What is buttock augmentation by injection?

Buttock augmentation by injection is an aesthetic procedure designed to increase the volume and improve the shape of the buttocks without the need for cosmetic surgery. This technique uses injectable products to sculpt and shape the buttocks. The results are natural and harmonious.
Unlike surgery, this method requires no recovery time, is less risky and the treatment can be personalised.



Increasing buttock volume in Geneva

L'buttock augmentation by injection is an increasingly popular technique in aesthetic medicine because it can achieve curves more voluptuous without use the surgery. Injectable products such as Sculptra and the Hyacorp, hyaluronic acid specially designed for the body, are used to improve the volume and shape of the buttocks in a natural and sustainable way.

Ces injections transforment la silhouette, en fonction des souhaits de la patiente les résultats peuvent être subtils ou plus prononcés.
L’ augmentation des fesses sans chirurgie est une méthode sûre et efficace.
Avoir des fesses rebondies est très en vogue ces dernières années, au point que certains magazines ont publié des titres comme ‘les fesses, le nouveau visage’ ou ‘s’offrir les fessiers de Kim Kardashian ou Jennifer Lopez’.

photo flat buttocks

Why do I have a flat bottom?

The flat appearance of the buttocks is due to several factors.

  • Sex: men have rather flat buttocks, women have rounded buttocks.
  • A poorly developed buttock muscle.
  • Genetics: buttock fat is linked to weight, but also to a genetic predisposition to localising adipose tissue in this area of the body.
  • Cellulite.
  • Rapid and significant weight loss due to the often associated sagging of the skin.
photo belles fesses

Beautiful buttocks

There is such a thing as an ideal buttock.

The beautiful buttock is toned, round and has a seductive curve.
Seen from the back, the beautiful buttock has a convex external curve.

Viewed from the side, there is a gap between the buttock and the lower back, with the maximum volume distributed over the upper third of the buttock.

The shape of the buttocks

There are four types of buttocks in women:

  • Square or H-shaped buttocks: the square buttock effect is due to an overly prominent hip bone or the presence of love handles.
  • Round or O-shaped buttocks: fat is distributed in the upper and lateral buttocks, giving a rounded effect.
  • Pear-shaped or A-shaped buttocks: fat is localised around the lower part of the buttocks and thighs, so the waist appears more tapered.
  • Inverted V or V-shaped buttocks: the fat is located in the middle of the buttock, so the lower part is less full than the upper. This shape is typical of older women, where the drop in oestrogen causes this type of distribution.
photo of buttocks

Men's buttocks tend to be flat and square. The volume is located in the upper half, and some men have a hollow on the outside of the buttocks, which gives them a muscular appearance.

How can I increase the volume of my buttocks quickly?

Buttock augmentation with injections is an increasingly popular technique for achieving fuller, sculpted buttocks quickly without surgery. This procedure involves injecting hyaluronic acid (Hyacorp) or Sculptra into the buttocks to improve shape and volume.
The injecting doctor must be an expert and have in-depth knowledge of injection techniques and anatomy to avoid potential complications, such as infections and surface irregularities.

Why a buttock augmentation?

La forme et la projection des fesses jouent un rôle crucial dans la beauté de la silhouette.
Ces caractéristiques dépendent de la taille du muscle grand fessier et de la courbure de la région lombaire, souvent appelée ‘chute des reins’.
Selon les canons de beauté les fesses sont pleines et rebondies et la taille fine et bien dessinée.
Des fesses plates peuvent causer une souffrance psychologique, affecter l’estime en soi et être un vrai complexe.
Un relâchement cutané et une mauvaise qualité de la peau des fesses peuvent être associés au manque de volume et empirer le ressenti de la patiente.

How do buttock injections work?

Photo of buttocks augmentation without surgery

The desire to augment the buttocks may be motivated by personal aesthetic aspirations, the influence of fashion trends or fitness icons.

Any patient over 18 is eligible for treatment, unless they have contraindications to injections or unrealistic expectations.

