What is Dual Lip Sublimation?

Dual Lip Sublimation is a unique approach based on hyaluronic acid injections to simultaneously address several aesthetic needs of the lips and their contour. This treatment is suitable for patients wishing to correct certain defects, as well as for those looking for an overall, subtle improvement in the appearance of their lips.
The aim of this method is not just to add volume, but to beautify and enhance the lips as a whole by working on their texture, symmetry and hydration.



Lip enhancement in Geneva

Dual Lip Sublimation is a technique for beautifying the lips by injectinghyaluronic acid. This treatment combines specific techniques to correct various problems such as dehydration (gloss effect), the 

volumethe vertical lip wrinkles and asymmetries. What's the result? Lips that are moisturised, redefined and perfectly harmonious, for a captivating, rejuvenated smile.

What problem is being addressed?

Dual Lip Sublimation helps to correct and improve:
- Dry lips, by intensely hydrating them with hyaluronic acid.
- Thin lips, by adding slight volume for a subtle, natural effect.
- Vertical wrinkles around the mouth, also known as "bar code wrinkles".
- Asymmetries of the lips, by balancing the proportions between the two sides or between the upper and lower lip.

Who is this treatment intended for?

Dual Lip Sublimation is ideal for:
- Patients who want to enhance their lips without really changing them.
- Patients with dry or wrinkled lips.
- Patients wishing to correct asymmetries, whether genetic or due to previous treatments.
- Patients looking for a subtle improvement to their smile, for an elegant and natural effect.

The causes of the problems treated

There are a number of reasons why lips can lose their radiance or become uneven:
- Natural ageing, which causes a reduction in collagen production and lip hydration.
- Environmental factors, such as cold, sun or pollution, which dry out the lips.
- Lifestyle habits, such as smoking and sun exposure, which aggravate wrinkles and dehydration.
- Genetics, as some patients have constitutionally thin or asymmetrical lips.

The benefits of Dual Lip Sublimation

Dual Lip Sublimation is much more than just a beauty treatment: it's a holistic approach that restores radiance, youthfulness and harmony to the lips. <This technique has many benefits, making it the preferred choice for patients who want to enhance their lips.
- Intense hydration for soft, plump lips.
- Reduction of perioral wrinkles, rejuvenating the area. <The result is subtle and harmonious.
- Fast, minimally invasive procedure.


Lip enhancement using the 'Dual plan sublimation' method is based on two techniques:
- Moisturising and revitalising the cutaneous part of the lip.
- Moisturising and revitalising the vermilion.


Moisturising and revitalising the cutaneous part of the lip

Moisturising and revitalising the skin of the lips using hyaluronic acid injections is a lip injection technique designed to restore freshness and radiance to the skin in the perioral area.
This method effectively treats dryness, fine lines and ageing in this area.
Thanks to the injection of micro-droplets of weakly cross-linked hyaluronic acid, the skin is intensely moisturised, stimulated and revitalised. This approach also encourages natural skin regeneration by stimulating fibroblasts and collagen production.

image skin revitalisation lip hyaluronic acid

What problem is being addressed?

This technique responds to various aesthetic and cutaneous needs, such as:
- Dryness of the perioral skin, often due to age or environmental factors.
- Appearance of perioral fine lines, caused by a reduction in the production of collagen and elastin, which leads to thinning of the skin.
- Actinic damage, resulting from prolonged exposure to the sun.
- Loss of vitality and radiance of the skin around the lips, which becomes dull.
- Prevention of the signs of ageing, for younger patients wishing to improve their complexion and preserve the quality of their skin.

How does the method work?

During an initial consultation, Dr Romano examines the texture and condition of the perioral skin to identify areas requiring treatment.
After disinfecting the area to be treated, an anaesthetic cream can be applied for the patient's comfort.<Using a fine needle, very small amounts of hyaluronic acid are injected into the dermis at intervals of 1 mm.
For optimum results, the treatment can be repeated two or three times, at intervals of 2 to 3 weeks.

Who should use this method?

This technique is suitable for a wide variety of patients:
- Patients suffering from age-related skin dryness and who have visible fine lines around the lips.
- Patients with skin damage caused by environmental factors such as sun or wind.
- Young adults looking to refresh their complexion and improve the appearance of their perioral skin.
- Patients looking for effective prevention against premature ageing of the perioral skin.
- Patients concerned about the dull or tired appearance of the skin around the lips.

