Botox therapy: innovative medical uses

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Botox has innovative therapeutic applications. Medical discoveries have made it possible to extend the use of Botox in a number of areas, from the treatment of chronic migraines to the management of hyperhidrosis, bruxism or muscle spasticity.

Notox: a natural alternative to Botox

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Botox isn't for everyone. Today, more and more people are looking for more natural, less invasive alternatives to keep their skin looking young and radiant. This is where the Notox trend comes in.

Botox and sport: optimising aesthetic results

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Many people have questions about the impact of this procedure on their daily routine, particularly their sporting activities. Is it possible to continue physical activity after a Botox injection? What types of movement or exercise should be avoided?

Top 5 most popular hyaluronic acid products

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L’acide hyaluronique, déjà bien ancré dans les routines de soins de la peau et les traitements esthétiques, continue de gagner en popularité. L’acide hyaluronique se décline désormais sous différentes formes : soins de la peau, produits injectables, compléments alimentaires.

How does botulinum toxin work?

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Les injections de toxine botulique, ou Botox, sont l’un des traitements esthétiques les plus utilisés pour réduire les rides. Bien que très répandues, la question que beaucoup de personnes se posent reste : comment la toxine botulique agit-elle réellement ?

How can Botox results be prolonged?

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Although the results of Botox are impressive, they are not permanent and generally last between 3 and 6 months. There are tricks and products that can prolong the effects of Botox. In this article, the best practices for prolonging Botox results.

How do you know if hyaluronic acid is effective?

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L’acide hyaluronique est devenu l’un des techniques phares des soins de la peau et des traitements de médecine esthétique. Mais face à la diversité des produits disponibles sur le marché, comment savoir si l’acide hyaluronique que vous choisissez est réellement efficace ?