What is cellulite?

Cellulite is a subcutaneous fat deposit that gives the typical 'orange peel' appearance. Three factors come into play: fibrosis, oedema and fat accumulation. This is why even very slim women can be affected by this unsightly appearance. The phenome often appears in adolescence.



Cellulite treatment in Geneva

Cellulite is a common aesthetic problem that affects many women, several methods are effective in eliminating cellulite.
Anti-cellulite treatments allow you to achieve a smooth and toned skin.
Whether it's adipose cellulite, water retention cellulite or

incrusted cellulite, there are cellulite treatments. These treatments help women to reduce and eliminate cellulite in order to regain smooth, firm skin.

photo cellulite woman

What causes cellulite?

Cellulite is the result of the histological structure of the skin.
The epidermis (superficial layer of the skin) and the subcutaneous tissue (superficial fatty layer containing the adipocytes) are linked by fibres called septa which cross the dermis (deep layer of the skin). When these fibres contract, the adipocytes (fat cells) are compressed and create a sort of hernia on the skin surface, creating an orange peel appearance.

The factors responsible are :

  • Gender: thanks to structural differences in the way the skin is organised, men do not have cellulite or it is very rare.
  • Genetics: this component explains the presence of cellulite in slim women with a healthy lifestyle.
  • Hormones: they cause water retention. Pregnancy, contraception and the menopause are favourable conditions.
  • Being overweight.
  • A poor lifestyle: smoking, alcohol consumption, a diet rich in unhealthy fats, salty foods and low in fibre.
  • A sedentary lifestyle.

What are the 3 types of cellulite?

There are three types of cellulite:

  • La edematous cellulitis The main factor is water retention.
  • La fibrous cellulite The main factor is the thickening and retraction of the collagen fibres that bind the skin to the deep fat layer.
  • La fatty cellulite The main factor is excess fat cells.
photo light cellulite

Stage I cellulite

moderate photo cellulite

Stage II cellulite

severe photo cellulite

Stage III cellulite

very severe photo cellulite

Stage IV cellulite

How do you recognise cellulite? 

There are four stages ofseverity of cellulite:

  • Stage I: the orange peel appears when pinched.
  • Stage II: the orange peel is visible even without pinching when standing.
  • Stage III: the orange peel is visible even without pinching when standing or lying down.
  • Stage IV: the orange peel is visible even without pinching when standing or lying down. This stage is distinguished from the previous one by the presence of macronodules on histological analysis.

What areas of the body are affected by cellulite?

Theoretically, cellulite can form in any area of the body. However, certain areas are more common.

  • Thighs.
  • Buttocks.
  • Hips.
  • Belly.
  • Knees.

Rarely, particularly in the case of certain medical conditions, cellulite forms on the neck and ankles.  

Cellulite is rare in men and is not distributed in the same way as in women. It is found on the neck, shoulders, flanks and in the area of the skin around the stomach.

Is it possible to have cellulite if you're slim?

A slim woman can have cellulite. Several factors are responsible for the appearance of this unsightly condition and excess fat cells is one of them, but not the only one.

In fact, a slim woman will not normally have adipose cellulite, but she may have aqueous or fibrous cellulite.

It's important to remember that even a slim or normal-weight person can have small, localised fat deposits where cellulite can accumulate.

If you are overweight, losing weight will improve the appearance of cellulite.

What is the best treatment for cellulite?

Treating the factors responsible is essential for visible, long-lasting results.
Sometimes, a change in lifestyle and the factors contributing to cellulite are enough to bring about a satisfactory improvement in skin quality.
To avoid getting cellulite, and therefore in prevention, a healthy lifestyle is essential.

Treatments for cellulite include Sculptra injections, cryolipolysis, EMSculpt, radiofrequency and Onda CoolWaves.
Carboxytherapy and mesotherapy are more of a maintenance and adjunct treatment.

photo cellulite treatment with Sculptra

How can I get rid of cellulite quickly? Sculptra injections

Injections of Sculptra give the most convincing results. This method is only performed on the buttocks.
The injection is carried out using a cannula; no anaesthetic is required. The result is visible one month after the injection, maximum three months later and lasts for two years.
The disadvantage of the treatment is the cost.
For buttocks, for example, three to four vials per session will be used. The number of sessions required is three or four. The price per vial is CHF 900.

What is the most effective treatment for cellulite? Cryolipolysis

Cryolipolysis is indicated for adipose cellulite. No results are obtained on fibrous and aqueous cellulite.
This technique of cold fat cell reduction improves the appearance of the skin in one or two sessions. <Results are optimal three months after the session and are long-lasting.

What is the best way to remove cellulite? EMSculpt

L'EMSculpt is a technology that uses high-intensity focused electromagnetic energy to stimulate deep muscle contractions. These contractions, which are impossible to achieve through voluntary exercise, increase muscle mass and burn localised fat. By strengthening and toning the underlying muscles, EMSculpt helps to reduce the appearance of cellulite. The skin becomes firmer and more even in texture.

