The use of Botox in aesthetic medicine is constantly evolving. While in the past, botulinum toxin injections were mainly reserved for the treatment of wrinkles that had already set in, today more and more young adults are opting for preventive injections. But at what age should anti-wrinkle injections really be started? What are the benefits of a preventive approach? This article looks at this growing trend and the ideal time to start this treatment.
Le Botox agit en bloquant les signaux nerveux responsables de la contraction musculaire. Il réduit les wrinkles dynamiques, c’est-à-dire celles causées par les expressions. Parmi les zones les plus fréquemment traitées avec le Botox, on retrouve les forehead wrinklesthe lion wrinkles (glabella) and crow's feet wrinkles.
The advantage of Botox lies in its ability to deliver visible but temporary results. But beyond its corrective action, it is becoming increasingly common to use Botox to prevent the appearance of wrinkles before they become too pronounced.
La toxine botulique est également utilisée pour le traitement du bruxism and thehypersudation.
In the world of aesthetic medicine, prevention is an increasingly popular topic. This proactive approach to ageing is motivated by the idea that it is easier to prevent wrinkles from forming than to correct them once they have set in.
Dynamic wrinkles begin to appear in the early thirties, and even in the late twenties for some patients.
Ces rides sont causées par les contractions musculaires répétées dans le temps liées aux expressions du face. Les personnes ayant une peau fine ou qui sont fréquemment exposées au soleil peuvent remarquer ces signes de vieillissement encore plus tôt.
By injecting small doses of Botox as soon as the first expression lines appear, it is possible to reduce the muscular movements responsible for their appearance and thus delay the formation of static wrinkles (those that are visible even when the face is at rest).
Le Botox fait partie du protocole Skin Restore.
Le Botox préventif consiste à utiliser des doses plus faibles de toxine botulique dans le but de prévenir les rides avant qu’elles ne deviennent permanentes. Cette méthode est souvent surnommée Baby Botox, car elle implique des injections moins concentrées, qui adoucissent subtilement les expressions sans créer l’effet figé souvent redouté.
Les patients optant pour cette approche, généralement entre 25 et 35 ans, rapportent que le traitement permet non seulement de maintenir une skin plus lisse, mais aussi d’éviter le recours à des traitements plus invasifs à un âge plus avancé. Le Botox fait partie du protocole Skin Prevent. De plus, le Botox préventif est considéré comme un bon moyen d’habituer progressivement la peau à des traitements anti-âge tout en préservant un aspect naturel.
Social media and easy access to photos and videos online have also helped to popularise the preventive use of Botox among young adults. The filtered images and high standards of beauty promoted on platforms such as Instagram and TikTok have made the younger generations aware of skin care and the signs of ageing from an early age.
Cette exposition constante pousse de nombreuses personnes à adopter les injections de Botox plus tôt, afin de rester en phase avec les standards esthétiques modernes. La demande pour des résultats naturels est donc en augmentation et le Botox préventif répond à cette attente.
There's no real answer to the question "at what age should I start Botox injections? In reality, the ideal time to start treatment depends on a number of factors.
The ideal time to start Botox injections depends above all on your individual situation. A consultation with a doctor is the first step in determining whether preventive injections are suitable for your skin and your aesthetic goals. The doctor will suggest a tailor-made treatment to give you a more relaxed and fresh appearance, without "freezing" your features.
Contrary to popular belief, starting early does not mean that you will have to receive injections all the time. Maintenance injections are given every 4 to 6 months.
Preventive Botox can be even more effective when combined with other anti-ageing treatments, including injections ofhyaluronic acid. Ce dernier est un hydratant puissant et un composant naturel de la peau.
Hyaluronic acid works by filling in static wrinkles, hydrating the skin, lifting tissues and restoring lost volume.
Le Botox agit sur les rides dynamiques. Ensemble, ils offrent une approche complémentaire et holistique du rajeunissement du visage. Cette combinaison permet non seulement de lisser les rides, mais aussi de restaurer les volumes perdus pour un résultat global plus harmonieux : facial reshaping or Modelage du visage 3D.
As well as Botox, a proper skincare routine at home is essential to maintain youthful, radiant skin. Regular use of sunscreen, retinoids and peptide- or vitamin C-based serums can help prevent UV damage and stimulate collagen production.
Hydration is also important to prolong the effects of beauty treatments and maintain smooth, radiant skin. Creams containing hyaluronic acid or anti-ageing formulas are ideal.
Article written by Dr Romano Valeria
The services described on this site are applicable to Switzerland; there are differences between countries.
Contact details
Dr Valeria Romano
Pl. du Molard 5, 1204 Geneva, Switzerland
Monday to Friday, 9.30am to 6pm
Dr Valeria Romano - All rights reserved.