Before injecting the buttocks

An initial consultation with the patient is essential. This consultation enables us to :

  • Assess the patient's expectations.
  • Explain the options available and the possible outcomes.
  • Explain the procedure, the precautions to take beforehand and the instructions to follow afterwards. In particular, patients should avoid taking anti-inflammatory drugs and certain food supplements the week before the injection. Dr Romano does not give injections to patients taking platelet aggregation inhibitors and/or anticoagulants.
  • Eliminate contraindications.
  • Suggest the most suitable product, Sculptra or Hyacorp.
  • Analyse the shape of the buttocks, define the areas to be treated and the volume to be given.
  • Estimate the quantity of product required and draw up a quotation.

Injecting the buttocks

A 15-day reflection period (between the initial consultation and the injection) is a medico-legal obligation.
The steps are as follows:

  • Taking photos.
  • Review of the result with the patient: shape and volume of the buttocks.
  • Marking.
  • Comfortable positioning of the patient on the examination couch.
  • Cleaning and disinfecting the area to be treated.
  • A local anaesthetic is used for Hyacorp injections; no anaesthetic is required for Sculptra injections.
  • The injection is carried out using a fine cannula (a needle with a round tip).
  • Careful injection into the various layers of the skin and subcutaneous tissue.
  • Procedure time: 10 minutes for Sculptra, between 1 and 2 hours for Hyacorp.

After injection of the buttocks

  • Avoid strenuous physical activity for 24 to 48 hours.
  • Avoid intense heat, such as saunas and steam baths, for a week.
  • Avoid sitting directly on the buttocks for the first 24 to 48 hours.
  • Avoid wearing clothes that put pressure on the buttocks.
  • Follow the post-operative care instructions provided by the doctor.
  • Gentle massage of the injected area.
Photo of hyaluronic acid injection in the buttocks

Hyacorp injections to increase the volume of the buttocks

Injections of Hyacorp are the treatment of choice if you want to give a large buttocks.
This hyaluronic aciddesigned for the body, is highly volumising. The advantage, compared with prostheses, is that it can be positioned over the entire buttock (prostheses are placed in the upper two-thirds), which makes it possible to create the external convexity of the buttocks that is impossible to achieve with implants.

The injection is carried out in the surgery under local anaesthetic.
Depending on the morphology of the buttocks and the anatomy of the patient, Dr Romano suggests the most harmonious and appropriate filling scheme.
A cannula is used to treat the area safely and evenly. The session lasts approximately one hour.
Normal activities can be resumed immediately after the injection.
The cost is high because of the quantities used: twenty to thirty syringes can be used.
Hyacorp is an absorbable product, so the result is not definitive.
Maintenance sessions are required, and every year and a half two-thirds of the product used for the initial injection must be re-injected.

photo sculptra butt lift

Sculptra Butt Lift

Injections of Sculptra are widespread in the USA and Brazil, where the Sculptra butt lift is a common practice.
This product stimulates collagen production, which improves skin quality and shapes the buttocks.

This technique has a number of advantages over Hyacorp injections:

  • Improves cellulite.
  • Improves skin quality, leaving it softer and more toned
  • No follow-up.
  • Lifting effect, even if slight.
  • Progressive, natural results.
  • Consistency identical to that of the buttocks: to the touch, the consistency is that of the buttocks, whereas hyaluronic acid has a firmer consistency.

The disadvantage is the moderate volume that can be obtained.

What is the difference between buttock injections and buttock implants?

Hyaluronic acid injections and buttock implants are two methods of increasing the volume of the buttocks.

Injections are a non-surgical, less invasive solution with no recovery period. The results are natural, can be adjusted over time with additional sessions and are personalised, meaning that it is possible to give any type of shape and volume to the buttock.
The injections need to be repeated, as the result is not definitive.

Les implants fessiers sont une procédure chirurgicale, dont les principales complications sont l’infection et le déplacement de l’implant. La période de récupération est assez longue et une anesthésie générale est nécessaire.
Les résultats sont permanents et le volume fourni est plus important en une seule fois.
Le traitement n’est pas complètement personnalisable car la forme des fesses dépend de la forme des prothèses.

What are the differences between buttock injections and buttock lipofilling?

Injections and lipofilling are two different techniques for increasing the volume of the buttocks.

