passé (et malheureusement aujourd’hui cela se fait encore), il y avait une tendance à remplir les creux en amont et en aval de la bajoue par des injections d’acide hyaluronique. Cela alourdit le visage et le bouffit en élargissant le tiers inférieur.
Le docteur Romano utilise deux techniques pour le traitement de la bajoue. La docteure commence par la technique de lift médical qu’elle complète par la technique Abeille lift.

How can jowls be lifted without surgery? Remove jowls with hyaluronic acid injections

Les techniques de redéfinition de l’ovale du visage sont  personnalisées afin de répondre aux besoins spécifiques de chaque patient. Cela permet d’obtenir des résultats naturels et adaptés aux caractéristiques uniques de chaque visage.

photo lift oval sagging face

The injection ofhyaluronic acid is the leading method for treating jowls and restoring the oval of the face.

First of all, Dr Romano performs a medical facelift. Le 8 points face lift exerts a tightening effect on the fat that has descended. The injection is carried out with a needle using a fairly firm product injected deep into the skin.
This technique is complemented by filler injections to replace the fat and bone that have disappeared over time. The areas injected will depend on the patient's anatomy.

The doctor's expertise is essential for a harmonious result. In fact, this technique is not performed by all practitioners and requires a certain amount of know-how.

hyaluronic acid photo injection for oval sagging

How do you lift a drooping face?

Le lift à 8 points a une action sur la graisse, il est évident que la peau suit la graisse et sera liftée en même temps.
Néanmoins, le relâchement cutané proprement dit dû à l’amincissement de la peau est traité par la technique que le docteur Romano a idéé, l‘abeille lift’. Des injections dont le schéma rappelle celui d’une toile d’araignée ou d’un nid d’abeille seront réalisées de façon ciblée et adaptée à chaque visage. L’acide hyaluronique utilisé devra posséder des particules très fines et sera injecté dans des plans cutanés différents en fonction des besoin de la patiente.
Une injection ratée gonfle le visage et le déforme, d’où l’importance de faire appel à un praticien expérimenté.

Results before/after treatment for sagging facial contours

Le result on the oval of the face is immediate and lasts for one year.

Patients describe:

  • A sensation of facial rejuvenation, a fresh, rested look. The face looks less sad and tired, brighter and younger.
  • Disparition des bajoues : en fonction du stade de gravité, les bajoues seront améliorées ou complètement effacées.
  • Un effet d’amincissement du visage.
  • Un effet liftant et tenseur.
  • Une amélioration de la qualité de peau. Les injections d’acide hyaluronique stimulent la production de collagène, améliorant ainsi la texture globale de la peau sur le long terme.

The aim of the treatment is to restore the patient's original anatomy and re-establish the triangle of youth.
A botched injection makes the face look heavier, swollen and transformed.

How long do treatment results last?

The duration of results varies according to the treatment chosen. The results of filling injections last an average of twelve months.

How much does a medical facelift of the lower face cost?

Type of consultation General rates
Hyaluronic acid
CHF 600 per syringe

Treatment of jowls: advice

Patient opinion :

  • Overall satisfaction: most patients are very satisfied with the results obtained, describing an improvement in the firmness and definition of the oval of the face.
  • Self-confidence: many patients feel younger and more attractive.
  • Natural results: the face is naturally rejuvenated.
  • Treatment experience: patients generally appreciate the speed and simplicity of treatments, which are non-invasive and give visible results without any after-effects.

Professional opinion :

  • Proven effectiveness of jowl treatments.
  • Personalised treatments: it is possible to create personalised protocols.
  • Safety: jowl treatments are well tolerated and carry a low risk of complications when carried out by experienced doctors. 
Why do you want to reshape the oval of your face?

Reshaping the oval of the face is a frequent request for a number of reasons.

  • Rejuvenation: reshaping the oval of the face gives a younger, fresher appearance.
  • Harmonising features: a well-defined facial oval is important if you want balanced, harmonious facial proportions.
  • Self-confidence.
  • Preventing ageing.
  • Reduced jowls.

There are several treatments.
Non-invasive options include hyaluronic acid injections, tensor threads and radiofrequency.
The surgical procedure is a facelift.

Unfortunately, it is not possible to prevent the oval of the face from sagging.
However, it is advisable to maintain a stable weight and adopt an appropriate skin care routine: use products containing retinoids and antioxidants, protect the skin from the sun and maintain a healthy lifestyle.

It is advisable to consult a specialist as soon as you notice any signs of sagging of the oval or jowls in order to discuss possible treatments and obtain personalised advice.

No, not everyone has a complex about the appearance of jowls. It depends on a number of factors.

  • Personal perception.
  • Emphasis on appearance.
  • Cultural and social context: beauty standards and societal expectations can influence how individuals perceive the signs of ageing. In some cultures, a youthful appearance is highly valued.
  • Self-confidence.
  • Individual experiences: personal experiences such as compliments or criticism can play a role.
  • Access to information and treatment.

Anyone noticing a loss of firmness in the oval and jowls may be a good candidate. A consultation with an experienced doctor will establish the most suitable treatment.

Most non-invasive treatments for jowls and sagging facial contours are well tolerated. 

Side effects include redness, swelling, bruising and slight sensitivity. These effects are temporary and disappear within a few days.

Other treatments