How do you get rid of dimpled skin? Radiofrequency

La radiofrequency is a non-invasive technique that uses electromagnetic waves to heat the deep layers of the skin. This heat stimulates the production of collagen and elastin, improving the skin's firmness and tone.
This method reduces the appearance of cellulite and smoothes the skin's surface, making it smoother and more even.

How to combat cellulite Mesotherapy

La mesotherapy is a treatment which involves injecting small quantities of vitamins, minerals, enzymes and amino acids directly into the middle layer of the skin. These injections stimulate blood and lymph circulation, promoting the drainage of water and toxins. By nourishing and hydrating the skin from within, mesotherapy helps to reduce cellulite, improve skin texture and restore elasticity.
Mesotherapy improves skin quality and aqueous cellulite.

Carboxytherapy to improve cellulite

La carboxytherapy is a method that involves injecting medical-grade carbon dioxide (CO2) under the skin. This gas improves blood circulation and stimulates collagen production, which helps to break down fat deposits and smooth the skin. By increasing tissue oxygenation, this technique reduces skin irregularities and significantly improves the appearance of cellulite, making the skin firmer and more elastic.
Carboxytherapy is fairly effective on fibrous cellulite.
Several sessions are required, and the sessions can be painful.

photo cellulite treatment using radiofrequency

How to lose cellulite: Onda CoolWaves?

The Onda CoolWaves is a rapid (lasting around ten minutes), painless shockwave treatment.
The mechanism is the destruction of fat cells and the stimulation of collagen synthesis that surrounds these cells. <Several sessions are required.

How can I get rid of cellulite naturally?

To get rid of cellulite naturally, you need to incorporate a number of habits into your daily routine.

Balanced diet and good hydration
Foods against cellulite , these include fibre-rich foods such as fruit, vegetables and cereals.
A diet low in sugars, processed foods and saturated fats.

Regular physical activity
Cardio and muscle strengthening.

Anti-cellulite massages and self-massages
Massage techniques: palpate-roll stimulates blood and lymph circulation.
Use of brushes: dry-brush your skin with a natural bristle brush to exfoliate and improve circulation.

Skin hydration
Hydrating creams and natural oils to maintain skin elasticity.
Anti-cellulite creams: use products containing caffeine, retinol or plant extracts to firm the skin.

A healthy lifestyle
Avoid tobacco and alcohol
Stress management: practise relaxation techniques such as yoga, meditation or tai chi to reduce stress, which can contribute to cellulite.

Improves blood and lymph circulation
Scottish shower: alternate jets of hot and cold water to stimulate circulation.
Lymphatic drainage activities: incorporate special exercises or techniques to promote lymphatic drainage.

Results before / after anti-cellulite treatments

The improvement in unsightliness is gradual. A healthy lifestyle and the elimination of contributing factors are necessary to maintain the result.

The results are :

  • Significant reduction in subcutaneous fat cells.
  • Visible improvement in skin texture.
  • Moisturises and firms the skin.
  • Increased skin elasticity and Reduced 'orange peel' appearance.
  • Toning and firming of the underlying muscles, if treated with Emsculpt.

Depending on the treatment chosen and the type of cellulite, several sessions may be necessary to achieve visible results.
Maintenance sessions are required, the frequency of which depends on the method used and the severity of the cellulite.

Prices of anti-cellulite treatments

Type of consultation General rates
Cool Waves
CHF 250 per session per zone
CHF 900 per bottle

Opinions on anti-cellulite treatments

Opinions are generally positive. Patients describe a clear improvement in the appearance of their skin after just a few sessions. Below are some of the most common comments.

  • Visible improvement: patients notice a significant reduction in cellulite and smoother, firmer skin.
  • Treatment comfort: the procedures are non-invasive and relatively comfortable, with few or no side effects.
  • Lasting results, but which require maintenance sessions.
  • Increased self-confidence.
  • Overall satisfaction: in general, patients are satisfied with the results obtained and recommend these treatments to others.
Is cellulite common in women?

Yes, cellulite is very common in women, affecting up to 90 % of women at some point in their lives. It is less common in men because of histological differences in the skin and subcutaneous fat.

Excess fat causes adipose cellulite. Other factors are responsible for cellulite, so even slim women can get it.

Results vary depending on the treatment and the characteristics of each patient. Although treatments can offer significant improvement, maintenance sessions and a healthy lifestyle are often necessary to maintain results.

Yes, cryolipolysis can be effective in reducing cellulite by targeting and eliminating subcutaneous fat cells, thereby improving skin texture.

A balanced diet and regular exercise can help reduce the appearance of cellulite, but they cannot eliminate it completely.

There are several treatments available to reduce cellulite: cryolipolysis, EMSCULPT, carboxytherapy, mesotherapy and radiofrequency.

It is not possible to completely prevent the appearance of cellulite, but a healthy lifestyle, including a balanced diet, good hydration and regular exercise, can help reduce its appearance and improve the overall appearance of the skin.

Other areas to be treated




