
The face is the first contact we make with others. Today, it is possible to improve facial features, reduce the signs of ageing and redefine the structure of the face using aesthetic medicine techniques.

Avant de décider de suivre un traitement de médecine esthétique pour le visage, il est crucial de consulter un professionnel qualifié qui pourra évaluer vos besoins et vous conseiller les meilleures options. Voici quelques points à considérer :

  • Personalised assessment for optimum results.
  • Informations complètes : comprendre les procédures, les résultats et les soins post-traitement.
  • Choix du spécialiste : assurez-vous de choisir un médecin esthétique expérimenté et reconnu.

Redefining the face with cosmetic procedures

How do you get a beautiful face without surgery? This section looks at the techniques used to create or restore facial volumes lost over the years. Hyaluronic acid injections are the mainstay of the treatment. Thanks to technical advances in aesthetic medicine, it is now possible to feminise, masculinise and lift the face without cosmetic surgery. The results will be natural and harmonious.










Why opt for a facial aesthetic treatment?

photo of differences between men's and women's foreheads

Motivations are diverse and personal, and each intervention is adapted to the specific needs of the patient:

  • Reshaping the contours of the face for a more harmonious appearance.
  • Wrinkle treatment to erase the signs of ageing and restore smoother, younger-looking skin.
  • Elimination of brown spots for a more even, radiant complexion.
  • Removal of dark circles for a fresh, rested look.
  • Restoration of lost facial volumes.

The reasons for consulting an aesthetic doctor vary according to age. Young adults want to treat skin problems such as acne, prevent the first signs of ageing or reshape the face, while older people often want to reduce wrinkles and the various signs of ageing and restore volume to the face.

Which beauty treatment for the face?

image slimming the face with botox

There is a wide range of beauty treatments to suit all needs and objectives. Here is an overview of the main treatments available to enhance your face:

  • Les injections de botox: utilisées pour réduire les rides d’expression
  • Les injections d’acide hyaluronique : utilisées pour le comblent des rides et des creux, la restauration et/ou la création de volumes (lèvres, pommettes…), et l’hydratation profonde.
  • Le Sculptra : produit à base d’acide polylactique utilisé pour la restauration des volumes, l’hydratation cutanée et l’amélioration de l’épaisseur de la peau.

How can I get a good-looking face?

Every face is unique and deserves special attention. It is possible to correct facial defects without surgery, achieve lasting results and prevent the signs of ageing in your thirties.

But it's vital to act early to prevent and treat facial imperfections. Facial aesthetic medicine techniques are effective in maintaining a youthful, natural appearance by intervening before the signs of ageing become too pronounced. That's why a preventive, proactive approach is essential.

Starting aesthetic treatments at an early stage maximises their effectiveness. The results are not only more natural, but also longer-lasting.

 The state of our face depends on many factors, including :

  • General health Your overall state of health influences the appearance of your skin.
  • Healthy living A healthy lifestyle helps to keep your skin looking young.
  • Genetics Your genetic make-up plays a crucial role in skin ageing.
  • Weight Weight variations can affect the elasticity and firmness of your skin.
  • Power supply A balanced diet is essential for healthy skin.
  • Pace of life Stress and fatigue have a direct impact on your face.
  • Lifestyle habits : Whether or not you smoke influences the appearance of your skin.
  • Sun exposure The sun is one of the main factors in skin ageing.
  • Pollution : The environment can aggravate the signs of ageing.
  • Skin care Regular skin care is essential to maintain the health of your skin.
