What is Brazilian Hug Lips?

The technique Brazilian Hug Lips is a method of injectinghyaluronic acid in lips specifically designed to treat lips showing advanced signs of ageing, such as inversion and atrophy. Unlike traditional approaches, it focuses not only on volume, but also on restoring the structure and function of the lips.
The main objectives of the Brazilian Hug Lips method are :
- Correct lip inversion: by restoring support and repositioning the tissues, the upper lip regains its natural curve.
- Restore volume: the technique targets the areas most affected by volume loss for a subtle, harmonious result.
- Redefine contours: the Cupid's bow and the corners of the mouth are restructured for clean, natural definition.
- Improve hydration: hyaluronic acid is well-known for its moisturising properties.



Brazilian Hug Lips in Geneva 

With age, the lips undergo major transformations: loss of volume, inversion of the upper lip and atrophy of the tissues. These changes can alter the overall appearance of the face and sometimes affect self-confidence.

These changes are difficult to process, so the Brazilian Hug Lips is a non-surgical, personalised solution for restoring the beauty and youthfulness of the lips.

photo of beautiful full lips

The benefits of Brazilian Hug Lips

Brazilian Hug Lips is particularly suitable for patients over fifty with inverted and atrophied lips.

This method differs from other injection techniques:
- Restoring the natural curve of the lips: the principle of the technique is to reposition the tissues to reverse the inward folding effect. The lips regain their original shape and harmony.
- Subtle, natural results: the aim is not to add excessive volume, but to restore the structure and youthfulness of the lips. This guarantees a discreet, refined effect.
- Moisturising and smoothing fine lines: thanks to its moisturising properties, hyaluronic acid reduces fine lines on the red lip.
- Smile enhancement: by correcting asymmetries and redefining contours, Brazilian Hug Lips beautify and rejuvenate the smile.
- Fast, non-invasive procedure: unlike a surgical operation, this technique requires no incision and no general anaesthetic, with no need for social withdrawal.

Who is Brazilian Hug Lips for?

This technique is particularly suitable for :
- Post-fifties patients with inverted and atrophied lips.
- Patients who want a natural improvement without excess volume.
- Patients seeking to rejuvenate the oral area.
- Patients who wish to avoid invasive procedures such as surgical lip lifts. Nevertheless, the results of Brazilian Hug Lips are less significant than those obtained by surgical lip lifts.

photo lip lift by brazilian hug lips

How does a Brazilian Hug Lips session work?

At your first appointment, Dr Romano will examine the morphology of your lips and discuss your expectations. This step is crucial in establishing a treatment plan tailored to your needs. The Brazilian Hug Lips technique is an innovative and meticulous approach to lip enhancement using hyaluronic acid injections.
Before the injections, the area is cleaned and disinfected. An anaesthetic cream may be applied.
Dr Romano uses flexible microcannulas for the injection. The flexibility of the microcannulas, combined with their blunt tip, offers greater precision while minimising trauma, thereby reducing the risk of haematomas. These features promote rapid recovery and optimal patient comfort.
The aim is to create a 'C'-shaped contour all over the lips, ensuring even distribution of the product and natural-looking results.
When treating the upper lip, two entry points are made under each nasal wing, and the microcannula is inserted at this level and slid into the subdermal and submuscular plane. A bolus of hyaluronic acid is deposited, followed by a retrograde injection down to the red/white transition of the lips. The movement of the cannula is reminiscent of a "hug" as it envelops the lip, hence the name of the technique. This meticulous and precise injection enables the contour of the lips to be sculpted and harmonised, without compromising their natural appearance.
For the lower lip, the technique is adapted by dividing the area into two segments and using a similar approach. The product is applied gradually, following the contour of the lips, for a balanced, refined result.

Brazilian Hug Lips results

The first results are visible immediately after the session. However, the final result generally appears after around ten days, once the product has integrated into the tissues and the slight post-injection swelling has disappeared.
What you can expect:
- Subtly plumped, rejuvenated lips.
- Correction of lip inversion, restoring a natural, harmonious curve.
- Well-defined contours, particularly around the Cupid's bow and the corners of the mouth.
- Improved lip texture and hydration.
The effects of Brazilian Hug Lips generally last between 6 and 12 months, depending on the patient's individual characteristics, metabolism and the type of product used.

Why do lips invert and atrophy with age?

Over time, several factors contribute to the appearance of these changes:
- Loss of collagen and elastin: these essential proteins ensure the skin's firmness and elasticity. Their reduction leads to thinning and sagging of the lips.
- Bone resorption: bone reabsorption in the maxilla reduces the structural support of the lips, accentuating their inversion.
- Decreased muscle tone: the peri-labial muscles weaken, accentuating the inversion (inward folding) of the upper lip.
- Skin ageing: fine lines and dehydration around the lips alter their overall appearance.
- Environmental factors: smoking, exposure to the sun and a poor lifestyle accelerate these processes.


Type of consultation General rates
Hyaluronic acid
650 CHF per syringe
