When do you see the effect of a hyaluronic acid injection?

Hyaluronic acid is an increasingly popular solution for those looking to reduce the signs of ageing, improve skin hydration or restore volume to the face. However, one question often comes up among patients considering this type of treatment: "When can we see the effects of a hyaluronic acid injection?" This article answers this question in detail, exploring the factors that influence the speed of results, the recovery process and the different expectations people may have after a hyaluronic acid injection.

Mechanism of action of hyaluronic acid

Before looking at the question of the timeframe for results, it is essential to understand what thehyaluronic acid and how it works. Hyaluronic acid is a molecule naturally present in our bodies that plays a crucial role in skin hydration and structure. In aesthetic medicine, it is mainly used in gel form for injection to fill wrinkles, restore volume to areas of the face that have lost it and improve the overall quality of the skin.
Hyaluronic acid works by attracting water to the treated area, giving the skin a fresh, youthful appearance.

How long does it take for the effects to appear after a hyaluronic acid injection?

In general, the effects of hyaluronic acid injections are visible immediately after treatment. However, the final result can only be fully assessed after a few days to a few weeks. Here's an overview of the process.

  • Immediate effect: immediately after the injection, the patient can already see a significant improvement, as the product instantly fills in wrinkles and hollows or lifts the face. However, these initial results are modified by slight swelling or temporary redness, which are normal reactions to the injection.
  • The first few days: in the days following the injection, you may experience slight sensitivity or bruising around the treated area. These minor side effects generally disappear within a few days, giving way to a more natural result.
  • Optimal results: the final result is often visible between 7 and 14 days after the injection, when the hyaluronic acid has integrated well into the tissues and the initial swelling has subsided.

Factors influencing the time to results of hyaluronic acid injections

Several factors can influence how quickly the effects of a hyaluronic acid injection become visible.

  • The type of hyaluronic acid used: there are several types of hyaluronic acid, which vary according to their consistency, concentration and degree of cross-linking (chemical bonding of the molecules). For a thicker product, designed to restore volume in areas such as the cheekbones, a little more time will be needed to see the final results, while a less cross-linked and less volumising product, for the treatment of superficial wrinkles for example, may work more quickly.
  • The area treated: some areas of the face react more quickly than others to hyaluronic acid injections. For example, the lips swell quite quickly, but once the swelling has gone, the final results are visible more quickly than in other parts of the face.
  • The patient's metabolism: each patient reacts differently to injections depending on their metabolism. People with a fast metabolism may see the effects more quickly, but for them the effect may also diminish more rapidly.
  • Injector technique: the expertise of the injecting doctor is crucial for optimal results. An experienced doctor will be able to choose the most appropriate technique and product for each patient, for maximum effectiveness and a natural result.

The recovery process after a hyaluronic acid injection

The recovery process after a hyaluronic acid injection is generally rapid and without major complications. However, to optimise results and reduce the risk of side effects, it is important to follow certain post-treatment recommendations:

  • Avoid strenuous activity: In the 24 to 48 hours following the injection, it is advisable to avoid strenuous physical activity and exposure to heat (saunas, hot baths) to minimise the risk of swelling and redness.
  • Do not touch or massage the treated area: It is important not to touch or massage the treated area to avoid displacing the product and allow it to integrate evenly into the tissue.
  • Avoid exposure to the sun: direct exposure to intense sunlight and UV rays should be avoided for at least one week to prevent the appearance of spots or other skin reactions and to prevent the product from moving.
  • Moisturise and care for the skin: it is advisable, but not compulsory, to use a gentle moisturiser and possibly a healing cream to soothe the skin.

Results of hyaluronic acid injections: what can you expect?

The results of hyaluronic acid injections vary depending on the area treated and the specific needs of each patient. Here's what you can expect for the different areas of the face.

  • The lips The effect of hyaluronic acid injections in the lips is visible immediately, although the swelling may last a few days. The final result generally appears after a week: the lips are fuller, hydrated and natural-looking.
  • The cheeks For cheek filling, the result is visible immediately, but will be optimal after about two weeks, once the initial swelling has subsided.
  • The dark circles Treatment of hollow circles under the eyes provides instant improvement, but the final result is generally visible after 2 to 3 weeks. For this delicate area, the disappearance of inflammation and the integration of the product require a slightly longer period.
  • The wrinkles and nasolabial folds The results are visible immediately after the injection, but may change slightly over the following weeks. The final result is a more youthful, rested face.

How long do the results of a hyaluronic acid injection last?

The duration of the results of a hyaluronic acid injection depends on several factors: the type of product used, the area treated, the patient's metabolism and the injection techniques. In general :

  • For mobile areas (such as the lips), results can last from 6 to 9 months.
  • For less mobile areas (such as the cheeks or nasolabial folds), results can last from 12 to 18 months.
  • For areas with almost no mobility, the results generally last between 12 and 36 months.

These times are averages and may vary from patient to patient.

How can the effects of hyaluronic acid injections be prolonged?

