What are cheek wrinkles?

In aesthetic medicine, there are two reasons for consulting a doctor about the cheeks: sunken cheeks and cheek wrinkles. The volume of the cheek depends essentially on the amount of jugal fat, better known as Bichat's ball. Cheek wrinkles are vertical striations running across the entire cheek, which first appear with a smile and then become permanent.



Hollow cheeks: filling with hyaluronic acid in Geneva 

Le filling hollow cheeks by injection of hyaluronic acid is a fast, effective and safe procedure that rejuvenates the face.

How to fill hollow cheeks naturally The application of highly moisturising creams and water retention temporarily alleviate this problem.
Non-invasive cosmetic medicine techniques give visible and lasting results. It is therefore possible to avoid aesthetic surgery procedures such as cheek lipofilling.

Why plump up the cheeks ? The aim of this procedure is : 

  • Tightens the skin, improving fine lines on the jugal area and tightening the middle and lower thirds of the face.
  • the restoration of facial volumes. This may involve genetically absent volumes or volumes lost as a result of medical pathologies or major slimming.
  • give the middle third of the face a radiant glow.
photo causes hollow cheeks

Why are my cheeks hollowing?

Hollow cheeks are genetic or secondary to disease, extreme thinness or ageing. As the years go by, the fat melts and shifts, hollowing out the cheeks.

Cheek wrinkles are caused by skin ageing. The factors responsible for their appearance are :

  • The loss of part of the cheek fat.
  • Reduced skin thickness.
  • Sagging skin.
  • Skin dehydration.

Certain factors aggravate the phenomenon: smoking, the sun, lack of hydration and lying on your side while sleeping.

How can I get rid of cheek wrinkles?

Several aesthetic medicine techniques can be used synergistically to treat cheek wrinkles, also known as jowl wrinkles, and hollow cheeks. Hyaluronic acid is the mainstay of the treatment. Other methods, such as Sculptra injections, mesotherapy, the PRXT33 peel and laser, are an interesting complement to the action of this filler.

These non-invasive techniques are indicated for patients who do not want to opt for surgery, or who want to visualise the result before having surgery.

photo filling of hollow cheeks with hyaluronic acid

Filling hollow cheeks with hyaluronic acid

L'hyaluronic acidIts volumising properties create volume in the cheeks, replacing lost or constitutionally absent fat.
Dr Romano injects the filler using a cannula to reduce the risk of haematomas and to distribute it evenly. The product used is a moderately firm volumising acid so that it can be integrated into the tissues and does not shift with movement.
Filling must be sparing, and it is better to inject in two stages rather than to puff up the face. A botched injection deforms the face (the cheeks will be puffed up like a squirrel) and causes visible lumps of product, particularly in the expressions.

photo of cheek wrinkle treatment with skinbooster

How can I make the wrinkles on my cheeks disappear? Skinboosters

Injections of Skinbooster are the benchmark treatment for improving cheek wrinkles.
This hyaluronic acid, designed exclusively for the skin, thickens the dermis.
Unlike traditional fillers, which add volume, Skinboosters improve the skin's texture, elasticity and luminosity without adding volume.
They restore suppleness and firmness to the skin and effectively treat wrinkles.
The product is injected into the superficial dermis using a cannula. The number of sessions depends on the extent of the jugal wrinkle.

photo hydration cheeks with mesotherapy

How can the skin on the cheeks be tightened? Mesotherapy for wrinkled cheeks

La mesotherapy is an effective solution for the treatment of cheek wrinkles.

Injecting this blend of vitamins, minerals and non-cross-linked hyaluronic acid hydrates the surface layer of the skin.
These micro-injections revitalise the skin from within, stimulating the production of collagen and elastin, essential components for skin firmness and elasticity.

The protocol includes an initial phase of four to six sessions at three-week intervals, followed by a maintenance phase in which one session is scheduled every three months.

