A slimmer face

A slim face is more elegant and relaxed than a broad, imposing face.
Refining the face is a frequent request from :

  • Women and men over the age of 40 who have seen their face 'grow' over time.
  • Women and men aged between 20 and 40 influenced by the new beauty criteria dictated by social networks.


The causes

Un visage large est un visage où le tiers moyen (au niveau des joues) et/ou le tiers inférieur (au niveau de l’angle mandibulaire) sont larges.
Anatomiquement cela peut être dû :

  • Bone structure.
  • The masseter muscles (muscles of mastication located at the mandibular angle).
  • Abundant jugal fat caused by age-related loss of malar fat, overweight or genetically determined.

The factors responsible for a wide face are :

  • Ethnicity: in Asians, for example, the masseter muscle is highly developed and the 'lower face' appears 'wide'.
  • Excess weight: responsible for the appearance of the double chin and the increase in jugal fat.
  • Genetics: the development of bone, muscle and fat structures is genetically determined.
  • L’âge. Pourquoi on grossit du visage en vieillissant ? Avec le temps la graisse malaire tombe et modifie le visage qui devient carré et large.
photo of aesthetic medicine techniques to refine the face

Tips for slimming the face

Certains facteurs exogènes aggravent le côté bouffi. Leur suppression affine de manière naturelle le visage.

To take action on these factors, we recommend :

  • Regular physical activity.
  • Manual drainage.
  • Reducing salt consumption.
  • Eat a healthy diet, rich in fibre and low in refined sugars.
  • Avoid excessive alcohol consumption.
  • Get enough sleep.
  • Keep well hydrated.

How can I slim down my face without surgery?

It is possible to refine the face using aesthetic medicine techniques. However, when faces are 'wide' because of a highly developed bone structure or too much jugal fat, surgical treatment is required. Effective medical treatments include hyaluronic acid, botox and cryolipolysis.

Comment affiner son visage avec les injections d’acide
hyaluronique ?

photo of differences between men's and women's foreheads

L'hyaluronic acid is a gel that for a long time was used exclusively to add volume. Technical advances have made it possible to use it to define and refine the face.

The main application is the liquid face lift technique or 8 Point face liftThis involves lifting the fat from the lower third of the face. This technique is performed mainly on patients aged over 35. For younger patients, the face lift gives visible but less spectacular results.

The definition of chinthe jawline contouring and the 7/9 Point Shape will then be performed according to the patient's anatomy in order to improve the result obtained with the liquid face lift.

How can I get a slimmer face with botox injections?

image slimming the face with botox

The botox injections are indicated to reduce the volume of the masseter muscle if it is highly developed.

The power of the latter can have aesthetic (wide lower face) and/or functional consequences: the bruxism.

The result is visible one week after treatment and definitive three weeks later; it lasts six months.

Slimming the face with cryolipolysis

photo cryolipolysis in Geneva to refine your face

La cryolipolysis is indicated for the treatment of double chin.
This cold slimming technique is painless and gives lasting results that are visible three months after the session.


Type of consultation General rates
Hyaluronic acid
CHF 600 per syringe
Botox masseter
CHF 500 for the 1st bottle
CHF 350 for each additional bottle
one to three vials are required
CHF 500 per session

Other areas to be treated

Lip gloss effect


Jawline and Texas lift

Masculinisation of the face

Feminisation of the face

The 7/9 points shape

Liquid face lift

MD codes


Bee lift
