What's a rounded forehead?

The forehead is the main feature of the upper third of the face. Its shape makes the face masculine or feminine, and the presence of hollows or bumps influences the way light is captured. A rounded forehead, for example, will be an area of light, enhancing the face and the eyes.



Hyaluronic acid in Geneva for a rounded forehead

Forehead irregularities such as bumps, hollows and deformities can alter the proportions of the face and reduce self-confidence.
A well-proportioned, rounded forehead contributes to facial harmony and balance.

Obtaining a rounded forehead, treatingbumps or creuxes of the forehead without surgery is now possible.

The injections of hyaluronic acid into the forehead not only treat wrinkles, this filler is used to beautify and remodel the forehead.
There are also cosmetic surgery techniques for the forehead: the fitting of silicone implants and the transfer of autologous fat: forehead lipofilling.

Why do I have bumps and hollows on my forehead? Why don't I have a rounded forehead?

photo bumps on the forehead

Several factors contribute to these anatomical peculiarities.

  • Genetics: genetics play a crucial role in shaping facial features, including the shape of the forehead.
  • Bone anatomy: the bone structure of the skull is one of the main reasons. The forehead is mainly made up of frontal bone, and a protuberance in this area causes irregularities.
  • Cranial development: cranial development during childhood and adolescence can influence the shape of the forehead.
  • Muscle mass and adipose tissue.
  • Medical conditions and syndromes: certain pathologies have an impact on bone and muscle development.
  • Environmental factors: certain environmental factors during growth, such as nutrition and cranial trauma, can also influence the shape of the forehead.

Age-related changes to the forehead

As the face ages, the shape of the forehead changes.
From the side, it appears like an S: a small bulge is followed by a hollow below which the bone ends, forming a new bulge.

Having a beautiful forehead, forehead shapes

A young person's forehead is slightly rounded, whereas an older person's forehead is flattened and irregular in profile.

Differences between the male and female forehead

photo of differences between men's and women's foreheads

Le women's front Viewed from the front, it forms a semicircle. Viewed from the side, it is rounded and the superciliary arches are not projected. The distance between the eyebrow and the orbital arch is greater than in men and the distance between the eyebrow and the scalp is around 5cm.


Le male front seen from the front is rectangular in shape. Viewed from the side, it forms an oblique line running from the edge of the scalp to the eyebrows, which are projected.

Front forms

front shapes diagram
  • Le forehead with bony bumps The presence of bumps masculinises the face, creating shadows and sometimes distorting the forehead.
  • Le sloping front Injection of the upper part of the forehead gives a domed shape.
  • Le flat forehead Injection of the central part of the forehead gives a domed shape.
  • Le concave front The forehead: this is the easiest forehead to treat because it can easily be transformed into a rounded forehead (feminisation of the forehead) or a sloping forehead (masculinisation of the forehead) using injections.

Forehead reshaping without surgery

Until about ten years ago, the only aesthetic treatment for the forehead was surgery. Hyaluronic acid, the leading product in aesthetic medicine, can now be used to correct imperfections on the forehead and reshape it without the need for surgery.
Injecting hyaluronic acid is a fast, effective solution for correcting bumps and hollows and transforming a flat forehead into a rounded one. Thanks to this non-invasive technique, it is possible to create curves in the forehead and achieve a 'softer look'.

photo injections hyaluronic acid forehead

Hyaluronic acid injections on the forehead

It is possible to feminise or masculinise the forehead, to modify its shape and to blur or completely camouflage bumps with injections ofhyaluronic acid.
If the forehead is too protruding or the bumps are too pronounced, the treatment will tend to be surgical.
The hyaluronic acid to be used is a volumising acid that is firm enough to prevent it migrating as the forehead moves.
The precise choice of product is made after a static and dynamic analysis of the forehead and the characteristics of the patient's forehead muscle and skin.
The injection is often carried out using a cannula and the product is placed against the bone.
This technically complicated injection must be carried out by an experienced practitioner.
Any unsuccessful injection is responsible for visible balls, mobilisation of the product in the expressions and migration of the product.