What are the causes of the problem being treated?

Changes to the skin around the lips can be caused by a number of factors:
- Natural ageing, which reduces the production of collagen and elastin, leading to a loss of skin elasticity and firmness.
- Exposure to external elements, such as the sun, cold or pollution, which dries out the skin and makes it more fragile.
- Exposure to external elements, such as the sun, cold or pollution, which dry out and weaken the skin.
- Smoking, which accelerates skin ageing and encourages the appearance of fine lines.
- Genetics, as some people naturally have thinner skin and are more prone to dehydration.

The benefits of this treatment

Moisturising and revitalising the skin around the lips by injecting hyaluronic acid is a gentle and effective way of improving this area.
This treatment not only provides intense hydration and more supple skin, but also prevents ageing. This technique is therefore suitable for people of all ages.

This technique offers significant benefits for perioral skin:
- Deep, long-lasting hydration, leaving skin softer and more supple.
- Visible reduction in perioral fine lines.
- Stimulates skin synthesis by activating fibroblasts and producing collagen.
- Improved skin texture and radiance, revitalised skin.
- Lasting results, visible after just a few sessions and lasting a year.

Moisturising and revitalising vermilion

Moisturising the vermilion by injecting hyaluronic acid is an innovative and effective technique for improving the texture and appearance of the lips. This method specifically targets the vermilion, the red part of the lips, which is often prone to dryness, fine lines and cracks.
Through the use of weakly cross-linked hyaluronic acid, this treatment intensely rehydrates the surface of the lips, restoring suppleness and softness, while revitalising the tissues. Unlike volume-enhancing techniques, this approach focuses solely on hydrating and improving lip texture.

image revitalisation vermilion lip hyaluronic acid

What problem is being addressed?

This method corrects a number of problems linked to lip dehydration:
- Dry lips, often due to age or environmental factors.
- Flaking and cracked skin, signs of a prolonged lack of hydration.
- Vermilion lines, resulting from the loss of elasticity in the skin of the lips.
- Dull or rough appearance.
- Blurred or poorly defined lip contours.

How does the method work?

During the initial consultation, Dr Romano identifies the areas to be treated, marking the entry points and treatment lines.

For hydration
A small opening (a pre-hole) is made with a fine needle about 5 mm from the corner of the mouth.
A blunt cannula is then inserted through this opening.
Low cross-linked hyaluronic acid is injected superficially into the subcutaneous layer of the vermilion and evenly distributed over its entire surface.
Lips immediately appear more hydrated and smooth.

For revitalisation
After disinfection, using a fine needle, the doctor injects small amounts of hyaluronic acid into the superficial layers of the lips.
The "fanning" technique is used to evenly distribute the product, covering the entire treated area.<If fine lines are present at the Cupid's bow, they are also corrected.
In this indication, Dr Romano uses a low-cross-linked hyaluronic acid to guarantee natural results.

Who should use this method?

Moisturising vermillon is particularly suitable for:
- Dry, rough lips.
- Patients who want to prevent the signs of ageing on the lips without changing their volume.
- Patients who want to smooth fine lines and improve the texture of vermillon.
- Patients who have cracks or fissures due to a chronic lack of moisture.

What are the causes of the problem being treated?

Several factors are responsible for dry lips.
- Natural ageing, characterised by a reduction in the production of collagen and elastin.
- The lack of sebaceous glands on the vermilion, making this area more vulnerable to dehydration.
- Environmental factors, such as the sun, wind or cold, which dry out the lips.
- Lifestyle habits, such as smoking or insufficient hydration, which aggravate dry lips.
- Genetic predisposition, some people have naturally drier lips.

The advantages of this method

Hydrating the vermilion by injecting hyaluronic acid is an ideal solution for restoring radiance and softness to the lips and preventing ageing. <This technique has a number of benefits:
- In-depth hydration, for soft, supple lips.
- Texture improvement: the vermilion becomes smooth and even.
- Reduction in fine lines, giving the lips a more youthful, revitalised appearance.
- Natural result: the shape of the lips is respected, the increase in volume is minimal.
- Quick, painless procedure.


Type of consultation General rates
Hyaluronic acid
650 CHF per syringe
