What is the westernisation of the Asian eye?

L’occidentalisation de l’œil consiste principalement à modifier subtilement les contours et les proportions de la paupière et du pli de l’œil, afin de créer un regard plus ouvert et d’ajouter de la profondeur au regard. La demande donc, n’est pas vraiment d’avoir un œil caucasien.
Ce type de traitement est très demandé par des patients d’origine asiatique qui souhaitent une modification subtile sans passer par la chirurgie.



Westernising the Asian eye in Geneva 

La correction non chirurgicale de l’œil asiatique, souvent appelée occidentalisation de l’œil, est une solution de plus en plus recherchée pour obtenir un regard plus ouvert et défini sans recourir à une opération invasive. Grâce aux injections de botox, d’acide hyaluronique et au lifting non 

chirurgical, il est désormais possible de modifier subtilement la forme des yeux, rehausser la paupière et accentuer le pli palpébral. L’ approche esthétique moderne permet une transformation douce et naturelle, adaptée aux spécificités du visage asiatique, sans risques ni temps de récupération.

Anatomical differences between Asian and European eyes

The anatomical differences between the Caucasian eye and the Asian eye concern the eyelids, the palpebral crease and the arrangement of tissues around the orbit.

Asian upper eyelid
In Caucasians, the upper eyelid crease is generally well-defined and located about 8 to 12 mm above the lash line, giving the eyelid a deeper contour. In Asians, the upper crease is often less pronounced or even absent, giving a smoother eyelid appearance.
The Asian upper eyelid is characterised by :
- More orbital fat.
- A septum which is inserted very low, with the levator aponeurosis, under the upper edge of the tarsus. There are no attachments between the expansions of the levator aponeurosis and the skin.
- Very elastic palpebral skin.
- A palpebral fissure that appears narrowed.
- An upper palpebral crease, which is very often absent and located very low, close to the eyelash line.


The combination of skin laxity and the low position (or absence) of the upper palpebral crease creates a medial canthal skin fold: the epicanthus. There are four stages of epicanthus, depending on the extent of the fold of pre-tarsal skin at the level of the canthus.


Asian lower eyelid
- The septum is inserted high up, close to the ciliary line.
- The palpebral muscle is thinner at this level.
- Fat pockets appear early, but are stable over time.


There are different types of upper palpebral folds

photo Asian eye without palpebral crease

Absence of upper palpebral crease: monopalpea
There is no fold that divides the upper eyelid in two.

photo asian eye degressive palpebral crease

Degressive upper palpebral fold with lateral flaring
The outer part of the eyelid below the crease is wider than the inner part.

photo asian eye multiple palpebral folds

Multiple upper palpebral folds
There are several palpebral folds that divide the upper eyelid.

photo asian eye parallel palpebral folds

Parallel upper palpebral fold
The crease runs parallel to the ciliary margin, and the inner part of the eyelid below the crease is the same width as the outer part.

photo asian eye partial palpebral crease

Partial upper palpebral fold
The upper palpebral crease is not present along the entire length of the upper eyelid.

photo asian eye upper palpebral crease

Degressive upper palpebral fold
The upper palpebral crease becomes narrower at the level of the inner canthus of the eye.

Westernising the Asian eye without surgery

En médecine esthétique, plusieurs techniques permettent de réaliser cette transformation de manière douce et non invasive. 
It is important to consult an experienced practitioner who will be able to carry out these treatments with a mastery of techniques and an understanding of the morphological subtleties of Asian faces. By choosing an experienced practitioner, you will benefit from personalised advice and a tailor-made treatment, for natural, harmonious results.

Who is this intervention aimed at?

Westernising the eyes using aesthetic medicine techniques is particularly suitable for people of Asian origin who wish to enlarge and open up their eyes, while preserving their identity and uniqueness. This treatment is ideal for those looking for an alternative to surgery and who want gradual, temporary changes.

photo botox and hyaluronic acid

Botulinum toxin injection to westernise the Asian eye

Le Botox relaxes certain muscles around the eye, redefining the shape of the eyelids and gently opening up the eyes. Botox® is used to raise the tail of the eyebrows and the eyebrow as a whole, for a more open, structured look.

photo botx nose

Hyaluronic acid for westernising the Asian eye

Used to fill in or modify certain areas of the eye, thehyaluronic acid redefines the contour of the upper eyelids.
It can also be injected into thebrow bone to add volume and depth to the eyes.
Ce produit permet également de traiter le vieillissement de l’œil asiatique. Avec le temps la paupière supérieure asiatique se creuse (hollow eye), comme toute paupière. La perte de plénitude est traitée par injection d’acide hyaluronique. À l’aide d’une canule, l’acide hyaluronique est injecté au niveau du rebord orbitaire pour remplacer la graisse qui a fondu.
Results are immediate and last approximately two years. The after-effects are slight, marked by haematomas (rare) and local oedema.

photo amplification of the G-spot

Advantages of medical techniques for westernising the eyes

Opter pour des techniques médicales offre plusieurs avantages :
• Résultats naturels : ces traitements permettent d’obtenir un résultat subtil et modulable, respectant la morphologie et les proportions du visage.
• Procédures non invasives : ces techniques sont moins invasives que les interventions chirurgicales et elles ne causent pas d’éviction sociale.
• Personnalisation : Chaque traitement est adapté au patient pour atteindre les objectifs souhaités, en conservant l’harmonie naturelle du visage.

The price of westernising the Asian eye

Type of consultation General rates
Hyaluronic acid
CHF 600 per syringe
one zone: CHF 300
two zones: CHF 450
three zones: CHF 600

one zone: CHF 350
two zones: CHF 500
three zones: CHF 650

Other areas to be treated
