Conséquences directes du stress et du manque de sommeil sur la skin : un dull, tired complexion and premature skin ageing. The skin is a faithful indicator of our physical condition and our psychological state. An emotional shock or chronic insomnia can have repercussions on the beauty of our skin, as can profound fatigue. How to remove bags under the eyes ? Restore radiance to the face? Make dark circles disappear? Aesthetic medicine offers effective solutions that do not require surgery, such as mesotherapy.
A "mirror" organ, designed to protect the body from external aggression, the skin reflects our state of health. And stress is certainly the worst enemy of beautiful skin. Oxidative stress (related to the epidermis) is often the cause of a dull, tired complexion. Anxiety and daily, chronic stress can lead to dermatological problems. Generating a high production of cortisol (the stress hormone), this psychological state contributes to the appearance of acne pimples, itching (pruritus), and skin diseases such as urticaria, eczema and psoriasis. More broadly, stress affects the body's immune defences. This deterioration in the immune system makes the body more prone to inflammatory skin reactions. Cortisol is responsible for the overproduction of sebum, the cause of skin imperfections.
This hormone also alters the skin's protective capacity. More fragile, it becomes more vulnerable and sensitive to free radicals, contributing to skin ageing. Wrinkles and fine lines appear earlier and deepen more quickly. How can we combat the harmful effects of stress on the skin? By adopting a healthier lifestyle and trying to soothe yourself with relaxation practices. For effacer les wrinklesTo prevent or delay their appearance, aesthetic medicine offers non-invasive treatments such as hyaluronic acid injections.
Des insomnies répétées, des nuits courtes et agitées ou simplement un sommeil peu réparateur se lisent sur le face and the look. Fréquents, les dark circles under the eyes sont le signe le plus évident d’un manque de sommeil. Lorsque la fatigue s’installe de manière durable, ces dark circles deviennent de plus en plus marqués. Tout comme le stress, la fatigue aggrave le stress oxydatif, participant au vieillissement de la peau et son aspect « brouillé ». Aucune crème anti-rides ou huile lissante n’est plus efficace pour la peau qu’une bonne nuit de sommeil. How to remove dark circles? Men et femme, gênés par leurs cernes, peuvent se tourner vers les méthodes de médecine esthétique. En fonction du type de cernes et du stade de gravité, les injections d’hyaluronic acidthe carboxytherapy ou encore le laser ont démontré leur efficacité pour atténuer visiblement les cernes. Phénomène associé aux cernes, les bags under the eyes are common and worsen with age. This swelling of the lower eyelid gives the face a tired look. Aesthetic medicine techniques can remove bags under the eyes.
Moins invasive que la chirurgie esthétique, la médecine esthétique a développé un panel de soins esthétiques pour la peau. Parmi les techniques mises au point, la facial mesotherapy or mesolift consiste à réhydrater en profondeur et raffermir la peau, via des injections d’actifs (acide hyaluronique, minéraux, oligo-éléments, antioxydants…). Ce concentré de vitamines donne un coup d'éclat au visage, visiblement rajeuni.
Article written by Dr Romano Valeria
The services described on this site are applicable to Switzerland; there are differences between countries.
Contact details
Dr Valeria Romano
Pl. du Molard 5, 1204 Geneva, Switzerland
Monday to Friday, 9.30am to 6pm
Dr Valeria Romano - All rights reserved.