Le lipofilling, ou greffe de graisse autologue, consiste à prélever la graisse d’une autre partie du corps du patient et à l’injecter dans les fesses du patient. Cette méthode présente les inconvénients d’un acte de chirurgie esthétique : l’anesthésie générale, les infections et la période de récupération.
Les résultats ne sont pas immédiats, il faut attendre la disparition de l’œdème causé par l’intervention. Les patientes se plaignent souvent de la durée du résultat (qui n’est pas définitif) et des irrégularités de surface dues à la réabsorption irrégulière de la graisse.

In the case of injections, the doctor uses a product to increase the volume of the buttocks. Results are immediate but transient, requiring maintenance sessions every 12-18 months. No recovery period is necessary and the return to daily activities is immediate.  

Can the buttocks be augmented without surgery?

Yes, it is possible to augment the buttocks without surgery, using Sculptra or Hyacorp injections.
These non-surgical methods are ideal for those looking to improve the shape and volume of their buttocks without the constraints of surgery. Sculptra injections stimulate collagen production for gradual, long-lasting results, while injections of Hyacorp, a hyaluronic acid specially designed for the body, give immediate but less long-lasting results.
These procedures allow the treatment to be personalised according to the patient's wishes. The results are natural and harmonious.

Results before / after buttock injections

Injecting the buttocks with Sculptra or Hyacorp gives visible, natural results.

  • Silhouette enhancement without surgery.
  • Improved volume and shape of the buttocks, which become rounder and fuller.
  • Correction of asymmetries.
  • Improves skin imperfections.

The results are adjusted according to the patient's wishes, and the treatment is personalised.

Duration of results 

The duration of the results depends on the product used.
Sculptra injections give gradual results that last up to two years.
The benefits of Hyacorp injections are immediate but temporary, lasting around twelve months.
The durability of the effects is also influenced by the patient's lifestyle, metabolism and anatomy.
Maintenance sessions should be scheduled every year and a half.

How much does a hyaluronic acid injection for the buttocks cost?

The cost of buttock augmentation by injection depends on the product used (Sculptra or Hyacorp) and the quantity of product required.

Type of consultation General rates
Hyaluronic acid Hyacorp
CHF 300 per syringe
CHF 900 per bottle

Buttock injection opinion

Les avis des patientes ayant opté pour l’augmentation des fesses par injection de Sculptra ou de Hyacorp sont globalement favorables. La satisfaction est élevée en raison des résultats naturels, de la rapidité de la procédure et de la récupération rapide.
Les patients apprécient l’amélioration visible du volume et de la forme des fesses et l’aspect  harmonieux et équilibré de la silhouette.
L’absence de cicatrices et le faible risque de complications sont considérés comme des points forts.

How long do the results of buttock injections last?

The results of Sculptra injections can last up to two years, while Hyacorp injections generally last between six and twelve months.

Recovery is rapid, with minor side effects such as redness or swelling, which disappear within a few days. Patients can resume their normal activities immediately after the session.

Sculptra injections are not painful. For Hyacorp injections, a local anaesthetic is used to make the procedure more comfortable.

The two products can be combined, depending on the patient's specific needs and the doctor's assessment, to obtain optimum results. The period between injections is 2 months.

To increase your buttocks rapidly, combine targeted exercises such as squats, lunges and hip thrusts and opt for a protein-rich diet.
Hyacorp and Sculptra injections immediately enhance the buttocks.

No, the results are not definitive. The effects generally last between 12 and 18 months.

Yes, the alternatives are Sculptra injections, buttock implants and lipofilling (fat transfer).

Hyacorp is a hyaluronic acid and therefore biocompatible. Sculptra is made from poly-lactic acid, which has been used for many years in medicine.
Injection of these substances is safe if carried out by an experienced doctor.

It is generally recommended to avoid strenuous physical activity and sport for 48 hours after the injection.

Yes, it is possible to carry out several Hyacorp injection sessions in the buttocks to achieve the desired volume.

The results of a buttock augmentation with Hyacorp last for a year and a half. To maintain the result, the 60% of the product used for the first injection must be re-injected every 18 months.

Side effects are minor if the injection is carried out by an experienced doctor: redness, swelling, bruising and pain at the injection site.

Other areas to be treated




