How can Botox results be prolonged?

Le Botox, ou toxine botulique, est l’un des traitements esthétiques les plus populaires pour réduire l’apparence des rides et des ridules. En 2024, de nombreuses personnes continuent de se tourner vers cette solution non chirurgicale pour rajeunir leur visage.

However, although the results of Botox are impressive, they are not permanent and generally last between 3 and 6 months. There are tips and products that can prolong the effects of Botox. In this article, we'll explore best practices for prolonging Botox results, post-treatment care, and recommendations for maintaining a fresh, youthful face for longer.


What is Botox and how does it work?

Le Botox is a purified toxin that works by blocking nerve signals to targeted muscles, thereby preventing the muscle contraction that causes expression lines. By relaxing these muscles, Botox allows the skin to smooth itself out, reducing the appearance of wrinkles. wrinkles and fine lines. It is mainly used to treat forehead wrinklesthe lion wrinkle (between the eyebrows) and crow's feet wrinkles (autour des yeux), le bruxism and thehypersudation

Le traitement est rapide et non invasif, et les résultats apparaissent en général entre 3 à 7 jours après l’injection. Toutefois, les effets s’estompent progressivement à mesure que le corps dégrade la toxine, d’où l’intérêt de connaître les astuces pour prolonger les effets du Botox et maintenir une apparence jeune le plus longtemps possible.

How long do the effects of Botox last?

Les effets du Botox durent généralement entre 3 et 6 mois, en fonction de divers facteurs tels que le métabolisme individuel, l’intensité des contractions musculaires et les habitudes de vie. Avec le temps, les muscles reprennent progressivement leur activité et les rides réapparaissent. Pour prolonger les effets du Botox, plusieurs astuces et meilleures pratiques peuvent être adoptées.

How can the effects of Botox be prolonged?

En suivant certains conseils et astuces, il est possible de prolonger les effets du Botox jusqu’à 6 7 mois .

Follow post-treatment recommendations

To maximise the duration of the effects of Botox, the recommendations given by Dr Romano after the treatment must be scrupulously followed.

  • Avoid touching or massaging the treated area for at least 24 hours to avoid displacing the product.
  • Do not exercise for the first 48 hours to limit excessive blood circulation, which could accelerate the breakdown of the toxin or cause product displacement.
  • Avoid direct exposure to sunlight or sources of extreme heat, such as saunas, to prevent inflammation or irritation of the skin for 48 hours.
  • Avoid shampooing the same day and plucking your eyebrows for two days.

Use peptide-based creams and serums

Les peptides sont des chaînes d’acides aminés qui stimulent la production de collagène et aident à raffermir la peau. Certains sérums et crèmes contiennent des peptides spécifiques qui peuvent imiter les effets du Botox en relaxant les muscles du visage et en réduisant l’apparition des ridules. Ces produits, souvent qualifiés de Botox-like, peuvent être utilisés en complément du traitement pour prolonger les résultats.

Numerous peptide- and neuropeptide-based products are available on the market. Many consumers claim to be satisfied, but no medical study has proven their effectiveness.

Maintaining optimum hydration

Une peau bien hydratée a tendance à paraître plus lisse et plus ferme, ce qui aide à prolonger les résultats du Botox. Utiliser des crèmes hydratantes riches en acide hyaluronique est une excellente méthode pour garder votre peau bien hydratée et repulpée. L’acide hyaluronique augmente également l’élasticité de la peau

It's also advisable to drink plenty of water to keep your skin hydrated and prevent dry skin from encouraging the appearance of wrinkles.

Adopting an anti-ageing skincare routine

To maximise the effects of Botox, it is important to adopt a anti-ageing skincare routine adapted. This includes regular use of products containing ingredients such as :

  • Antioxidants (vitamin C, E, retinol) which protect the skin against damage caused by free radicals and improve skin texture.
  • Retinolwhich promotes cell renewal and stimulates collagen production.
  • SPF 50 sun cream Sun protection: sun protection is essential to prevent premature skin ageing caused by UV rays, which can reduce the duration of the effects of Botox by accelerating the breakdown of skin tissue.

Schedule maintenance sessions

Il est recommandé de planifier des séances d’entretien régulières tous les 5 à 6 mois pour conserver les résultats. Cependant, il est important de ne pas attendre que les effets du Botox disparaissent complètement avant de faire une nouvelle sinjection. En suivant un calendrier de traitement cohérent, il est possible de prolonger la durée des résultats, car les muscles du visage s’habituent à être plus détendus, s’affaiblissent et ont tendance à moins contracter.

Combining Botox with other aesthetic treatments

One of the trends is to combining Botox with other treatments to maximise and prolong results. The most commonly used complementary techniques are Skinboostersthe radiofrequency, le laser de photorejuvenationthe peels.

A healthy lifestyle

Your lifestyle has a direct impact on the durability of Botox results. By adopting a healthy lifestyle, you can prolong the effect of the treatment.

  • Avoid smoking: smoking is one of the main factors in premature skin ageing and can reduce the duration of the effects of Botox.
  • Manage stress: chronic stress causes facial muscles to contract, which can reduce the effects of Botox.
  • Eat a balanced diet: eat foods rich in antioxidants and omega-3s to protect the skin and maintain its elasticity.

Products that help prolong the effects of Botox

To maximise the duration of the effects of Botox, there are products specifically formulated to help maintain smooth skin and prevent the reappearance of wrinkles.

Botox-like" serums and creams

Numerous Botox-like serums and creams are available that promise to prolong the effects of the treatment by slightly inhibiting muscle contraction or deeply moisturising the skin. These products, often peptide-based, can be incorporated into your daily skincare routine to reinforce the action of Botox.

Food supplements for the skin

Some studies suggest that food supplements rich in collagen, hyaluronic acid, or antioxidant vitamins such as vitamin C and E, can help maintain firm, elastic skin, reinforcing the results of Botox.

Photo of doctor Valeria Romano in Geneva

Article written by Dr Romano Valeria