The treatment is non-invasive and has few side effects, allowing patients to return quickly to their daily activities with radiant, rejuvenated skin. Mesotherapy is therefore an ideal alternative for patients who want a gentle but effective method of combating the signs of aging. signs of ageing in the cheeks.

photo plumping hollow cheeks by Sculptra

How can I plump up my cheeks? Sculptra

Le Sculptra represents a significant advance in the treatment of wrinkles and loss of volume in the cheeks.
Unlike traditional fillers, Sculptra stimulates collagen production.
This biostimulation gradually strengthens the dermal structure, filling in wrinkles and restoring subcutaneous volume in a lasting way.
The results of Sculptra are progressive, becoming increasingly visible over the weeks and months following treatment, and can last up to two years.
This treatment is particularly effective for treating deep wrinkles and sunken cheeks. The result is subtle and natural: the face is rejuvenated and revitalised.

photo peel treatment for wrinkled cheeks

How to smooth the cheeks? The PRX-T33 peel

Le PRX-T33 peel is an innovation in skin rejuvenation, particularly effective in the treatment of cheek wrinkles.
This unique treatment combines trichloroacetic acid (TCA) at 33 % with hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) and kojic acid. This peel stimulates cell regeneration and collagen production. Unlike traditional chemical peels, PRX-T33 penetrates deep into the layers of the dermis without damaging the skin's surface.
Skin is visibly smoother, firmer and more radiant after just a few sessions. The treatment is fast, virtually painless and requires no social eviction.

photo laser for cheek wrinkles

How can the skin on the cheeks be tightened? Fractional laser

Le fractional ablative laser gives visible results on cheek wrinkles, and is an unbeatable tool for skin rejuvenation.
The laser works by creating thermal micro-wells in the skin, which stimulate collagen production and encourage cell renewal.
Skin is smoother, firmer and more toned, with improved texture and elasticity.
Results are progressive. The number of sessions varies between two and four.

Results before/after cheek filling with hyaluronic acid

Hyaluronic acid injections restore lost volume, the cheeks are fuller and plumper, the face is rejuvenated, and the skin is more luminous and radiant. In fact, the hollowing of the middle third of the face is the most obvious change caused by age.
The volumising effect is immediate, and the texture and firmness of the skin are rapidly improved.

Although results are visible fairly quickly, they improve within three weeks of treatment and last for a year.
Hematomas are rare. On palpation, the product is perceptible for a few weeks, but is not visible.
Resumption of activities is possible immediately afterwards.


Type of consultation General rates
Hyaluronic acid
CHF 600 per syringe
CHF 250 per session
CHF 800 per bottle
CHF 400 per syringe
What facial exercises can help plump up sunken cheeks?

Facial gymnastics do not alter sunken cheeks. Specific exercises can slightly tone this anatomical area.

  • Cheek pumping exercises.
  • Wide, repeated smiles.

Skin hydration plays a modest role in preventing cheek hollowing. Well-hydrated skin is plumper and denser, and this skin thickness slightly improves cheek hollowing.

Lymphatic massage encourages the drainage of toxins and stimulates lymphatic circulation. These treatments revitalise the skin on the face but do not alter the filling in of the cheeks.

It is not possible to fill hollow cheeks naturally, except in the case of weight gain.
Maintaining the right level of skin hydration plumps the skin, giving the impression of fuller cheeks.

Hollow cheeks and cheek wrinkles can be caused by a number of factors: natural ageing, loss of subcutaneous fat, reduced production of collagen and elastin, dehydration, lifestyle habits (such as smoking or excessive sun exposure) and genetics.

Treatments to fill hollow cheeks include hyaluronic acid injections, mesotherapy and Sculptra.

Hyaluronic acid has a volumising and moisturising effect. It is therefore used to replace fat that has melted from the cheeks and to plump up the skin.

Unlike traditional fillers, which add volume immediately, Sculptra stimulates collagen production. The results are progressive and long-lasting, lasting up to two years.

Most treatments for sunken cheeks, such as hyaluronic acid or Sculptra injections, are virtually painless.

How long the results last depends on the treatment carried out. Hyaluronic acid injections last between 9 and 12 months, Skinboosters 6 months and Sculptra up to two years.

Side effects are generally mild and temporary: redness, swelling and bruising at the injection site.

Treatments are indicated for anyone wishing to improve the appearance of sunken cheeks or reduce cheek wrinkles. Patients must have no contraindications to treatment.

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