Treatment of forehead bumps

Bumps on the forehead can be caused by trauma, bone structure or the after-effects of severe acne. These irregularities are often an aesthetic embarrassment.


  • Initial consultation: during the initial consultation, Dr Romano will analyse the bumps on the forehead and discuss your aesthetic goals. Often this involves reducing the size of the bump.
  • Preparation: a topical anaesthetic can be applied.
  • Injection: hyaluronic acid is injected around the bump to smooth the surface of the forehead and create a gradient.
  • Results: results are visible immediately after the injection and can last from twelve to eighteen months, depending on the type of hyaluronic acid used. In most cases, the bump is reduced but not eliminated. 

Treatment of forehead hollows

Hollows in the forehead can make you look tired and aged.
They are due to age-related loss of volume or are constitutional (genetic).
Hyaluronic acid is ideal for filling these hollow areas.


  • Initial consultation: Dr Romano will identify the hollows to be treated and draw up a personalised treatment plan.
  • Preparation: an anaesthetic cream may be applied for the patient's comfort. Dr Romano prefers not to apply it.
  • Injection: hyaluronic acid is injected into the hollows to provide the missing volume.
  • Results: the filling effect is immediate, the result is natural and the face looks rested and rejuvenated.

Treatment of a flat forehead: forehead bulging

A flat forehead can impact the proportions of the face. The aim of the treatment is to create a bulge in the forehead to make it more harmonious.


  • Initial consultation: medical analysis to determine the size and projection of the bulge to be created and to devise a treatment strategy.
  • Preparation: a local anaesthetic may be applied.
  • Injection: hyaluronic acid injections are performed in a precise area, determined beforehand on the basis of the patient's anatomy, to create a harmonious curve.
  • Results: results are immediate and long-lasting, the forehead looks more harmonious.

Results before / after forehead reshaping with hyaluronic acid

The result is immediate and improves within three weeks of the injection.
Hyaluronic acid injections give remarkable results in terms of harmonising the forehead.

As soon as the procedure is completed, patients notice an immediate improvement, with smoother skin and a more even contour. Bumps are smoothed out, hollows are filled in and the forehead has a more natural and elegant curvature. <The result is a refreshed and rejuvenated face.

Immediately afterwards, there is a slight swelling and the product is still distributed irregularly. On the day of the injection, the patient may feel a sensation of heaviness in the forehead area, and in 30% of cases a temporary oedema of varying size appears.

How long do the results last?

The results of hyaluronic acid injections into the forehead are long-lasting. After the first injection, a maintenance session is scheduled twelve to eighteen months later. Thereafter, injections should be repeated every three years. In fact, the product is placed between the bone and the muscle, and as it is protected from any mechanical action, a good quality product lasts a long time.  

How much does it cost to treat bumps, hollows and bulges on the forehead with hyaluronic acid injections?

The cost of the treatment varies according to the quantity of hyaluronic acid used and the specific needs of each patient. It should be borne in mind that this injection is technically complicated, which means that not all doctors carry it out.

Type of consultation General rates
Hyaluronic acid
CHF 750 per syringe
Can I resume my normal activities after the forehead injections?

Yes, patients can resume their daily activities immediately after treatment. However, it is advisable to avoid strenuous exercise and exposure to the sun for a few days.

Yes, hyaluronic acid injections are very effective for filling in the hollows of the forehead. The principle is to restore volume to the depressed areas.

Side effects are rare and generally mild. They include redness, bruising or slight swelling at the injection site. They last a few days.

There is no minimum age, but most patients are at least 21. Injections can be considered as soon as irregularities on the forehead cause aesthetic discomfort or affect self-confidence.

A single session is often enough to obtain good results. However, the injection often takes place over two sessions. At the second appointment, a single syringe is injected to perfect the result.

Hyaluronic acid injections can smooth the surface of the forehead by filling in the areas around bumps. This reduces irregularities without the need for surgery.

Treatment is generally well tolerated. Patients tend to feel a pulling sensation and a tingling rather than outright pain.

Yes, when the injections are carried out by an experienced doctor, the results are natural. Hyaluronic acid blends into the skin and helps to harmonise the forehead in a subtle way.

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