What is 7/9 shape?

The 7/9 Point Shape ® technique is a variation of the MD Codes® used to beautify, 'sculpt', feminise or masculinise the face.
This involves a combination of 7 injection points for women and 9 points for men to reshape the face by lifting sagging tissues, defining the oval, reshaping and projecting the facial features.


Facial contouring: a tailor-made treatment

The 7/9 Point Shape ® is a revolutionary technique that can be performed at any age. Younger patients want to reshape the face, make it more feminine or masculine, and achieve sharper contours. Older patients want to treat age-related sagging and redefine contours and volumes.

image sculpted face older woman

The 7/9 Point Shape ® for mature women

The aim of the treatment is to :

  • To lift tissues that have become slack with age, certain points of the 7/9 Point Shape ® technique are common to the 8 Face Lift® points.
  • Improving the oval.
  • Restore lost volume, particularly around the cheekbone, the key feature of the female face.

There are seven injection points for women:

  • CK1 and CK4 stitches are performed on the cheekbone and upper cheek to lift the tissues and restore lost volume.
  • The Jw1 point is placed at the angle of the mandible to replace age-related bone loss.
  • Points Jw4 and Jw5 are used to define the oval of the face by treating the fat and bone loss that inevitably occurs with age.
  • Points C1 and C2 are used to support the corners of the mouth and soften the chin.
image sculpted face young woman

7/9 Point Shape ® for young women

The aim of the treatment is to :

  • Accentuating beauty while respecting the rules of beauty beautiPHIcation.
  • Féminiser le visage.
  • Create clean lines, particularly around the oval.
  • Drawing feminine shapes without necessarily adding volume.

There are seven injection points for women:

  • The CK1 and CK4 points are used to lift the cheekbone and give it a rounded shape, drawing a gentle curve from the ear to the nose.
  • Point Jw1 is used to define the mandibular angle without projecting it, unless the patient wishes otherwise.
  • Points Jw4 and Jw5 are used to define the mandibular line.
  • Points C1 and C2 are used to define and feminise the chin.
image sculpted face man

7/9 Point Shape ® for young men

The aim of the treatment is to :

  • Sublimating beauty while respecting the rules of beautiPHIcation.
  • Masculiniser le visage.
  • Giving character to the face.

There are nine injection sites in humans:

  • The CK1 and CK4 points are used to lift slack tissue and create a high, horizontal cheekbone.
  • Points Jw1 and Jw2 are used to define and project the angle and vertical branch of the mandible.
  • Points Jw4 and Jw5 are used to trace the mandibular line.
  • Points C1, C2 and C5 are used to masculinise the chin: projection and creation of a square shape.
image hyaluronic acid to sculpt the face

Facial contouring: reshaping your face in one go

Le praticien doit être formé à cette technique. Malgré la schématisation et la reproductibilité du protocole d’injection, le savoir-faire personnel, l’œil d’artiste et la maîtrise technique font toute la différence entre les médecins.
Ce remodelage du visage s’inspire du contouring : technique de maquillage qui crée un jeu de lumières et d’ombres afin de mettre en relief certains éléments et d’en effacer d’autres.
Les injections d’acide hyaluronique sont réalisées à l’aiguille ou à la canule, les profondeurs d’injection, les produits et les quantités utilisées sont à adapter à la morphologie de chaque visage afin de faire ressortir sa beauté naturelle.
Les points injectés sont au nombre de 7 chez la femme et de 9 chez les hommes, ces deux points supplémentaires sont ajoutés pour viriliser le menton.
Les zones traitées sont :

  • Cheekbones (CK1, CK4).
  • The mandibular angle (JW1, JW 4, JW 5 plus JW2 in men).
  • The chin (C1, C2 plus C5 in men).

Results and follow-up

Le résultat est immédiat mais s’améliore en deux semaines. Les suites sont minimes, les hématomes sont rares et de petite taille. Il n’y a pas d’éviction sociale.
La séance d’injection dure une trentaine de minutes. Parfois une deuxième séance à trois semaines est à prévoir.
Le résultat dure un an.


Type of consultation General rates
Hyaluronic acid
CHF 600 per syringe for most indications
For certain indications between CHF 650 and 750 per syringe
Botox upper face
one zone: CHF 300
two zones: CHF 450
three zones: CHF 600

one zone: CHF 350
two zones: CHF 500
three zones: CHF 650
CHF 900 per bottle
CHF 400 per syringe

Other areas to be treated

Lip gloss effect


Jawline and Texas lift

Masculinisation of the face

Feminisation of the face

Refining the face

Liquid face lift

MD codes


Bee lift