To prolong the effects of hyaluronic acid injections, it is recommended to :

  • Moisturise your skin regularly: hyaluronic acid is a moisturising agent, so maintaining a good level of hydration helps to maximise its effects.
  • Protect your skin from the sun: UV rays can accelerate the breakdown of hyaluronic acid. Using a sunscreen is therefore essential.
  • Avoid behaviours that accelerate skin ageing: smoking, excessive alcohol consumption and poor lifestyle habits can reduce the duration of results.
  • Plan regular maintenance sessions.

The different types of hyaluronic acid injections and how long they take effect

There are different types of hyaluronic acid injections, each with its own specific timeframe.

  • Superficial filling injections: used for fine lines and wrinkles, these injections are generally carried out using a low-cross-linked hyaluronic acid. Results are visible immediately or in the hours following the injection, but may continue to improve for a few days.
  • Deep volumising injections: these injections, in which a denser, more reticulated hyaluronic acid is used, aim to restore volume in certain areas such as the cheekbones or cheeks. Results are immediate and improve within two weeks, when the product stabilises and integrates perfectly with the tissues.
  • Injections for deep hydration (Skinboosters): designed to improve the quality and hydration of the skin, these injections are carried out with hyaluronic acid that is not very cross-linked and has very fine particles. The effects are not immediately visible, or are only slightly visible. Often two sessions, six weeks apart, are required.
    The benefits appear gradually, with the skin brighter and more hydrated over time.

How do I choose the right type of hyaluronic acid injection?

The doctor chooses the type of injection and acid depending on a number of factors.

  • Skin condition: patients with superficial wrinkles or dehydrated skin will benefit from superficial injections or skin boosters. Those with a loss of volume or deeper wrinkles will need deeper, volumising injections.
  • Aesthetic expectations: some people are looking for subtle, natural results, while others want a more marked change. Your doctor will be able to advise you on the product and technique best suited to your needs.
  • Budget and availability: the cost of a hyaluronic acid injection varies according to the product used, the area treated and the quantity of product required.
  • The doctor's expertise .

Injection techniques and their impact on results

The results of hyaluronic acid injections can also be influenced by the technique used

  • Needle injection: this is the classic method where hyaluronic acid is injected directly into wrinkles or hollow areas using a fine needle. This technique allows great precision, which is particularly useful for small areas or fine wrinkles. Swelling is often more localised and the effect immediate.
  • Cannula injection: hyaluronic acid is injected using a cannula (a needle with a rounded tip) rather than a needle, which allows larger areas to be treated with fewer entry points, reducing the risk of haematomas. Results are also visible quickly, and there is often less bruising, although swelling may be slightly greater than with the needle injection technique.

Realistic expectations after a hyaluronic acid injection

It is crucial to have realistic expectations regarding the results of hyaluronic acid injections. It is important to understand that :

  • Results vary from person to person: skin structure, age, metabolism, anatomy and lifestyle habits (such as smoking or sun exposure) can influence how quickly and how long results last.
  • The results are not permanent: hyaluronic acid is a biodegradable product that is naturally absorbed by the body over time. As a result, maintenance sessions (often once a year) are necessary to maintain the effects.
  • Several sessions are sometimes necessary: in some cases, a second session may be required to optimise results. During the first consultation, the doctor will tell you the number of sessions to be carried out. Good communication with the doctor is essential in order to adjust the treatment to the patient's needs.

Testimonials and clinical studies on the effect of hyaluronic acid injections

Numerous clinical studies and patient testimonials confirm the effectiveness of hyaluronic acid injections in rejuvenating the skin and filling in wrinkles. A study published in the Journal of Cosmetic Dermatology showed that over 90 % of patients were satisfied with the results after hyaluronic acid injections and that the effects were still visible 6 to 12 months after treatment.

Patient testimonials also reveal that, although results are generally visible immediately, satisfaction increases even more after a few weeks, when the hyaluronic acid is fully integrated into the skin tissue.

Recent innovations and trends in hyaluronic acid injections

The aesthetic medicine industry is constantly evolving, with innovations in hyaluronic acid-based products and injection techniques appearing regularly. Current trends include :

  • Hybrid products: some new products combine hyaluronic acid with other substances, such as vitamins or peptides, to optimise results. Dr Romano is in favour of pure hyaluronic acid injections.
  • Light touch" treatments: these involve injecting small amounts of hyaluronic acid into several areas to achieve a subtle, natural result. This technique is becoming increasingly popular with younger patients who want to prevent the signs of ageing without radically changing their appearance.
  • Injections for preventive purposes: more and more young adults, often in their twenties, are opting for hyaluronic acid injections not to correct the visible signs of ageing, but to prevent them from appearing in the first place. Preventive injections help to maintain the skin's elasticity and hydration, thereby delaying the signs of ageing.

What can you expect after a hyaluronic acid injection?

Hyaluronic acid injections are a proven and effective method of improving the appearance of the skin, reducing wrinkles and restoring facial volume. Results are often visible immediately, but continue to improve in the days and weeks following treatment. The key to success lies in the choice of doctor, clear communication about expectations and appropriate care after the injection.

If you are at Geneva and are considering hyaluronic acid injections, consult an experienced doctor who will be able to guide you towards the best option for your skin type and personal goals. Hyaluronic acid injections can help you regain radiant skin and a rejuvenated face, safely and with natural results.